Introducing the Couchbase Scala SDK

Couchbase Scala SDK

I'm very happy to report that Couchbase now has a supported Scala SDK, allowing you to get and fetch documents, run N1QL queries, and perform analytics and full-text search lookups — all with native Scala.

In this article, I'm going to touch on the key features and design principles of the Scala SDK. Or if you want to get going right away, then check out the getting started guide here. The Scala SDK is available to download right now in a pre-release alpha form.

Intro to Couchbase Transactions Java API [Video]

This video, about Couchbase Distributed ACID Transactions, is a quick guide for you, the busy Java developer, on how to get started with the new API, including some important best practices you’ll want to implement. I’m not going to cover how transactions work or dive into ACID, as there are other resources being released that cover that.

Couchbase Transactions are available for Community Edition, and there are no new services to configure, and there’s nothing new to set up on the cluster. Just add a line to your Gradle or Maven project to pull in the library, and you’re ready to go — you can check out our documentation for transactions and the Java API documentation to get started.