Performance Testing: Samples Isolation

This article is intended to explain the important use case of sharing data across the ThreadGroups in JMeter where most developers/test engineers face these challenges. Let's start with the example use case below:

  1. Create JDBC Requests in a ThreadGroup.
  2. Retrieve the Results.
  3. Share the Results to Another Thread Group
  4. Use the Results to Send the HTTP Calls.

As part of this material:

Redis Reconnection Resiliency


It's a world of microservices. Such applications or microservices are required to store data temporarily with frequent and super quick access to avoid disk IO operations using Redis-like in-memory databases. These applications have multiple in-memory database clusters to handle huge amounts of traffic and to avoid request failures. To access this data quickly, applications are required to have the preconfigured, established pooled connections ready for service from the applications.Image title

Problem Statement

Applications built for resiliency have backup options in case of application or infrastructure failures. In-memory database clusters that exist in different data centers on different servers allow for backup connectivity in case of data center or server issues.