Kumologica: Exception Handling In Specific Nodes of a Flow [Video]

Although every programmer intends to write code that executes without any errors, a robust implementation of any logic should account for any exceptional scenarios that might occur during program execution. An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program and that disrupts the normal flow of instructions. And a graceful handling of such exceptional scenarios is very important because it maintains the normal, desired flow of a program even when an unexpected event occurs. 

If exceptions are not handled properly, it results in the undesired state of execution of the program. Hence, it is expected from any language/product that it provides a robust but at the same time, developer and implementation friendly setup for exception handling.

Kumologica: Data Mapping Using DataMapper Node

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

REST-based APIs have become the main building blocks in the modern digital ecosystem. API-based integration is becoming the default model for integration within the organization, and also to expose an organization's business functionality to their partner network or even to the general public. For these APIs, data is the main constituent.