5 Ways to Get an Oracle Database

Do you want to get your hands on an Oracle Database but don't know how? Here are five ways to get you going.


Do you just want to type some awesome SQL and need a database to do so? Then LiveSQL.oracle.com is your friend. LiveSQL is a browser-based SQL scratchpad that not only allows you to pull off some SQL magic but also to save and share your scripts with others. It also comes with a comprehensive library of tutorials and samples. LiveSQL is the best place for anybody that is completely unfamiliar with Oracle Database and wants to get going.

Oracle Database Client Libraries for Java Now on Maven Central

Oracle has published its Oracle Database JDBC client libraries on Maven Central. From now on you can find Oracle Database related jar files under the com.oracle.database group ID. You will find all libraries from version (e.g. ojdbc6) to 19.3.0 (e.g. ojdbc10).

Going forward, Oracle will use Maven Central as one of the primary distribution mechanisms for Oracle Database Java client libraries, meaning that you will also be able to find new versions of these libraries on Maven Central in the future.

Turning Your Raspberry Pi Into a Science Research Station Via BOINC

Use your computing power for the greater good...

BOINC lets you help cutting-edge science research using your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux) or Android device. BOINC downloads scientific computing jobs to your computer and runs them invisibly in the background. It’s easy and safe, you can check it out here.

This is the entry paragraph on the Berkely University BOINC website: "The BOINC software, short for Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, can also be installed on Raspberry Pis, making your Raspberry Pi your own little science research station. This way, you can help science projects such as SETI@home, Einstein@Home, Universe@Home, and many more."