Static Website Generation With Java and Maven (JBake)

Last week, we migrated the entire website (1399 files) to build with Java and Maven, instead of Ruby and Rake. On the face of it, nothing changed. But in the sources, for our team of Java developers, it is a game-changer.

Our java team can now contribute to the website easily. Within hours of completing the migration, there was already a commit of one of our developers who would rather not touch the previous source code with a ten-foot pole.

Artificial Intelligence in Java (Video): Coding on Quarkus With OptaPlanner

This JUG recording of a live coding presentation shows how to build an AI planning optimization application from scratch on Quarkus that optimizes complex timetabling problems with OptaPlanner.

It exposes a REST service and connects to a database. By the end, constraints are added one by one - causing the "Solve" button to generate radically different schedules after each addition — improving the lives of users as more constraints are taken into account.

The source code build for this presentation is available in GitHub.