How to Prepare for CKAD and CKA Certification


While preparing for the CNCF's CKAD or CKA certification, there could be numerous doubts for you: which exam to appear first, what resources to refer to, what are common mistakes to avoid, etc. Especially, if you don't have previous knowledge or hands-on experience with Kubernetes, this could be a tough situation to be in. At InfraCloud, engineers are highly encouraged to appear for these exams and get certified. This blog post is a collaborative effort from the recently certified Infranauts to share all the insights straight from before registering for the exam to the next steps after clearing the exam successfully.

With around 50% developers CKA and CKAD certified, we share our experiences, study material, Do's and Dont's, FAQ, etc. about the exam. If you're willing to start your journey in Kubernetes and are aiming to be certified, you will find this blog helpful.

Using Microsoft Azure to Build and Deploy an ASP.NET Core Application as a Docker Container – Part 1


This article is the first in the series where we are going to build a simple ASP.NET Core web application, containerize it with Docker and run it on the local host. And we will push everything to GitHub for later use.

In later posts, we will set up a Microsoft Azure DevOps Build pipeline to automate the process of building and pushing the Docker image to Docker Hub. Next, we will use Azure DevOps Release pipeline to deploy our application on Azure Web App Service as a container.

Structure of a Go Program

Every single programming language has got its own syntax or structure, it’s own flavor, and that’s what makes it standout. Go is no different. It’s easy and elegant in its own way, making to it fun to play with. In this article we will be talking about:

  • A Go program structure.
  • Running a Go program.
  • Comments in Go.
  • Semicolons.
  • Revisiting the code.

Go Program Structure

To understand a Go program's structure, we need to have a Go program first, so let’s revisit our favorite Hello, World! program.