Cloud Key Management Services Use Cases

Today, the cloud environment has been chosen by many business solutions as the major hosting environment for their applications. They can either choose Software-as-a-service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), or Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) different solution types to build up solutions to meet business requirements. However, storing business data in the Cloud environment will have a great challenge in exposing business data to the public. As the concerns data security issues, every Cloud platform vendor provides a different solution for data security. Understanding the similarity and differences in those solutions will help the business clients choose the proper solution for the business applications.  

This article will discuss the primary solution use cases and major differences in secret key management among the Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform for managing secret keys, certificates, and data encryptions.  Although a platform could provide a similar solution or indirect solution for a specific use case, it will still be compared as a difference as long as it is not a commonly used use case.

Self-Hosted Gateway Design Patterns Discussion

Microsoft Azure provides the default API management platform tool call API Management, which provides rich features to manage and monitor APIs in the Azure environment. However, for the hybrid on-prem/off-prem cloud environment and multi-cloud environment, the organization may want to simplify the API communication to make it more efficient, flexible on executing external workflow, or plugin a security module to manage APIs hosted on-premises or across clouds. 

The self-hosted gateway feature extended from Azure API Management enables those hybrid and multi-cloud API management requirements and allows the organization to customize the API implementation, integration, communication, routing management, monitoring, traffic, and security controls in the cloud environment.  It supports APIs hosted in either on-prem or off-prem across different cloud instances.

Adherence Enterprise Project Gating Governance With Agile DevOps

Enterprise Project Stage Gating

In the current IT project management, many organizations adopt the Project Gating process to manage projects' life cycles. Project Gates and Checkpoint Reviews provide key communication opportunities for projects to move through from each phase or specific elaboration steps. Gates and Checkpoint reviews also provide a formal means of controlling the quality of deliverables, reducing project risk, monitoring change requests, and maintaining stakeholder interest.

The gateway process consists of gates that align with each phase of the project life-Cycle, where the project sponsor can review progress and ensure that the project is ready to move forward. In general, there are six gates in a project lifecycle:

Enterprise Integration Patterns From ESB to ESP and API

Today, when we talk about enterprise application integration, we cannot avoid the pervasively-used enterprise service bus (ESB) pattern, which implements a communication system between mutually interacting software applications in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and has been adopted in most enterprise applications.

ESB can be used as an integration platform and primarily used in enterprise application integration (EAI) of heterogeneous and complex service landscapes. ESB is the backbone of SOA infrastructure. It has platform-agnostic nature and the ability to integrate with anything IT system with mixed environments.

Clustering Algorithms to Build a Smart Monitoring Tool With Machine Learning K

Utilize clustering algorithms.

Learn how to build your smart system monitoring tool by using Microservices and Machine Learning (k-mean clustering) algorithms to leverage existing server-centric log events system to a predictive smart events system.

Why — Need a Smart Monitoring System

In the modern IT world, technology is evolving rapidly, and businesses need to keep up to stay relevant. More and more applications’ continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes will depend on IT infrastructure and the platform’s stability. Most traditional system monitoring tools are server-centric and not able to handle tends based on application and system runtime experience.