Securing the Future: The Role of Post-Quantum Cryptography

As they evolve, quantum computers will be able to break widely used cryptographic protocols, such as RSA and ECC, which rely on the difficulty of factoring large numbers and calculating discrete logarithms. Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) aims to develop cryptographic algorithms capable of withstanding these quantum attacks, in order to guarantee the security and integrity of sensitive data in the quantum era.

Futuristic image of virtual data and light

Understanding the Complexity and Implementation of PQC

Post-quantum cryptography is based on advanced mathematical concepts such as lattices and polynomial equations. These complex foundations require specialized knowledge to be properly understood and effectively implemented.

The Role of AI Ethics: Balancing Innovation with Social Responsibility

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a rapidly expanding domain characterized by its swiftly evolving technologies and methodologies. Its transformative potential spans across various sectors of the economy and society. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge the ethical dilemmas that AI poses. Companies at the forefront of AI development, alongside businesses, communities, administrations, and individuals incorporating it into their daily lives, must remain mindful of these issues.

The Primary Domains of Artificial Intelligence

AI can be categorized into various domains, each with unique attributes tailored to achieve specific goals in particular applications. These objectives and applications stem from the technical capabilities and specific challenges inherent in the respective domains, addressing diverse use cases.

Exploring AI’s Contribution to Ethics and ESG in Enterprises

The incredible growth of artificial intelligence applications is due in no small part to the ever-increasing power of computers and their hardware, which today enables systems to be created and trained according to gigantic data volumes or CPU (or GPU) quantities, managing trillions of parameters.

Beyond all the added value these technologies bring, it's important to be aware of and consider the challenges they represent.

Similarity Search for Embedding: A Game Changer in Data Analysis

Since OpenAI's meteoric rise to the forefront of innovation, a number of technology heavyweights - including AWS, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Databricks, Meta or Oracle, to name but a few, have integrated their own approach to generative AI into their research and development programs. 

This is how Oracle announced at its annual CloudWorld conference that the company is adding generative AI capabilities to its Cloud data analysis service.

Cognitive AI: The Road To AI That Thinks Like a Human Being

One of the most persistent myths surrounding the advent of Artificial Intelligence lies in the fantasy that advanced new technologies carry the "superpower" of being able to address every subject. For some, AI is providential, while for others, it is nothing less than a threat to humanity.

In reality, artificial intelligence technologies cannot solve problems for which they were not designed.

User Safety and Privacy Protection in the Age of AI Chatbots in Healthcare

The use of AI chatbots in healthcare necessitates a comprehensive approach to address vital considerations. From data training to security measures and ethical practices, a wide range of precautions must be implemented. Human monitoring, user education, and mitigating the risks of anthropomorphism are crucial aspects to focus on.

Find out how continuous monitoring and feedback promote transparency, user safety, privacy protection, and the provision of reliable information.

Machine Learning Driving Innovation in the Digital Age

As companies across all industries realize the value of implementing a data-driven strategy, machine learning (ML) is emerging as a transformative force to be reckoned with. While implementing machine learning initiatives at the core of their digital transformation strategy, they are measuring the complexity of bringing them to fruition. 

Navigating Complexity and Avoiding Project Pitfalls

Analysts agree that the failure rate of machine learning projects is around 80%. Indeed, Gartner predicted that by the end of 2022, approximately 85 percent of AI projects would have delivered erroneous outcomes due to bias in data, algorithms, or the teams responsible for managing them. IDC's research indicates that while AI/ML adoption is on the rise, cost, lack of expertise, and lack of life-cycle management tools are among the top three inhibitors to realizing AI and ML at scale.

Unlocking the Power of AI in Law: The Intersection of Technology and Ethics

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are enabling the design of increasingly powerful knowledge automation tools. According to McKinsey, this should generate an estimated annual value of between 5 and 7 trillion dollars by 2025. Among the fields concerned — law and justice.

Predictive Justice

The fields of law are based on mountains of texts and rules that make this automation of knowledge possible. We can think of the automated creation of reports, work contracts, sales contracts, regulations, and even laws.

Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management With AI: Improving Demand Predictions and Optimizing Operations

In today's rapidly changing business environment, staying ahead of the competition requires constant innovation and adaptation. Supply Chain Management, a domain that is constantly under stress, has seen significant advances in recent years through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). By using tools and solutions augmented by the technological and methodological capabilities of AI, including machine learning (ML), companies can improve their demand forecasting processes and level up their operational excellence. 

This directly impacts their efficiency and the need for them to achieve cost savings. 

When AI Strengthens Good Old Chatbots: A Brief History of Conversational AI

I. Introduction

The term “Conversational AI” invokes the use of artificial intelligence technologies to enable computer solutions to communicate with humans in a natural and interactive way. It can be applied in many different contexts, such as customer service Chatbots, virtual assistants, and communication systems. Its capability to understand and respond to human speech has the potential to transform the way we interact with machines, software, and applications.

Whether through text, voice, or other forms of communication, including video or image, Conversational AI is changing the way we communicate with either the digital or the real world around us.

12 Quotes That Question AI in 2019

2018’s 5th biggest barrier to digital transformation within global companies was “immature digital culture.” What is your level of understanding of one of its major components, artificial intelligence, in regards to its issues and opportunities?

Do you think 2018 was the year of artificial intelligence, or do you think 2019 will be its year? Perhaps we are now in the middle of the AI era.