Cloud-Native Observability With WSO2 Micro Integrator

In a distributed systems environment, troubleshooting and debugging are critical and also very challenging tasks. WSO2 Micro Integrator offers the possibility to integrate with cloud-native monitoring tools in order to provide a comprehensive observability solution with log monitoring, message tracing, and metrics monitoring.

With WSO2 MI we have two approaches to help us deal with observability:

Iterate/Aggregate Fault Handling in WSO2 EI

In WSO2, we can implement the Splitter and Aggregator EIP using the Iterate and Aggregate mediators. With the Splitter pattern, we can split a message composed by different elements that need to be processed individually, and then we use the Aggregator pattern to aggregate the results of each individual call and then perform some processing over the aggregated results.

Happy Path Example

In a happy path example, all the requests and processing done inside the iterate mediator will occur with no failures, and the aggregate mediator will handle the results of all the requests made. We can see that in the proxy below:

Enable SSO Authentication in WSO2 EI Using Okta

This post will show you how to enable SSO authentication in WSO2 Enterprise Integrator using Okta. For this tutorial, we are going to use WSO2 EI 6.5.0. It also requires us to have an Okta account; we can create one for free on the Okta website.

Configuring Okta

In the developer’s console, we need to switch to the Classic UI and then we need to do the following:

Creating WSO2 EI DataServices With Sybase Database

Creating WSO2 EI DataServices With Sybase Database

This post will show a quick example of how we can connect with the Sybase database using WSO2 EI DataServices. For this post, we have used WSO2 EI 6.5.0, but it should work with EI 7 as well. So, let's start.

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Starting a Local Sybase Instance

In order to have this example to work, we need to have an instance of Sybase. For that, we will use the following Docker Image available in Docker Hub: datagrip/sybase. This Docker image contains a Sybase 16.2, to start it we just need to run the following command: