How to Configure MySQL Master-Slave Replication on Ubuntu 16.04

Alibaba Cloud offers a hassle-free on-demand computing service, Elastic Compute Service (ECS), which can be deployed with just a few clicks and install a Linux distribution of your choice.

With each instance configured, you can run highly scalable database servers such as MySQL. On top of these, you can take advantage of their fast memory and latest CPUs to create a redundant environment for your MySQL server.

How to Use MySQL Transactions on Alibaba Cloud ECS or ApsaraDB for MySQL

MySQL is one of the most popular Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). The open-source database server is widely adopted in a production environment for data storage especially with Content Management Systems like WordPress and Magento.

One of the key features of MySQL is its support for transactions and explicit locks that make it the best when it comes to ACID compliance. We will explain this later in the guide.

How to Use Standard MySQL Library Functions on Alibaba Cloud ECS and ApsaraDB

MySQL Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is widely used by developers because of its advanced features. These include dozens of built-in functions and transactions support. MySQL is also scalable, flexible, and secure to ensure round-the-clock uptime.

The RDBMS standard library functions are a specific set of routines that perform a specific task and return results very quickly. Hence, they eliminate the need to write a lot of code for handling database manipulation.

How to Secure Apache Web Server With ModEvasive on Ubuntu 16.04

Apache is the cornerstone of modern web servers and is a powerful software solution for a large percentage of today's internet economy.

According to a July 2018 research published by w3techs, Apache has a market share of around 45.9 percent. That being said, Apache web server is targeted by most hackers. The software is secure out-of-the-box, but you can still harden it with some additional modules.