MLOps vs. DevOps: The Key Similarities and Differences

DevOps has been an integral part of software development for the last 15 years. The ‘shift left’ culture, as it is popularly known, is employed across various organizations as it introduced new technologies, automation, and people systems to help shorten the software development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery of high-quality software.

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence in recent years, the structure of how enterprises are delivering and consuming AI has changed drastically with the proliferation of open-source technology. MLOps is the logical reaction to the current difficulties enterprises face putting machine learning into production.

Best Kubernetes Tools: The Complete Guide

Kubernetes is the market leader when it comes to the orchestration of containerized applications. It allows you to manage containers in a multi-host environment, offering workload distribution and network handling. 

Furthermore, it provides a variety of features that are vital in the DevOps process, such as auto-scaling, auto-healing, and load balancing. These capabilities explain why Kubernetes is the go-to solution for most Software Engineers. 

Container Security: Top 5 Best Practices for DevOps Engineers

Containerization has resulted in many businesses and organizations developing and deploying applications differently. A recent report by Gartner indicated that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations would be running containerized applications in production, up from less than 30% in 2020. However, while containers come with many benefits, they certainly remain a source of cyberattack exposure if not appropriately secured.

Previously, cybersecurity meant safeguarding a single "perimeter." By introducing new layers of complexity, containers have rendered this concept outdated. Containerized environments have many more abstraction levels, which necessitates using specific tools to interpret, monitor, and protect these new applications.

Single Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud: 7 Key Differences

The advent of the Internet has brought revolutionary changes in the IT world. One of the notable changes is that virtualization has advanced with the Internet to become an integral part of the IT infrastructure of modern organizations. As a result, companies are now relying on the virtual online entity housing data and services, commonly referred to as the cloud. The switch to the cloud was brought on by the exponential data growth in the last couple of decades. In fact, studies predict that by 2025, the cloud will be storing up to 100 zettabytes of data.

What Is the Cloud?

The cloud refers to a global network of remote servers, each with a unique function that are connected and work together as a unitary ecosystem. In simple terms, the cloud describes what we commonly know as the “internet.” This remote network of servers is designed to either store and manage data, run applications, or deliver content or a service such as streaming videos or accessing social media networks for anyone with an internet connection. 

How to Set Up Trivy Scanner in GitLab CI: The Complete Guide

Containerization is a modern practice used by software development teams as the DevOps culture continues to grow in popularity. Most of these environments benefit from the rich features provided by containerization, such as scalability, portability, and process isolation.

However, it is essential to consider "how secure" a software is before shipping it to your clients. When creating container images as your releases, the heavy use of third-party and outdated libraries means you risk introducing added vulnerabilities to the images you ship. As such, there is a need for a reliable way of scanning container images. This is where Trivy comes in handy.

How to Install Pixie for Kubernetes Monitoring: The Complete Guide

Since Pixie's acquisition by New Relic in late 2020, there has been rapid growth in its features, scope, and vision. It does not end there. New Relic has an ambitious long-term roadmap for a Pixie that better supports third-party tools, plugins, and very large Kubernetes clusters. It is important to highlight that most older monitoring systems were considered inefficient due to their operational overhead. Taking this in the context of a cloud environment, where you're paying by the resources used, this can quickly become expensive.

Pixie offers monitoring, telemetry, metrics, and more with less than 5% CPU overhead and latency degradation during data collection. Extended platform usage with considerable workloads will maintain an average of 2% overhead, an excellent improvement over legacy systems.

GCP DevOps: Top 7 Implementation Services

As more companies are turning to the Cloud for their application development needs, a new challenge emerged. The physical dedicated servers were proving to be slow, expensive, and required a lot of maintenance to keep up with the growing speed of the market as a whole. The emergence of Agile methodologies was a step in the right direction. However, even these Agile methodologies fell short in keeping up with the increased demand.

This is where DevOps came into the picture to change the culture to a more efficient, reliable, and secure way to develop, manage, and monitor applications. With that said, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a collection of cloud computing services from Google. It runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as: 

How To Integrate Infracost With Terraform Cloud

Running infrastructure at any scale almost always guarantees a dizzying array of components and configurations. To further complicate things, different teams within an organization may need similar infrastructures with slight variations. Additionally, that infrastructure may be spread over multiple topographies, from on-premise to one or more cloud vendors.

Terraform is Hashicorp’s service offering that can provision infrastructure across multiple clouds and on-premises data centers, in addition to safely and efficiently re-provisioning infrastructure in response to configuration changes. 

How to Choose a Container Registry: The Top 9 Picks

The invention of the open-source Docker Engine in 2013 resulted in containerization being one of the first steps towards modernizing the process of developing cloud applications. Before the invention of the Docker Engine, you had to configure applications for a specific computer/hardware. The downside of this approach was that it could be time-consuming to move an application from one server to another if the need arose.

But, with the launch of the Docker Registry,  the longstanding challenge of managing and organizing container registries was solved.  In fact, the Docker Registry rapidly became the software industry standard. Today, container registries help firms to collect, store, and deliver container images for different phases through their software development process within a central location. 

Infracost: How to Get Started

Infracost is an open-source project released in June 2020 on their 0.1.0 version. It was created by cloud computer experts Hassan Khajeh-Hosseini, Ali Khajeh-Hosseini, and Alistair Scott. They have been working with cloud technologies since 2012 by providing solutions to tech giants such as Sony, Samsung, and Netflix.

Working with cloud providers and DevOps is all about speed, efficiency, and cost management. However, the cost of infrastructural changes can be challenging to gauge. A deployment that shifts allocated resources may lead to a displeasing bill at the end of the month.