Spring Boot 3.2: Replace Your RestTemplate With RestClient

In the world of Spring Boot, making HTTP requests to external services is a common task. Traditionally, developers have relied on RestTemplate for this purpose. However, with the evolution of the Spring Framework, a new and more powerful way to handle HTTP requests has emerged: the WebClient. In Spring Boot 3.2, a new addition called RestClient builds upon WebClient, providing a more intuitive and modern approach to consuming RESTful services.

Origins of RestTemplate

RestTemplate has been a staple in the Spring ecosystem for years. It's a synchronous client for making HTTP requests and processing responses. With RestTemplate, developers could easily interact with RESTful APIs using familiar Java syntax. However, as applications became more asynchronous and non-blocking, the limitations of RestTemplate started to become apparent.

Migrating From Lombok to Records in Java

Java, as a programming language, has evolved over the years, introducing new features and improvements to enhance developer productivity and code readability. With the release of Java 14, one notable feature is the introduction of records as a language feature, offering a concise way to define immutable data-carrying classes. 

If you have been using Lombok to reduce boilerplate code in your Java classes, it's worth considering migrating to records for a more native and standardized approach.