8 Open Source Projects You Need to See!

The year 2020 has already started and with it, the huge amount of languages/frameworks/tools that we developers have to know, learn or just 'take a look at' only increases. In this short article, I try to demonstrate the 8 OpenSource projects that appear to be promising for the year. Many of these projects are already in use today (some even on a large scale), others are coming into focus just this year, either through community adoption or relevance in the current context of software development.


React — Gatsby

Gatsby is an SSG (Static Site Generator) OpenSource based on React that aims to make development easier and more efficient. Gatsby is a framework that brings together the main features of React and several other modern tools in the same package, facilitating the creation of fast and powerful websites and web applications. 

13 Reasons Why You Should Use Heroku in Your Next Project

Heroku is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that exists on the cloud, allowing software developers to build and run complex web applications without having to worry about the underlying hardware or the networking aspects of it.

I've been using Heroku for more than three years for some personal projects (small and big ones) and I truly recommend it for several reasons that I will explain below. Of course, this tool isn’t a silver bullet for cloud deployment; you will always need to know your needs in a project before choosing a tool to achieve it. Also, this is not any promoted article by SalesForce, I’m doing it for free because this tool really helps me almost every day to get things done in an easy way. 

Why Does a Dev Need to Know About DevOps?

Like any developer, priority number one is to produce readable, reusable, and maintainable code. Only those items would be enough to write many books, but not only did the area of development itself grow, the area of operations grew rapidly, and in a segment where once it was only the "infrastructure field", Operations now stands out as its own area with professionals, tools, literature, as well as more and more work opportunities related to the now called "DevOps."

Part of the DevOps concept itself has features directly related to development, so being a software developer today and neglecting this trend is almost impossible. Moreover, it can be somewhat detrimental to your career by not noticing what goes on around you.