How SAML 2.0 Authentication Works and Why It Matters

What is SAML 2.0?

At its core, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 is a means to exchange authorization and authentication information between services. SAML is frequently used to implement internal corporate single sign-on (SSO) solutions where the user logs into a service that acts as the single source of identity which then grants access to a subset of other internal services.

The advantage of adopting SAML/SSO from a security perspective is clear:

The Top 3 Things Holding Back Your Kubernetes Strategy and How to Fix Them

A reported 69% of organizations surveyed by CNCF (the Cloud Native Computing Foundation) use Kubernetes to manage containers. As Kubernetes becomes the new standard for container orchestration, a new set of challenges result and enterprises are often spending significant time focused on managing their Kubernetes deployments rather than innovating. The most common barriers are around security vulnerabilities and lack of trust, scarcity of skills and expertise, and navigating storage needs. 

Why Kubernetes?

We can all agree that our industry is prone to hype and sometimes we feel the pressure of adopting a new technology simply because our peers and competitors do. Before diving into challenges of adopting Kubernetes (K8s), let’s remind ourselves of why someone should (or shouldn’t) bother.