How Do the Docker Client and Docker Servers Work?

Docker is a powerful tool for building, running, and managing distributed applications. It uses the Docker Client and Docker Server to provide a seamless workflow. This makes it easy to run applications using containers, allowing users to set up applications quickly.

Docker can be used across various cloud, desktop, and server platforms. It is available for macOS, Windows, Linux Distributions, Windows Server 2016, AWS, Google Compute Platform, Azure, and IBM Cloud. You can use Docker for your application development without any limitations. However, it is essential to research the architecture of Docker to take full advantage of its features.

How Does Continuous Testing Improve DevOps?

Today with new technologies emerging to serve customers, efficient delivery of the software and the ability to quickly resolve the issues that may occur are among the keys to a successful product launch. The users demand quality and seamlessly working products, and businesses want to deliver the software faster. 

Testing is one of the necessary procedures to ensure that the software is performing as entitled and, thus, doesn’t contain bugs. There are various approaches to executing the testing, which may depend on many factors. But as practice shows, the more often you test your product, the less time it takes to release and less budget to fix the mistakes.

Live Loading to Deploy Kubernetes on Bare Metal

In a previous article, I said that basically there are 2 ways to deploy servers: automatic and live download over the network.

Today I want to talk about live loading over the network. This is when your nodes load some pre-prepared system images immediately into the RAM. For example, Core OS or LTSP can do this.

Continuous Delivery: Create Products Faster with Lower Risks

DevOps methodology continues to strengthen its position in programming. So-called “continuous” tools are among the most commonly used in the field. Such practices as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery allow you to constantly keep your code delivered into production as soon as any changes are made. This makes it possible to add new features in progress and fix the bugs on the go, as you work with small chunks of code, which are easy to operate. CI/CD methodology of software development brings reliability and speed to product creation, allowing it to hit the market faster. 

CI is the first stage of the CI/CD technique. There are a lot of benefits of Continuous Integration implementation in your project. It is an essential process of a software update, and its primary function is to integrate code changes from various developers into a single information repository. 

The Ultimate Guide to Data Collection in Data Science

In today’s world, data plays a key role in the success of any business. Data produced by your target audience, your competitors, information from the field you work and data your company gains on its own may help you find more customers, analyze your business decisions, reoptimize the business model or escalate to other markets. Data will help you define problems your business can solve and provide better service, specifying precisely your clients' needs. 

According to The McKinsey Global Institute research, data-driven companies are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times as likely to retain customers, and 19 times as likely to be profitable.  

MongoDB: User Cases, Pros, and Cons.

MongoDB is a document-based database management system commonly used for high-volume data storage. It is an easy tool to manage data and was developed to substitute the MySQL structure, as the growth of data required new tools for its management. MySQL became outdated for its lack of flexibility for reformatting data structures. The problem lies within a table-based design, as it makes the set of multivariate search queries finite. Enterprises rely on a combination of structured and unstructured data for business decisions, giving MongoDB rapid growth. 

MySQL is a table-based system or open-source relational database, while MongoDB is also called an object-based system. A table-based design is the data query structure for search, where all data is related to another data point or set. Data in MongoDB, on the contrary, is non-relational. Instead of using tables and rows, MongoDB makes collections and documents. The documents are formed from key-value pairs – the core units of the system. Unlike rows, documents can store information that is complex in structure. Sets of documents and functions are united in the collections, which can be equivalent to relational database tables. MongoDB allows you to represent store arrays, hierarchical relationships, and other more complex structures.

Top Security Challenges in IoT

The “Internet of Things,” while difficult to define, has evolved into one of the fastest-growing industries in the technology world. Recent reports reveal that spending on IoT-related devices is expected to reach $1.6 billion over the next five years. Moreover, the increasing popularity of IoT devices has led to a significant increase in IoT app development. Though this poses obvious financial opportunities, it also carries with it some concerns related to security.  

Forecast end-user spending on IoT solutions worldwide from 2017 to 2025. Source: Statista