7 Redis Interview Questions Job-Seekers Should Be Ready to Answer

The job youre applying for says, Redis experience required. Are you ready for the questions a hiring manager is likely to ask? Heres how to prepare for the job interview... as inspired by Lord of the Rings.

Nominally the article is written for someone getting answers ready for Redis-specific questions, but I think they'd apply for any database-related job. Especially if you have experience with one tool and the job asks for experience with another.

What books would you recommend for people new to Redis?

Im working on a blog post about this topic. Id love to hear your suggestions!

  • What book(s) should someone read to come up to speed?
  • Why do you recommend that one?

Note that the books dont have to be peculiar to Redis. For example, someone suggested Designing Data-Intensive Applications because Its a great general purpose guide to data storage technologies, why people use the different things, a great dose of historical context, and similar.

Or to put it another way: What book do you wish youd read before you got started?