GhostDoc Says the Damndest Things

Editorial Note: I originally wrote this post for the SubMain blog. You can check out the original here, at their site. While you’re there, have a look at GhostDoc, which can help both with code comment maintenance and the generation of help documentation.

Some years ago, I was doing work for some client or another. Honestly, I have no recollections of specifics with the exception of a preference for exhaustive commenting. Every class, every method, every property, and every field.

Containers Are Just Another Piece of the Puzzle: Protect Them to Secure Your Business

Today, as we kicked off the 2019 Nexus User Conference, one of the first sessions tackle tough questions about the journey of containers and how they’re actually just a piece of the puzzle.

ABN AMRO, which we’ll use as the backdrop to showcase this lesson, is one of the biggest banks in the Netherlands. They have a lot of revenue and thus a lot of operations, employees, and dev teams. Specifically, they have more than 450 agile software development teams in both the Netherlands and India and more than 5,000 people in IT.

DevOps Table Stakes: The Minimum Amount Required to Play the Game

Ever play poker? Table stakes, or the ante, is the minimum amount to play the game. So let's take a look today at DevOps table stakes — what's necessary to even come to the table and play the game these days.

The idea here is to get you to think a little differently about your approach to DevOps and DevSecOps.

Can Software Developers Really Have Work Life Balance?

Even though this developer is working at home in the evening, who's to say he isn't happy with his work life balance? I mean, he looks pretty happy.

I have a rich annual tradition that I only just became aware of this year.

Every year, around this time, Apple has some kind of conference or announcement or something. It's the time of year when, for a day or two, an iThing getting smaller or losing a USB port makes everyone absolutely lose it and flood my news feed with opinions for a few days.