Windows High Contrast Mode, Forced Colors Mode And CSS Custom Properties

I’m extremely excited about the upcoming Forced Colors media query. It takes the work done for Windows High Contrast mode and elevates it to an open, cross-browser standard. This means that a person will be able to use whatever browser works best for them to get what they need, instead of being forced to use one specific browser.

What Is Windows High Contrast Mode? What Is Forced Colors Mode?

Windows High Contrast mode, and its successor, Forced Colors mode, are important pieces of assistive technology. These two display modes affect:

  • The operating system installed on a device,
  • The browser is installed on the operating system, and
  • All web content is loaded by that browser.

These display modes prioritize legibility above all else. Ornamentation and decoration are discarded in order to allow content to be displayed clearly.

All content affected by these two modes maps to a color theme. This color theme can be modified by someone to use any combination of colors, to create a suite of colors that works for their specific access needs.

For some, Windows High Contrast/Forced Colors mode represents the last option they have to view content on their device — including web content. This is highly specialized, highly personalized assistive technology, and using it is a very intentional act.

Others may circumstantially benefit from using Windows High Contrast/Forced Colors mode. One of my favorite examples of this is being able to use your laptop in the park, despite the glare of the noonday sun.

Here’s how Smashing Magazine looks with Forced Colors activated and set to use the High Contrast #1 theme:

And this is how Smashing Magazine looks with Forced Colors activated and set to use the High Contrast White theme:

And this is how Smashing Magazine looks with Forced Colors activated and set to use a custom theme:

High Contrast Mode, Forced Colors Mode, And Browser Support

I’ll be honest, the current state of Forced Colors support is a bit of a mess.

Internet Explorer will never support Forced Colors mode because Microsoft has discontinued support of the browser. It will also never support Custom Properties. Internet Explorer does, however, support High Contrast mode.

Edge supports Forced Colors mode. It also has legacy support for Windows High Contrast mode. This means that code written specifically to support High Contrast mode in Internet Explorer will work in Edge as well.

The Forced Color mode syntax is an update on Windows High Contrast mode syntax, which uses specialized keywords (more on this in a bit). As a consequence of this, Internet Explorer supports some, but not all Forced Color mode syntax.

Every other major evergreen browser has support for Forced Colors mode, except for Safari. The trick here is that macOS, iOS, and Android currently do not have a way to specify Forced Color mode themes. This means that for now, only Windows is capable of fully supporting a full Forced Color mode experience.

Here are two tables of the current support landscape if you need help visualizing this:

Browser Supports legacy High Contrast Mode CSS properties? Supports Forced Colors mode CSS properties? Supports CSS Custom Properties?
Internet Explorer ✅ Yes ⚠ Some 🚫 No
Edge ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Chrome 🚫 No ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Firefox 🚫 No ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Safari 🚫 No ⏳ Soon ✅ Yes

Operating System Supports switching and creating Forced Color mode themes?
Windows ✅ Yes
macOS 🚫 Not yet
iOS 🚫 Not yet
Android 🚫 Not yet

SVG That Uses currentColor

This is a whole thing unto itself, and beyond the scope of this post, but there are some issues right now with how Forced Color mode works with SVGs that utilize currentColor to control their coloring.

If you’d like to learn more about the particulars — including how to work with them — I recommend reading this excellent, in-depth article by Melanie Richards.

Why This Is All Worth Mentioning

The reason why this is important is that Forced Colors mode syntax differs slightly from the Windows High Contrast mode syntax.

Edge has backwards compatibility, but Internet Explorer will never have forwards compatibility. This means that Internet Explorer viewing web content with High Contrast mode activated may not properly display content using the newer Forced Color mode syntax.

This is worth mentioning because not everyone can or will be able to upgrade their device to use something other than Internet Explorer, regardless of Microsoft’s upcoming discontinuation of support.

As a result of this, it is vital to approach High Contrast/Forced Color mode work with a cautious, ego-free mindset. If at all possible, talk to High Contrast/Forced Color mode users to determine what their specific preferences actually are.

How To Design For Windows High Contrast And Forced Colors Mode

You don’t.

High contrast mode is not about design anymore but strict usability. You should aim for highest readability, not color aesthetics.

— Kitty Giraudel (@KittyGiraudel) June 20, 2017

No, seriously. Forced Colors and Windows High Contrast modes are all about presenting all content — including web content — in a predictable and consistent way.

You only want to make small, surgical tweaks to your content, not create a completely new, bespoke Forced Color mode experience.

Each element’s inherent HTML semantics tell Forced Colors and Windows High Contrast modes how to be displayed. Areas, where semantic HTML isn’t used, are good areas to check — to see if your content holds up.

Forced Colors Mode Keywords

Forced Colors mode — like Windows High Contrast mode — uses a suite of specialized keywords. These keywords assign color to meaning. For example, all inert, regular text will use the same theme color, with this color being mapped to the CanvasText keyword.

The reason keywords are used is because the text color could be any color. Every content type Forced Color mode effect can also, potentially, be any color.

Forced Colors mode has multiple themes, including ones that a person can create for themselves. This lets someone tweak how things look until it works for them.

Sourced from this excellent post, the list of Forced Color keywords is:

Content Keyword
Text CanvasText
Hyperlinks LinkText
Disabled Text GrayText
Selected Text, foreground HighlightText
Selected Text, background Highlight
Buttons, foreground ButtonText
Buttons, background ButtonFace
Backgrounds Canvas

Here is how these keywords map to the Windows High contrast theme selection interface:

And here is an example of a custom theme:

This theme might look like the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen, but it’s vital to remember, that this combination of colors might be what lets someone use their device.

CSS Custom Properties

The upgrade of Windows High Contrast mode into Forced Colors mode works really well with another contemporary feature of CSS: Custom Properties.

If you are unfamiliar, Custom Properties are a way to create “variables” in CSS—formalized, encoded values that can be dynamically manipulated.

:root {
  --color-background: #ffffff;
  --color-text: #000000;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --color-background: #000000;
    --color-text: #ffffff;

body {
  background-color: var(--color-background);
  color: var(--color-text);

In this example, I’m creating Custom Properties in the :root selector that will be used to control the background and text color.

I’m initially setting the text color to black and the background color to white, and then updating the Custom Properties to use white text and a black background when dark mode is activated. Invoking the Custom Properties in the body selector is the magic that makes it all happen.

CSS Custom Properties can be used for far more than just color, and their values update in realtime, both via display mode updates and JavaScript logic. This is powerful stuff.

Using Custom Properties With Forced Colors Mode

We’re going to take all this background information and apply it to something concrete: A modal dialog. Do you remember how I said Custom Properties can use more than just color values? We’re going to take advantage of that now.

Unfortunately, the dialog element still has assistive technology compatibility issues, meaning that the most accessible solution is still to use one constructed with the help of ARIA and JavaScript. Kitty Giraudel’s a11y-dialog is a wonderful, flexible resource that I enthusiastically recommend to help you do just that.

Accessibility Workarounds

Since the modal is constructed by using divs, Forced Colors mode does not know it is a modal. It, like Windows High Contrast Mode, does not take ARIA into consideration when determining how color is assigned.

This is one of the reasons why the Forced Color mode media query and its keywords exist — to tweak content until it works the way someone would expect it to.

Sometimes content isn’t written semantically, and there’s nothing you can do about it. It is no different than using CSS to make tweaks to vendor-supplied code you have no direct control over.

Styling The Modal For Forced Colors Mode

Here’s a CodePen for our modal, before we make our Forced Color mode tweaks:

And here is a screenshot of how it looks with Forced Color mode activated:

While a blind person using a screen reader may know a modal is present, because of how it is announced, a low vision person using Forced Colors mode may be confused because the modal’s boundaries are not communicated strongly enough visually. This may be further complicated by low vision people who use both Forced Colors mode and a screen reader.

Notice, that even though Forced Colors mode does not know it is a dialog, it does know what a CSS outline declaration is. It takes the very faint, thin light gray border we’re using and colors it with the color value mapped to the CanvasText Forced Color mode keyword.

Also notice, that the modal’s box-shadow has been discarded when Forced Color mode is activated. This, and the outline recoloring are by design.

Remember: Forced Color mode prioritizes legibility above all else, and makes visual updates to honor that.

Making Our Update

Much as how we’re redefining component-level CSS Custom Properties for things like :hover and :active state on the modal close icon, we can redefine for different display modes. Here is a CodePen for our modal after our Forced Color mode tweaks have been made:


Here’s how to enable contrast themes in Windows. Use macOS or Linux? You’re in luck! There are multiple ways to test for Forced Color support:

  1. Get a Windows craptop and use a tunneling service, such as ngrok. The craptop is also a chance to test your website or web app’s performance — another potential access barrier.
  2. Use an app to load a Virtual Machine with a Windows image provided by Microsoft.
  3. Use a service like Assistiv Labs, which provides a cloud-hosted on-demand Windows Virtual Machine geared towards accessibility testing.
  4. Use Polypane’s media emulation functionality to toggle an emulated Forced Color mode.
  5. Use Microsoft Edge’s DevTools to toggle an emulated Forced Color mode.

I would advise some caution for options four and five, as an emulated experience only uses a single theme, and it’s not representative of the Forced Color mode’s full capabilities.

I particularly like the Assistiv Labs option, because it’s focused on accessibility testing, and it does not heavily tax my laptop the way a local app-run Virtual Machine would.

Wrapping Up

At the surface level, this might seem like a lot of words just to demonstrate how to update a CSS Custom Property. This post’s goal, however, is to introduce you to a powerful piece of assistive technology and show how modern CSS can elegantly thread into it to make flexible, maintainable, and adaptive digital experiences.

Now that you know about Forced Color mode and how it works, why not take some time and audit how your websites and web apps look when it is activated? Some little tweaks might make a huge difference for someone who relies on a Forced Color mode experience to browse the web.

Further Reading

Test Your Product on a Crappy Laptop

There is a huge and ever-widening gap between the devices we use to make the web and the devices most people use to consume it. It’s also no secret that the average size of a website is huge, and it’s only going to get larger.

What can you do about this? Get your hands on a craptop and try to use your website or web app.

Craptops are cheap devices with lower power internals. They oftentimes come with all sorts of third-party apps preinstalled as a way to offset its cost—apps like virus scanners that are resource-intensive and difficult to remove. They’re everywhere, and they’re not going away anytime soon.

As you work your way through your website or web app, take note of:

  • what loads slowly,
  • what loads so slowly that it’s unusable, and
  • what doesn’t even bother to load at all.

After that, formulate a plan about what to do about it.

The industry average

At the time of this post, the most common devices used to read CSS-Tricks are powerful, modern desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones with up-to-date operating systems and plenty of computational power.

Granted, not everyone who makes websites and web apps reads CSS-Tricks, but it is a very popular industry website, and I’m willing to bet its visitors are indicative of the greater whole.

In terms of performance, the qualities we can note from these devices are:

  • powerful processors,
  • generous amounts of RAM,
  • lots of storage space,
  • high-quality displays, and most likely a
  • high-speed internet connection

Unfortunately, these qualities are not always found in the devices people use to access your content.

Survivor bias

British soldiers in World War I were equipped with a Brodie helmet, a steel hat designed to protect its wearer from overhead blasts and shrapnel while conducting trench warfare. After its deployment, field hospitals saw an uptick in soldiers with severe head injuries.

A grizzled British soldier smiling back at the camera, holding a Brodie helmet with a large hole punched in it. Black and white photograph.
Source: History Daily

Because of the rise in injuries, British command considered going back to the drawing board with the helmet’s design. Fortunately, a statistician pointed out that the dramatic rise in hospital cases was because people were surviving injuries that previously would have killed them—before the introduction of steel the British Army used felt or leather as headwear material.

Survivor bias is the logical error that focuses on those who made it past a selection process. In the case of the helmet, it’s whether you’re alive or not. In the case of websites and web apps, it’s if a person can load and use your content.

Lies, damned lies, and statistics

People who can’t load your website or web app don’t show up as visitors in your analytics suite. This is straightforward enough.

However, the “use” part of “load and use your content” is the important bit here. There’s a certain percentage of devices who try to access your product that will be able to load enough of it to register a hit, but then bounce because the experience is so terrible it is effectively unusable.

Yes, I know analytics can be more sophisticated than this. But through the lens of survivor bias, is this behavior something your data is accommodating?


It’s easy to go out and get a cheap craptop and feel bad about a slow website you have no control over. The two real problems here are:

  1. Third-party assets, such as the very analytics and CRM packages you use to determine who is using your product and how they go about it. There’s no real control over the quality or amount of code they add to your site, and setting up the logic to block them loading their own third-party resources is difficult to do.
  2. The people who tell you to add these third-party assets. These people typically aren’t aware of the performance issues caused by the ask, or don’t care because it’s not part of the results they’re judged by.

What can we do about these two issues? Tie abstract, one-off business requests into something more holistic and personal.

Bear witness

I know of organizations who do things like “Testing Tuesdays,” where moderated usability testing is conducted every Tuesday. You could do the same for performance, even thread this idea into existing usability testing plans—slow websites aren’t usable, after all.

The point is to construct a regular cadence of seeing how real people actually use your website or web app, using real world devices. And when I say real world, make sure it’s not just the average version of whatever your analytics reports says.

Then make sure everyone is aware of these sessions. It’s a powerful thing to show a manager someone trying to get what they need, but can’t because of the choices your organization has made.

Craptop duty

There are roughly 260 work days in a year. That’s 260 chances to build some empathy by having someone on your development, design, marketing, or leadership team use the craptop for a day.

You can run Linux from a Windows subsystem to run most development tooling. Most other apps I’m aware of in the web-making space have a Windows installer, or can run from a browser. That should be enough to do what you need to do. And if you can’t, or it’s too slow to get done at the pace you’re accustomed to, well, that’s sort of the point.

Craptop duty, combined with usability testing with a low power device, should hopefully be enough to have those difficult conversations about what your website or web app really needs to load and why.

Don’t tokenize

The final thing I’d like to say is that it’s easy to think that the presence of a lower power device equals the presence of an economically disadvantaged person. That’s not true. Powerful devices can become circumstantially slowed by multiple factors. Wealthy individuals can, and do, use lower-power technology.

Perhaps the most important takeaway is poor people don’t deserve an inferior experience, regardless of what they are trying to do. Performant, intuitive, accessible experiences on the web are for everyone, regardless of device, ability, or circumstance.

CSS is a Strongly Typed Language

One of the ways you can classify a programming language is by how strongly or weakly typed it is. Here, “typed” means if variables are known at compile time. An example of this would be a scenario where an integer (1) is added to a string containing an integer ("1"):

result = 1 + "1";

The string containing an integer could have been unintentionally generated from a complicated suite of logic with lots of moving parts. It could also have been intentionally generated from a single source of truth.

Despite the connotations that the terms “weak” and “strong” imply, a strongly-typed programming language isn’t necessarily better than a weakly-typed one. There may be scenarios where flexibility is needed more than rigidity, and vice-versa. As with many aspects of programming, the answer is dependent on multiple external contexts (i.e “it depends”).

The other interesting bit is there is no formal definition of what constitutes strong or weak typing. This means that perceptions of what is considered a strongly or weakly-typed language differ from person to person, and may change over time.


JavaScript is considered a weakly-typed language, and this flexibility contributed to its early adoption on the web. However, as the web has matured and industrialized, use cases for JavaScript have become more complicated.

Extensions like TypeScript were created to help with this. Think of it as a “plugin” for JavaScript, which grafts strong typing onto the language. This helps programmers navigate complicated setups. An example of this could be a data-intensive single page application used for e-commerce.

TypeScript is currently very popular in the web development industry, and many new projects default to using TypeScript when first setting things up.

Compile time

Compile time is the moment when a programming language is converted into machine code. It is a precursor to runtime, the moment when machine code is performed by the computer.

As with many things on the web, compile time is a bit tricky. A setup that utilizes TypeScript will stitch together component pieces of JavaScript code and compile them into a single JavaScript file for the browser to read and run.

The time when component pieces compile is when they are all combined. TypeScript serves as a kind of overseer, and will yell at you if you try to break the typed conventions you have set up for yourself before combination occurs.

A tooltip that reads, “var content: any. Property ‘content’ does not exist on type ‘PropsWithChildren<Props>’. ts(2339). View Problem (Option F8). No quick fixes available. Tooltip is pointing towards an argument called “content.”
A sample TypeScript error in VS Code.

The stitched-together JavaScript file is then ingested by the browser, which has its own compile time. Browser compile time is highly variable, depending on:

  • The device the browser is on,
  • What other work the browser is doing, and
  • What other work the device’s other programs are doing.

TypeScript isn’t directly used by the browser, but its presence is felt. JavaScript is fragile. TypeScript helps with this fragility by trying to prevent errors upstream in the code editor. This lessens the chance errors occur in the JavaScript read by the browser — errors that would cause JavaScript to stop functioning on the website or web app a person is using.


CSS is a declarative, domain-specific programming language. It is also strongly typed. For the most part, values in CSS stay declared as authored. If a value is invalid the browser throws the entire property away.

Types in CSS

The list of types in CSS is thorough. They are:

Textual types
  • Globally-scoped keywords:
    • initial
    • inherit
    • unset
    • revert
  • Custom identifies, which are specifically used for things, such as providing a grid-area name
  • Strings, such as, "hello"
  • URLs, such as
  • Dashed idents (--), which are used to create custom properties (more on this in a bit)
Numeric types
  • Integers, which are decimal numbers 0–9
  • Real numbers, such as 3.14
  • Percentages, such as 25%
  • Dimensions, a number with a unit appended to it such as (100px or 3s)
  • Ratios, such as 16/9
  • flex, a variable length for CSS grid calculation
Quantity types
  • Lengths:
  • Angles, such as 15deg
  • Time, such as 250ms
  • Frequencies, such 16Hz
  • Resolution, such as 96dpi

Dimensions and lengths might seem similar, but dimensions can contain percentages and lengths cannot.

Color types
  • Keywords:
    • Named colors, such as papayawhip
    • transparent
    • currentColor
  • RGB colors:
    • Hexidecimal notation, such as #FF8764
    • RGB/RGBa notation, such as rgba(105, 221, 174, 0.5)
  • HSL/HSLA colors, such as hsl(287, 76%, 50%)
  • System colors, such as ButtonText
Image types
  • Image, which is a URL reference to an image file or gradient
  • color-stop-list, a list of two or more color stops, used for gradient notion
  • linear-color-stop, a color and length expression used to indicate a gradient color stop
  • linear-color-hint, a length percentage used to interpolate color
  • ending-shape, which uses a keyword of either circle or ellipse for radial gradients
2D positioning types
  • Keywords:
    • top
    • right
    • bottom
    • left
    • center
  • A percentage length, such as 25%

Programming in CSS

The bulk of programming in CSS is authoring selectors, then specifying a suite of properties and their requisite values. Collections of selectors give content a visual form, much as how collections of JavaScript logic creates features.

CSS has functions. It can perform calculation, conditional logic, algorithmic expressions, state, and mode-based behavior. It also has custom properties, which are effectively CSS variables that allow values to be updated dynamically. Heck, you can even solve fizzbuzz with CSS.

Like other programming languages, there is also a “meta” layer, with different thoughts and techniques on how to organize, manage and maintain things.

Throwing errors

Unlike other programming languages where code largely exists under the hood, CSS is highly visual. You won’t see warnings or errors in the console if you use an invalid value for a property declaration, but you will get visuals that don’t update the way you anticipated.

The reason for this is that CSS is resilient. When visuals don’t update because of a misconstructed declaration, CSS is prioritizing, ensuring content can be shown at all costs and will render every other valid declaration it possibly can. This is in keeping with the design principles of the language, the principles of the platform, and the overarching goals of the web’s mission.


Let’s demonstrate how strong typing in CSS keeps the guardrails on in three examples: one with a straightforward property/value declaration, one with calculation, and one with redefining a custom property.

Example 1: Straightforward property/value declaration

See the Pen Basic example by Eric Bailey (@ericwbailey) on CodePen.

For this example, the browser does not understand the banner’s border-style “potato” declaration. Note that the other .banner class selector property/value declarations are honored by the browser and rendered, even though border-style has a type mismatch. This is an example of how resilient CSS is.

The border-style declaration is expecting one of the following textual style types:

  • Globally-scoped keywords, or a
  • Dashed indent for a custom property.

If we update border-style to use a valid, typed value of dotted, the browser will render the border!

Example 2: Calculation

The calc() function in CSS allows us to take two arguments and an operator to return a calculated result. If one of the arguments doesn’t use a valid type, the calculation won’t work.

In this Pen, the p selector’s font-size property is expecting a value with a numeric dimension type (e.g. 1.5rem). However, the calculation function produces an invalid type value for the font-size property. This is because the second argument in the calc() function is a string ("2rem"), and not a numeric dimension type.

Because of this, the paragraph’s font size falls back to the next most applicable parent node — the font-size of 1.5rem declared on the body element.

This is a bit in the weeds, but worth pointing out: Combining two custom properties in a calc() function can cause errors. While both custom properties may be valid on their own, calc() will not accept dashed indent textual types. Think of a scenario where we might try multiplying custom properties that contain mismatched units, e.g. --big: 500px and --small: 1em.

Example 3: Redefined custom property

Like JavaScript variables, custom property values can be redefined. This flexibility allows for things like easily creating dark mode color themes.

In the :root selector of this CodePen, I have set a custom property of --color-cyan, with a value of #953FE3. Then, in the .square class, I have updated the --color-cyan custom property’s value to be top. While top is a valid, typed value, it is not a type that background-color honors.

Notice that the updated custom property is scoped to .square, and does not affect other usages, such as the right-hand border on the phrase “Don’t play to type.” And if you remove the redefined custom property from .square, you’ll see the cyan background color snap back in.

While this is a bit contrived, it serves as an example of how redefining custom properties can get away from you if you’re not careful.

This phenomenon can be found in projects with poor communication, larger CSS codebases, and situations where CSS preprocessors are used to construct custom properties at scale.


With the gift of hindsight, I think a lack of console warnings for CSS is a flaw, and has contributed to a lot of the negative perceptions about the language.

Hoping a developer will notice a potentially tiny visual change is too big an ask, and does not meet them where they are for most of their other daily tools. There are a couple of initiatives I’m aware of that try to address this.

First is stylelint, a linter made specifically to deal with CSS and CSS-like preprocessing languages. stylelint can integrate with code editors, task runners, command line tools, and GitHub actions to help keep your CSS under control. This allows it to meet developers where they already are.

A tooltip that reads, “var content: any. Property ‘content’ does not exist on type ‘PropsWithChildren<Props>’. ts(2339). View Problem (Option F8). No quick fixes available. Tooltip is pointing towards an argument called “content.”
stylelint terminal output.

Second is Firefox’s excellent suite of CSS inspection options in its Developer Tools. In particular, I would like to call attention to its ability to identify unused CSS. This is extremely helpful for identifying selectors that may have run afoul of a type mismatch.

Tooltip attached to an unused selector in the Developer panel. The tooltip reads, “vertical-align has no effect on this element since it’s not an inline or table-cell element. Try adding display: inline or display: table-cell. Learn more. Screenshot.”
Firefox Developer edition

Wrapping up

CSS has been strongly typed for as long as it has been a programming language, and as a programming language it has been around for a long time. It’s also done a lot of growing up lately. If you haven’t checked in, there are some new, amazing features available.

As strongly-typed JavaScript becomes more popular, it is my hope that it helps developers become more comfortable with the firm, yet flexible approach of CSS.

Thank you to Miriam Suzanne for her feedback.

The post CSS is a Strongly Typed Language appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Representation Matters

This year I had the pleasure of re-launching The Accessibility Project. I spend a lot of time researching and writing about accessibility and inclusive design, so this felt like the cumulation of a lot of that effort. The site now uses all sorts of cool web features like CSS Grid, @supports, and media features, aria-current, Service Workers, and Eleventy. But that’s really not the important bit.

The important bit I learned this year is the same thing I learn over and over again: When it comes to disability, representation matters.

In my exploration, the importance of representation is a layered truth I find myself re-internalizing as I learn more about the different communities that make up the accessibility space. I am extraordinarily thankful to be welcomed into these communities, and grateful to be able to participate in them. 

We must, however, acknowledge that it is a lot easier for me to enter into these communities than the other way around. Disabled people frequently face many barriers towards representation in many industries, ours included. Considering that, I thought I’d ask disabled people who work on the web what they’ve learned. Here’s what they told me:

Developer Jennilee Rose comments on increased awareness of accessibility in the framework space:

As an advocate for accessibility in web design/development, something I’ve noticed (not exactly learned per-say, but a trend I’ve seen) is that in probably the last 2-3 years there has been a shift in prioritizing accessibility in JavaScript libraries. I think some of it is that there are devs out there like me who care and are holding devs who create these libraries accountable and helping to create change.

Software Engineer Nadhim Orfali comments on their experience working with design systems, accessibility, and documentation:

After a company-wide shift to Vue, it’s easier and faster for teams to adopt the design system. Due to the release of scoped packages along with CI/CD architecture and intertwined with documentation, the process is more streamlined with most of the accessibility built-in. I’m seeing teams much more aware and interested in all matters relating to accessibility, which can only be a good thing!

User experience designer Francis C. Rupert comments on how quarantine has affected everyone:

In 2020 everyone was struck with a shared Situational Disability by everyone wearing a mask. Hearing loss isn’t necessarily always about volume, but speech discrimination. We collectively lost the ability to distinguish between consonants and vowels, and everyone else sounds garbled through their masks.

Speaking of quarantine, web designer Jen Diaz tells us about some benefits that come with remote work becoming mainstream:

Clients are super-keen to work with remote business partners now that they have little or no choice not to. Which is great — it truly levels the playing field. On a Zoom call, nobody knows that my hands are shaped like lobster claws or that I physically cannot participate in the company bowling league — both things that have raised eyebrows for me at in-office jobs.

Anne Berlin, technical SEO and web manager, also comments on some remote work benefits:

I don’t have to worry about someone coming in with strong fragrance, which can send my brain into haywire. I can control the light level of the room and brightness level of my monitors, and a bit more control over the noise level.

It’s not all good vibes, however. Web developer Olu also chimes in about remote work: 

Quarantine has also shown how adaptable companies can be when their backs are against the wall. It’s funny how disabled people can ask for accommodations for years and then when they have no choice suddenly these accommodations are becoming permanent for everyone. 

Anne also mentions:

Pressure to pass as abled due to ignorance about “invisible” disabilities or lack of proactively inclusive culture for a range of things including cognitive styles, or issues with overstimulation.

Disability is more than physical access. Managing Director Josh Clayton mentions the cognitive fatigue that comes with framework churn:

The continued use of React is concerning. The JavaScript ecosystem is fragmented, with a lot of people doing a lot of work and nobody producing anything new. I don’t mind investing in technology where I feel like I’m getting something. There’s just so much churn, I don’t bother to keep up. I would like to think it’s not sacrificing future employability if I was going to look for a new job, but when it comes to other person’s money, there’s the “newshiny,” or “is this actually the right thing you should be doing right now?”

Developer EJ Mason doesn’t mince words:

What I have learned about the industry is that it is unrepentantly ableist.

While I’m happy to see progress being made on some fronts, we need to understand that doing technical work to make websites accessible is only part of the picture. We need to realize that usable products can be created in exclusionary spaces. Only by including disabled people in the product creation process can we truly improve as an industry.

Thank you to Jennilee Rose, Nadhim Orfali, Francis C. Rupert, Jen Diaz, Anne Berlin, Olu, Josh Clayton, EJ Mason, and everyone else who shared their experiences with me.

The post Representation Matters appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Equivalent Experiences: Thinking Equivalently

Equivalent Experiences: Thinking Equivalently

Equivalent Experiences: Thinking Equivalently

Eric Bailey

This is the second of two articles on the topic of how digital accessibility is informed by equivalency. Previously, we have learned about the underlying biases that inform digital product creation, what isn’t an equivalent experience, the compounding effects of inaccessible design and code, and powerful motivating forces for doing better.

In this article, I will discuss learning how to embrace an equivalent, inclusive mindset. I will also provide practical, robust ways to improve your websites and web apps by providing solutions to common, everyday barriers cited by the people I interviewed.

Setting A Standard

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) outlines in painstaking detail how to craft accessible digital experiences. While a long and dense document, it is incredibly comprehensive — to the point where it’s been codified as an international standard. For over 10 years, we’ve had a globally agreed upon, canonical definition of what constitutes as usable.

How Would I?

If you need a little help constructing the initial mental framework the WCAG gets at, a question I always ask myself when making something is, “How would I use this if…” It’s a question that gets you to check all the biases that might be affecting you in the moment.

Examples could be:

  • How would I use this if...
    • ...I can’t see the screen?
    • ...I can’t move my arms?
    • ...I’m sensitive to flashing and strobing animation?
    • ...English isn’t my primary language?
    • ...I have a limited budget for bandwidth?
    • ...I’ve set a large default type size?
    • ...and so on.

A Gentle Introduction

If you’re looking for a more approachable resource for how to dig into what the WCAG covers, the Inclusive Design Principles would be a great place to start. The seven principles it describes all map back to WCAG success criterion.

Screenshot of the top portion of the Inclusive Design Principles website. It includes a simple illustration of three hot air balloons floating in front of a cloud and sun. It also has the intro paragraph, “These Inclusive Design Principles are about putting people first. It’s about designing for the needs of people with permanent, temporary, situational, or changing disabilities — all of us really.” The contributors are listed as Henny Swan, Ian Pouncey, Heydon Pickering, and Léonie Watson
(Large preview)

Learn From The People Who Actually Use It

You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are some common issues cited by the people I interviewed, and how to fix them:



Heading elements are incredibly important for maintaining an equivalent, accessible experience.

When constructed with skill and care, heading elements allow screen reader users to quickly determine the contents of a page or view and navigate to content relevant to their interests. This is equivalent to how someone might quickly flit around, scrolling until something that looks pertinent comes into view.

A graphic showing how nested heading elements correspond to the layout of a design for a site called SkyList. The first level heading is “Types of Clouds,” which maps to the page’s h1 element. The three h2 heading elements read, “High,” “Mid-level,” and “Low.” Each of these headings is represented in the design as a shaded area. Within each area are card designs, including an image placeholder, a title, and a paragraph placeholder. The h3 heading elements for the High section cards are “Cirrus,” “Cirrostratus,” and “Cirrocumulus.” The h3 heading elements for the Mid-level section cards are “Altocumulus,” “Altostratus,” and “Nimbostratus.” The h3 heading elements for the Low section cards are “Cumulus,” “Stratus,” “Cumulonimbus,” and “Stratocumulus.”
The HeadingsMap browser extension lets you view a page’s heading hierarchy. (Large preview)

Justin Yarbrough voices poorly-authored heading elements as a concern, and he’s not alone.

WebAIM’s screen reader survey cites headings as the most important way to find information. This survey is well-worth paying attention to, as it provides valuable insight into how disabled people actually use assistive technology.


In addition to heading elements, another way to determine the overall structure and layout are landmarks. Landmarks are roles implicitly described by HTML sectioning elements, used to help describe the overall composition of the main page or view areas.

A ‘holy grail’ layout showing a header element row stretching across three columns. Below that is another row with three columns, using nav, main, and aside elements. Below that is a third and final column-stretching row  using the footer element. Each element is also labeled with its corresponding landmark.
These are five of the eight landmark HTML elements and the roles using them create. (Large preview)

Here’s what Justin has to say:

“If I’m just trying to find the main content, I’ll first try the Q JAWS shortcut key to see if a main region’s set up. If not, I’m just more or less stuck trying to scan the page to find it arrowing through the page.”

Much as how we might use a layer group name of “primary nav” in our design file, or a class name of c-nav-primary in our CSS, it’s important we also use a nav sectioning element to describe our main site navigation (as well as any other navigation the page or view contains).

Doing so ensures intent is carried all the way through from conception, to implementation, to use. The same notion carries through for the other HTML sectioning elements that create landmarks for assistive technology.

Labeled Controls

Brian Moore tells us about “form fields with no label or at least one that isn’t programmatically associated so it doesn’t read anything.”

It’s another frustratingly common problem.

Providing a valid for/id attribute pairing creates a programmatic association between form inputs and the label that describes what it does. And when I say label, I mean the label element. Not a clickable div, a placeholder, aria-label, or some other brittle and/or overwrought solution. label elements are a tried-and-true solution that enjoys wide and deep support for accessibility.

In addition, a label element should not be used by itself, say for a label on a diagram. This might seem counter-intuitive at first, but please bear with me.

<!-- Please do this -->
<label for="your-name">Your name</label>
<input type="text" id="your-name" name="your-name" autocomplete="name">

<!-- Don’t do this -->
<label for="eye">Cornea</label>
<label for="eye">Pupil</label>
<label for="eye">Lens</label>
<label for="eye">Retina</label>
<label for="eye">Optic Nerve</label>
<img id="eye" alt="A diagram of the human eye." src="parts-of-the-eye.png" />

The same kinds of assistive technology that let a person jump to headings and landmarks also allow them to jump to input labels. Because of this, there is the expectation that when a label element is present, there is also a corresponding input it is associated with.

Alternative Descriptions

If you have low or no vision, and/or have difficulty understanding an image, HTML’s alt attribute (and not the title attribute) provides a mechanism to understand what the image is there for. The same principle applies for providing captions for video and audio content like podcasts.

Kenny Hitt mentions that when:

“…someone posts something on Twitter, if it’s just an unlabeled image, I don’t even take the time to participate in the conversation. When you start every conversation by asking what’s in the picture, it really derails things.”

Up until last week, the only way for Twitter to provide alternative descriptions for its images was to enable an option buried away in the subsection of a preference menu. Compare this to a platform like Mastodon, where the feature is enabled by default.

Soren Hamby, mentions Stitcher, a popular podcast app. “The onboarding was a lot of themed graphics, but the alt text for each one was ‘unselected’ and for the same image with a check over it was selected. I think it would be reasonable for them to say ‘sci-fi genre selected’ […] it’s such a small thing but it makes all the difference.”

Ensuring that alternate description content is concise and descriptive is just as important as including the ability to add it. Daniel Göransson, a developer for Axess Lab, has a great article on how to write them effectively.

Robust, accessible features can also be part of evaluation criteria, as well as a great method for building customer loyalty. Soren mentions that they are “often the deciding factor, especially between services.” In particular, they cite Netflix’s audio descriptions.


One topic Daniel Göransson’s article on alternative descriptions mentions is to not over-describe things. This includes information like that it is an image, who the photographer is, and keyword stuffing.

The same principle applies for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA). ARIA is a set of attributes designed to extend HTML to fill in the gaps between interactive content and assistive technology. When ARIA is used to completely replace HTML, it oftentimes leads to an over-described experience.

Brian explains: “There seems to be a perception that more ARIA fixes accessibility and it can help, but too much either reads wrong things or just talks way too much. If on screen text of one or two words is good enough for everyone else, it is good enough for screen reader users too. We don’t need whole sentence or two descriptions of buttons or links i.e ‘link privacy policy’ is far better than something like ‘this link will open our privacy policy, this link will open in a new window’ when the on screen link text is ‘privacy policy.’”

The First Rule of ARIA Use advises us to only use it when a native element won’t suffice. You don’t need to describe what your interactive component is or how it works, the same way you don’t need to include the word “image” in your alternative description.

Provided that you use the appropriate native HTML element, assistive technology will handle all of that for you. Do more, more robustly, with less effort? Sounds great to me!

A code sample of an anchor element wrapping an image, with an alt description that reads, “A cat wearing a party hat.” Arrows from the HTML elements and attributes point towards how everything combines to create a phrase spoken aloud by a screen reader. The phrase reads, “Link. Image. A cat wearing a party hat.
(Large preview)

Unlike most of HTML, CSS, and JS, the success of implemented ARIA is contextual, variable, and largely invisible. In spite of this, we seem to be slathering ARIA onto everything without bothering to check not only if it actually works, but also what the people who actually use it think of it.

Support for ARIA is fragmented across operating systems, browsers, and assistive technology offerings, all their respective versions, and every possible permutation of all three. Simply put, writing ARIA and trusting it will work as intended isn’t enough.

If misconfigured and/or over-applied, ARIA can break. It may not report actual functionality, announce the wrong functionality, and (accurately or inaccurately) over-describe functionality. Obviously, these experiences aren’t equivalent.

Representation matters. To get a better understanding of how the ARIA code you wrote actually works, I recommend hiring people to tell you. Here are four such services that do exactly that:


Color Contrast

Color contrast is another common issue, one whose severity often seems to be downplayed. If I could wager a guess, it’s because it’s easy to forget that other people’s vision might be different than your own. Regardless, it is a concern that affects a wide swath of the global population, and we should treat the issue with the seriousness it deserves.

The Click-Away Pound Survey tells us that out of the top issues faced by users with access needs, contrast and legibility weighs in as the fifth most significant issue. On top of that, it has increased as a concern, going from 44% of respondents in 2016 to 55% in 2019.

We live in an age where there’s more color contrast checking resources than I can count. Products like Stark can help designers audit their designs before it is translated into code. Tools like Eightshape’s Contrast Grid and Atul Varma’s Accessible color palette builder let you craft your design systems with robust, accessible color combinations out of the gate.

A side-by-side comparison demonstrating acceptable and bad color contrast ratios. The first example shows black text on a dark yellow background, with a passing contrast ratio of 9.89:1. The second example shows light gray text on a light blue background, with a failing contrast ratio of 2.13:1. The text for both examples reads, “The lighting collection ranges from timeless classics to contemporary designs that make for perfect additions to any home and space.”
(Large preview)

The somewhat ironic thing about color contrast is how, ah, visible it is. While some of the previous accessibility issues are invisible—hidden away as the underlying code—contrast is a pretty straightforward issue.

Mostly, contrast is a binary scenario, in that you either can or cannot see content. So, the next time you check your website or webapp with an automated accessibility checker such as Deque’s axe, don’t be so quick to downplay the color contrast errors it reports.

High Contrast

There are technology solutions for situations where even satisfactory color contrast ratios isn’t sufficient—namely, inverted colors mode and High Contrast Mode. Many participants I interviewed mentioned using these display modes during their daily computer use.

Provided you use semantic HTML, both of these modes don’t need much effort on the development end of things to work well. The important bit is to check out what you’re building in these two modes to make sure everything is working as intended.

Striving For Perfection

To quote Léonie Watson,

“Accessibility doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be a little bit better than yesterday.”

By understanding both why, and how to improve your digital accessibility experiences in ways that directly address common barriers, you’re able to provide meaningful and enjoyable experiences to all.

Further Reading

Thank you to Brian Moore, Damien Senger, Jim Kiely, Justin Yarbrough, Kenny Hitt, and Soren Hamby for sharing their insights and experiences.

Smashing Editorial (ra, il)

Equivalent Experiences: What Are They?

Equivalent Experiences: What Are They?

Equivalent Experiences: What Are They?

Eric Bailey

If you spend enough time interacting with digital accessibility practitioners, you may encounter the phrase “equivalent experience.” This saying concisely sums up a lot of the philosophy behind accessibility work.

Our industry tends to place a lot of focus on how, often at the expense of why. For accessibility-related concerns, it is vital to learn about the history, and lived experiences of disabled people as a context for understanding the need for design and code created with access in mind.

This is the first of two articles on the topic of equivalency, and how it relates to digital accessibility. It will help us define what an equivalent experience is. Once we have a common understanding established, I’ll then discuss how to go about implementing equivalent experiences for common accessibility-related issues.

The State Of Things

The truth of the matter is that even though we live in a multi-device world full of smartphones, augmented reality, voice assistants, and IoT smart sensors, our default is still predominately:

  • Visual,
  • large screen,
  • fast connection,
  • powerful computer and display,
  • male,
  • white,
  • wealthy,
  • young,
  • Western,
  • technologically-literate,
  • and abled.

This is reflective of the biases that are inherent in how we design, develop and grow products.

The previous list may not be the most comfortable thing to read. If you haven’t closed the browser tab already, take a moment to consider your daily workflows, as well as who your coworkers are, and you’ll begin to understand what I’m getting at.

At its core, delivering an equivalent experience is ultimately about preserving intent — with the intent being the motivating force behind creating a website or web app and all the content and features it contains.

This translates to making the meaning behind every interaction, every component, every photo or illustration, every line of code being understandable by the widest range of people, regardless of their device or ability.

Prior Art

I’m not the first person to discuss this topic (and hopefully not the last). Speaker, trainer, and consultant Nicolas Steenhout is one such advocate. His great post, Accessibility is about people, not standards, is well worth reading.

If you’re the kind of person who is into podcasts, his A11y Rules has a wonderful series called Soundbites. It features “short discussions with people with disabilities about the barriers they encounter on the web.” These insightful interviews also touch on what this article discusses.

What Isn’t An Equivalent Experience?

Showing examples of what something is not can be a way to help define it. For equivalent experiences, an example would be a web app geared towards use by the general public not having a mobile breakpoint.

The Dashboard view for WageWorks’ non-responsive website being viewed on an iPhone. Prompts to order commuting benefits are present, but are really tiny as it is assuming I’m viewing this on a laptop or desktop
It’s not difficult to imagine a situation where I’d want to adjust my work benefits while on the go. (Large preview)

With this example, everyone using a device with a small display is forced to pinch, pan, and zoom to get what they need. Here, the burden is placed on anyone whose only crime was using a smartphone.

Most likely, whoever conceived of, designed, and developed this didn’t stop to think about circumstances other than their own. In this sort of (unfortunately still all too common) scenario, I all but guarantee that the web app looks great on the laptops or desktops of the designers and developers who made it.

People using a smartphone to access this website are victims of circumstance. The extra effort someone needs to do to get it to work indirectly communicates that they weren’t a priority, and therefore not valued. If you’ve used the web for any significant portion of time, I’m willing to bet this, or a similar experience has happened to you.

This example is also a hop, skip, and a jump away from another common, yet serious accessibility issue we often don’t consider: screen zooming:

Screen Zooming

Screen zooming is when someone is prevented from being able to zoom their displays and make text larger—many native mobile apps are guilty of this. When you disallow this sort of behavior, you’re telling prospective users that unless they have vision similar to you, you aren’t interested in them being able to use your app.

For this scenario, a gentle reminder that we will all get older, and with aging comes a whole host of vision-related concerns. A question you should be asking yourself is if your future self will be capable of using the things your present self is making. A follow-up question is if you’re also asking the people you’re managing this.

Accessible Experiences Aren’t Necessarily Equivalent Ones

This might be a little difficult of a concept to grasp at first. Let’s use this Rube Goldberg machine made by Joseph Herscher to pass the pepper to his dinner guest to compare:

To pass the pepper, the machine, sends it through an elaborate system of weights, counterweights, ramps, rolling objects, catapults, guillotines, burners, timers, carousels, etc. — all constructed from commonly found kitchen items. While this setup will technically ensure the pepper is passed, it is an annoying, overwrought, time-intensive process.

Many digital experiences are a lot like a Rube Goldberg machine when it comes to accessibility. Since accessibility issues are so prevalent, many forms of assistive technology provide a large suite of features to allow their user to work around common obstacles.

Unfortunately, discovering obstacles, and then figuring out and activating the appropriate combination of features to overcome them can take a disproportionate amount of time and effort.

To say it another way: A simple click on a button for an abled person may take far more time and effort for a disabled person, depending on how the button has been made.

Chilling Effects

Frustratingly, the extra time and effort a disabled person has to put into operating a technically accessible experience may feed back into their disability condition(s). For example, the presence of a motor control disability such as arthritis may make the overall experience even more taxing.

Cognitive accessibility concerns are also another important thing to consider. What may seem easy to understand or intuitive to use for one person may not be for another. This is especially prevalent in situations where there is:

Cognitive accessibility isn’t an abstract concern, either. Poor user interface design that ignores the circumstances of the end user and dumps too much cognitive load onto them can have very real, very serious consequences.

Screenshot of the ProPublica featured called, “Collision Course: The Navy Installed Touch-screen Steering Systems To Save Money. Ten Sailors Paid With Their Lives.” The intro paragraph reads, “When the USS John S. McCain crashed in the Pacific, the Navy blamed the destroyer’s crew for the loss of 10 sailors. The truth is the Navy’s flawed technology set the McCain up for disaster.” In the background are two large touchscreens with complicated-looking virtual dials, sliders, and other widgets. The touchscreens are placed in front of a ship’s window, with a foggy, stormy sea outside.
The military is full of examples of poor interfaces being forced on people who don’t have a choice in the matter. It’s also one of the origins of Inclusive Design thinking. (Large preview)

Compounding Effects

These factors are not mutually exclusive. Proponents of Spoon Theory know that inaccessible experiences conspire to sap a person’s mental and physical energy, leaving them exhausted and demotivated. Worse, these sorts of scenarios are often more than just a person perpetually operating at a diminished capacity.

Frustrating digital experiences can lead to a person abandoning them outright, internalizing the system’s fault as their own personal failure. This abandonment may also translate to a person’s willingness and ability to operate other digital interfaces. In other words: the more we turn people away, the more they’ll stop trying to show up.

Don’t Take My Word For It

To make the abstract immediate, I reached out on Twitter to ask people about their experiences using assistive technology to browse the web.

I also took a purposely loose definition of assistive technology. All-too-often we assume the term “accessible” only means “works in a screen reader.” The truth of the matter is that assistive technology is so much more than that.

The way the web is built — its foundational principles and behaviors — make it extraordinarily adaptable. It’s us, the people who build on and for the web, who break that. By failing to consider these devices and methods of interacting with web content, we implicitly drift further away from equivalency.


For some, assistive technology can mean specialized browser extensions. These micro-apps are used to enhance, augment, and customize a browsing experience to better suit someone’s needs.

Damien Senger, digital designer, uses a browser extension called Midnight Lizard to enforce a similar experience across multiple websites. This helps them “to focus on the content directly and to limit having too big differences between websites. It is also helping me to avoid too harsh color contrasts that are really uncomfortable.“

Damien also writes, “Often websites are really difficult to read for me because either of the lack of consistency in the layout, too narrow lines or just not enough balance between font size and line height. Related to that, color can create a lot of unhelpful distraction and I am struggling when too harsh contrast is nearby text.”

How To Maintain Equivalency

In addition, Damien also augments their browsing experience by using ad blocking technology “not only for ads but to block animations or content that are too distracting for my ADHD.”

It’s not too difficult to imagine why distracting and annoying your users is a bad idea. In the case of ads, the industry is unregulated, meaning that rules to prohibit ADHD, migraine, and/or seizure-triggering animations aren’t honored. Through this lens, an ad blocker is a form of consumer self-defense.

Kenny Hitt also chimes in about ads: “…regardless of the platform, the thing that annoys me most are websites with ads that essentially cause the site to constantly auto update. This prevents me as a screen reader user from reading the content of those websites.”

Again, a lack of regulation means the user must take measures into their own hands to keep the experience equivalent.

How To Maintain Equivalency


A lack of an equivalent experience translates directly to lost opportunity. Many individuals I spoke with mentioned that they’d abandon a digital experience that was inaccessible more often than not.

Brian Moore mentions, “there are web sites where I like their products a lot but won’t buy them because the site itself is such a struggle, and attempts to reach out have met with either silence or resistance to taking any action.”

Brian cites the Fluance website as the most recent example. The bugs present in its shopping user flows prevents him from buying high-end consumer audio equipment.

Fluance’s entire web presence exists to sell products. While updating a website or web app to be accessible can be an effort-intensive process, it would definitely be in Fluance’s best interest to make sure its checkout user flow is as robust as it could be.

Screenshot of the Fluance website, showing their Signature Series Surround Sound Home Theater 7.1 Channel Speaker System priced at $1,609.99 USD
Those lost sales add up. (Large preview)

Opportunity isn’t limited to just e-commerce, either. As more and more services digitize, we paradoxically push more people out of being to live in the society that relies on these digitized services—people with protected rights. Again, this shift away from an equivalent experience is the culprit.

Justin Yarbrough was “applying for an accessibility-related job with the Arizona Department of Economic Security over the summer, where they wanted me to take an assessment. The button to start the assessment was a clickable div. They wound up waving the assessment requirement for the position.”

Jim Kiely tells me about his brother, who “has stopped paying his water bill online because the city water website [doesn’t] work well with a screen reader and high contrast.”

Personally, I have friends who have been prevented from submitting résumés to multiple sites because their job application portals were inaccessible.

How To Maintain Equivalency


Soren Hamby, product marketing manager and design advocate, writes of their experiences using screen magnification software and screen reading capabilities. Soren has “varying levels of vision so [they] tend to not always need the same level of accommodation.”

Of note, Soren mentions their struggles with grocery delivery apps, specifically “the carts often only read the quantities rather than the item name. It’s much easier to order with a sighted person.”

There are three things to consider here:

First is the surface-level acknowledgment that the app operates differently for different people, the main point this article is driving at.

Second is the fact that Soren uses multiple forms of assistive technology, with the mix a shifting combination depending on a combination of their task at hand and how well the digital interface meets their access needs.

How To Maintain Equivalency
  • Make sure that the labels for your interactive controls are relevant and concise.
  • Incorporate disability scenarios and conditions into your design personas.
  • Avoid using absolute length units. (No, seriously.)
  • Avoid setting maximum widths and heights.
  • Avoid using fixed and sticky-scrolling components, especially larger-sized ones.
  • Test your layouts by zooming and/or increasing your default type size to make sure that content does not get obscured.

This brings us to our third and most important point:


Having to rely on the help of a sighted person to order groceries is not ideal. For many, the acquiring, preparation, and consuming of food can be highly personal acts. Being forced to incorporate outside assistance into this process is far different than willingly inviting someone in to share an experience. The same notion applies to every other digital product, as well.

Kenny also mentions grocery apps: “…my local Kroger grocery store has started an app redesign in June 2019 that is breaking accessibility with their app.” In discussing this regression, he goes on to elaborate, “Because I can’t financially change to another business, I won’t let it drop. Kroger is going to discover that I don’t stop with a problem. Persistence in solving problems is a requirement for any disabled person if you want to succeed in the world.”

Three screenshots from the redesigned Kroger app, including the home section, shop section, and weekly ads.
This app looks great, provided you can see it. (Large preview)


Kroger would be wise to listen to Kenny’s feedback. The grocery company Winn-Dixie was recently successfully sued for not being operable with a screen reader. The lawsuit argued that the grocer’s website was heavily integrated with their physical stores, and therefore violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Another recent case involves the Domino’s Pizza franchise. Taken all the way to the Supreme Court, the ruling clearly and unambiguously states that preventing someone from using a website or app, simply because they used screen reading software, is unconstitutional.

For both cases, the cost to implement fixes were far cheaper than going to court—something to think about the next time you’re deciding where to order pizza.

Despite some ugly misconceptions about the ruling, the evidence is clear: in the United States, there is now legal precedent for private companies to be sued for violating civil rights via an inaccessible digital experience. Europe and some parts of Asia have similar laws, as well.

How To Maintain Equivalency


Another way to maintain an equivalent experience — one that is often not thought about — is to give reports about accessibility issues the same weight and concern as other software bugs.

Reported accessibility issues are oftentimes downplayed and ignored, or are sent to someone ignorant of the issue and/or powerless to fix it.

Kenny, who started using a computer with a screen reader in 1984 says, “When I run into accessibility issues nowadays, I’ll try reporting it, when I get the usual response from the feedback of the person not caring, I just give up and walk away. If [the response] comes from somebody in marketing who doesn’t understand accessibility, I just give up and go away. There’s no point in trying to teach these people about accessibility.”

Kenny’s view is shared by many others in the disability community. Remember what I said about compounding effects earlier.

Brian reports that,

“If I find significant issues with a site, I do report it. Depending on who I talk to it ranges from ‘here’s what doesn’t work’ to all kinds of technical detail about why if I can get to the right people.”

Getting it to the right people is key. Another part of equivalent experience is handling feedback in a timely and constructive way, much as how you would with any other issue with your product or service.

Responding to an accessibility issue is easy:

  • Thank the person for taking the time and effort to report the issue.
  • Acknowledge the issue and identify what person or team will be handling it.
  • Ask clarifying questions as needed.
  • Offer potential workarounds, with the understanding that they’re only temporary until the underlying issue is addressed.
  • Offer to involve them in the process, including notifying them when the issue has been fixed.

Being open, honest, and transparent about your bug fixing process goes a long way to establishing trust in a population that has historically and routinely been overlooked.

Also know that assigning someone to mind an email address to conduct tasks on behalf of an assistive technology user is not an appropriate, effective, or sustainable solution. Remember the concerns surrounding autonomy discussed earlier.

How To Maintain Equivalency
  • Create an accessibility statement, including known issues, a tentative timeline for their fixes, and easy to discover contact information.
  • Ensure that anyone customer-facing (quality assurance, customer support, marketing, etc.) are trained on protocol for accessibility-related issue reporting.
  • Quantify accessibility-related issues, both internal and reported.
  • Be on the lookout for patterns and trends with discovered accessibility issues, as they represent learning opportunities.
  • Understand that not all platforms to collect feedback are created equal.


We’ve covered actual people’s everyday frustrations, as well as civil rights and the current legal landscape. If these don’t motivate you, allow me to present another factor to consider: profit.

There are two provoking studies I’d like to call attention to, but they are by no means the only studies performed in this space.

The cover page of The Purchasing Power of Working-Age Adults With Disabilities report placed over a screenshot of the Click Away Pound Survey homepage
(Large preview)

First is the Click Away Pound Survey, a survey conducted in both 2016 and 2019 to “explore the online shopping experience of people with disabilities and examine the cost to business of ignoring disabled shoppers.”

The survey discovered that more than 4 million people abandoned a retail website because of the access barriers they found. These people represent 17.1 billion pounds (~$21.1 billion USD) in lost potential revenue.

Second is the The Purchasing Power of Working-Age Adults With Disabilities (PDF), conducted in 2018 by the American Institutes for Research. This study discovered that there is an estimated $490 billion in disposable income amongst disabled working-age adults. That’s billion with a capital B.

There are two of the (many) takeaways from these studies I’d like to highlight:

First is that from a historical perspective, the web is still very much new. On top of that, its ubiquity is even more recent, meaning that use by the general population is a small sliver of the amount of time it’s been around.

Second is that the general population contains many people who are disabled, and that their needs are not being met. These unmet needs represent billions of dollars of potential revenue.

This is a gigantic market that we, as an industry, are only now becoming aware of. Rather than approaching accessibility with a mindset of risk aversion, why not use this learning as a great way to view your current and future business opportunities?

Let’s Not Stop Here

Too often we think of accessibility as a problem to be solved, rather than a way of looking at the world. Equivalent experiences necessitate that we question our assumptions and biases and think about experiences outside of our own. It can be an uncomfortable thing to think about at first, but it’s all in the service of making things usable for all.

As web professionals, it is our job, and our privilege to ensure that the experiences we deliver are equivalent. In the second part, we’ll investigate how to do just that.

Further Reading

Thank you to Brian Moore, Damien Senger, Jim Kiely, Justin Yarbrough, Kenny Hitt, and Soren Hamby for sharing their insights and experiences.

Smashing Editorial (ra, il)

SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them

Favicons are the little icons you see in your browser tab. They help you understand which site is which when you’re scanning through your browser’s bookmarks and open tabs. They’re a neat part of internet history that are capable of performing some cool tricks.

One very new trick is the ability to use SVG as a favicon. It’s something that most modern browsers support, with more support on the way.

Here’s the code for how to add favicons to your site:

<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg">
<link rel="alternate icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#ff8a01">

If a browser doesn’t support a SVG favicon, it will ignore the first link element declaration and continue on to the second. This ensures that all browsers that support favicons can enjoy the experience. 

You may also notice the alternate attribute value for our rel declaration in the second line. This programmatically communicates to the browser that the favicon with a file format that uses .ico is specifically used as an alternate presentation.

Following the favicons is a line of code that loads another SVG image, one called safari-pinned-tab.svg. This is to support Safari’s pinned tab functionality, which existed before other browsers had SVG favicon support. There’s additional files you can add here to enhance your site for different apps and services, but more on that in a bit.

Here’s more detail on the current level of SVG favicon support:

This browser support data is from Caniuse, which has more detail. A number indicates that browser supports the feature at that version and up.



Mobile / Tablet

Android ChromeAndroid FirefoxAndroidiOS Safari

Why SVG?

You may be questioning why this is needed. The .ico file format has been around forever and can support images up to 256×256 pixels in size. Here are three answers for you.

Ease of authoring

It’s a pain to make .ico files. The file is a proprietary format used by Microsoft, meaning you’ll need specialized tools to make them. SVG is an open standard, meaning you can use them without any further tooling or platform lock-in.


Retina? 5k? 6k? When we use a resolution-agnostic SVG file for a favicon, we guarantee that our favicons look crisp on future devices, regardless of how large their displays get


SVGs are usually very small files, especially when compared to their raster image counterparts — even more-so if you optimize them beforehand. By only using a 16×16 pixel favicon as a fallback for browsers that don’t support SVG, we provide a combination that enjoys a high degree of support with a smaller file size to boot. 

This might seem a bit extreme, but when it comes to web performance, every byte counts!


Another cool thing about SVG is we can embed CSS directly in it. This means we can do fun things like dynamically adjust them with JavaScript, provided the SVG is declared inline and not embedded using an img element.

<svg  version="1.1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
    path { fill: #272019; }
  <!-- etc. -->

Since SVG favicons are embedded using the link element, they can’t really be modified using JavaScript. We can, however, use things like emoji and media queries.


Lea Verou had a genius idea about using emoji inside of SVG’s text element to make a quick favicon with a transparent background that holds up at small sizes.

In response, Chris Coyier whipped up a neat little demo that lets you play around with the concept.

Dark Mode support

Both Thomas Steiner and Mathias Bynens independently stumbled across the idea that you can use the prefers-color-scheme media query to provide support for dark mode. This work is built off of Jake Archibald’s exploration of SVG and media queries.

<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="">
    path { fill: #000000; }
    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      path { fill: #ffffff; }
  <path d="M111.904 52.937a1.95 1.95 0 00-1.555-1.314l-30.835-4.502-13.786-28.136c-.653-1.313-2.803-1.313-3.456 0L48.486 47.121l-30.835 4.502a1.95 1.95 0 00-1.555 1.314 1.952 1.952 0 00.48 1.99l22.33 21.894-5.28 30.918c-.115.715.173 1.45.768 1.894a1.904 1.904 0 002.016.135L64 95.178l27.59 14.59c.269.155.576.232.883.232a1.98 1.98 0 001.133-.367 1.974 1.974 0 00.768-1.894l-5.28-30.918 22.33-21.893c.518-.522.71-1.276.48-1.99z" fill-rule="nonzero"/>

For supporting browsers, this code means our star-shaped SVG favicon will change its fill color from black to white when dark mode is activated. Pretty neat!

Other media queries

Dark mode support got me thinking: if SVGs can support prefers-color-scheme, what other things can we do with them? While the support for Level 5 Media Queries may not be there yet, here’s some ideas to consider:

Mockup of four SVG favicon treatments. The first treatment is a pink star with a tab title of, “SVG Favicon.” The second treatment is a hot pink star with a tab title of, “Light Level SVG Favicon.” The third treatment is a light pink star with a tab title of, “Inverted Colors SVG Favicon.” The fourth treatment is a black pink star with a tab title of, “High Contrast Mode SVG Favicon.” The tabs are screen captures from Microsoft Edge, with the browser chrome updating to match each specialized mode.
A mockup of how these media query-based adjustments could work.

Keep it crisp

Another important aspect of good favicon design is making sure they look good in the small browser tab area. The secret to this is making the paths of the vector image line up to the pixel grid, the guide a computer uses to turn SVG math into the bitmap we see on a screen. 

Here’s a simplified example using a square shape:

A crisp orange square on a white background. There is also a faint grid of gray horizontal and vertical lines that represent the pixel grid. Screenshot from Figma.

When the vector points of the square align to the pixel grid of the artboard, the antialiasing effect a computer uses to smooth out the shapes isn’t needed. When the vector points aren’t aligned, we get a “smearing” effect:

A blurred orange square on a white background. There is also a faint grid of gray horizontal and vertical lines that represent the pixel grid. Screenshot from Figma.

A vector point’s position can be adjusted on the pixel grid by using a vector editing program such as Figma, Sketch, Inkscape, or Illustrator. These programs export SVGs as well. To adjust a vector point’s location, select each node with a precision selection tool and drag it into position.

Some more complicated icons may need to be simplified, in order to look good at such a small size. If you’re looking for a good primer on this, Jeremy Frank wrote a really good two-part article over at Vidget.

Go the extra mile

In addition to favicons, there are a bunch of different (and unfortunately proprietary) ways to use icons to enhance its experience. These include things like the aforementioned pinned tab icon for Safari¹, chat app unfurls, a pinned Windows start menu tile, social media previews, and homescreen launchers.

If you’re looking for a great place to get started with these kinds of enhancements, I really like

Icon output from arranged in a grid using CSS-Trick’s logo. There are two rows of five icons: android-chrome-192x192.png, android-chrome-384x384.png, apple-touch-icon.png, favicon-16x16.png, favicon-32x32.png, mstile-150x150.png, safari-pinned-tab.svg, favicon.ico, browserconfig.xml, and site.webmanifest.
It’s a lot, but it guarantees robust support.

A funny thing about the history of the favicon: Internet Explorer was the first browser to support them and they were snuck in at the 11th hour by a developer named Bharat Shyam:

As the story goes, late one night, Shyam was working on his new favicon feature. He called over junior project manager Ray Sun to take a look.

Shyam commented, “This is good, right? Check it in?”, requesting permission to check the code into the Internet Explorer codebase so it could be released in the next version. Sun didn’t think too much of it, the feature was cool and would clearly give IE an edge. So he told Shyam to go ahead and add it. And just like that, the favicon made its way into Internet Explorer 5, which would go on to become one of the largest browser releases the web has ever seen.

The next day, Sun was reprimanded by his manager for letting the feature get by so quickly. As it turns out, Shyam had specifically waited until later in the day, knowing that a less experienced Program Manager would give him a pass. But by then, the code had been merged in. Incidentally, you’d be surprised just how many relatively major browser features have snuck their way into releases like this.

From How We Got the Favicon by Jay Hoffmann

I’m happy to see the platform throw a little love at favicons. They’ve long been one of my favorite little design details, and I’m excited that they’re becoming more reactive to user’s needs. If you have a moment, why not sneak a SVG favicon into your project the same way Bharat Shyam did way back in 1999. 

¹ I haven’t been able to determine if Safari is going to implement SVG favicon support, but I hope they do. Has anyone heard anything?

The post SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

What the Web Still Is

Being a pessimist is an easy thing to fall back on, and I’m trying to be better about it. As we close the year out, I thought it would be a good exercise to take stock of the state of the web and count our blessings.


We don't use the internet to do just one thing. With more than two decades of globally interconnected computers, the web allows us to use it for all manner of activity.

This includes platforms, processes, and products that existed before the web came into being, and also previously unimagined concepts and behaviors. Thanks to the web, we can all order takeout the same way we can all watch two women repair a space station in realtime.


There is still no one single arbiter you need to petition to sign off on the validity of your idea, or one accepted path for going about to make it happen. Any website can link out to, or be linked to, without having to pay a tax or file pre-approval paperwork.

While we have seen a consolidation of the services needed to run more sophisticated web apps, you can still put your ideas out for the entire world to see with nothing more than a static HTML page. This fact was, and still is, historically unprecedented.


The internet has been called the most hostile environment to develop for. Someone who works on the web has to consider multiple browsers, the operating systems they are installed on, and all the popular release versions of both. They also need to consider screen size and quality, variable network conditions, different form factors and input modes, third party scripts, etc. This is to say nothing about serving an unknown amount of unknown users, each with their own thoughts, feelings, goals, abilities, motivations, proficiencies, and device modifications.

If you do it right, you can build a website or a web app so that it can survive a lot of damage before it is rendered completely inoperable. Frankly, the fact that the web works at all is nothing short of miraculous.

The failsafes, guardrails, redundancies, and other considerations built into the platform from the packet level on up allow this to happen. Honoring them honors the thought, care, and planning that went into the web's foundational principles.


Most websites now make use of media queries to ensure their content reads and works well across a staggeringly large amount of devices. This efficient technology choice is fault-tolerant, has a low barrier of entry, and neatly side-steps the myriad problems you get with approaches such as device-sniffing and/or conditionally serving massive piles of JavaScript.

Responsive Design was, and still is revolutionary. It was the right answer, at the right place and time. It elegantly handled the compounding problem of viewport fragmentation as the web transformed from something new and novel into something that is woven into our everyday lives.


In addition to being responsive, the web works across a huge range of form factors, device capabilities, and specialized browsing modes. The post you are currently reading can show up on a laptop, a phone, a Kindle, a TV, a gas station pump, a video game console, a refrigerator, a car, a billboard, an oscilloscope—heck, even a space shuttle (if you’re reading this from space, please, please, please let me know).

It will work with a reading mode that helps a person focus, dark and high contrast modes that will help a person see, and any number of specialized browser extensions that help people get what they need. I have a friend who inverts her entire display to help prevent triggering migraines, and the web just rolls with it. How great is that?

Web content can be read, translated, spoken aloud, copied, clipped, piped into your terminal, forked, remixed, scraped by a robot, output as Braille, and even played as music. You can increase the size of its text, change its font and color, and block parts you don't want to deal with—all in the service of making it easier for you to consume. That is revolutionary when compared to the media that came before it.

Furthermore, thanks to things like Progressive Web Apps and Web Platform Features, the web now blends seamlessly into desktops and home screens. These features allow web content to behave like traditional apps and are treated as first-class citizens by the operating systems that support them. You don’t even necessarily need to be online for them to work!


The current landscape of accessibility compliance is a depressing state of affairs. WebAIM’s Million report, and subsequent update, highlights this with a sobering level of detail.

Out of the top one million websites sampled, ~98% of home pages had programmatically detectable Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) errors. This represents a complete, categorical failure of our industry on every conceivable level, from developers and designers, to framework maintainers, all the way up to those who help steer the future of the platform.

And yet.

In that last stubborn two percent lives a promise of the web. Web accessibility—the ability for someone to use a website or web app regardless of their ability or circumstance—grants autonomy. It represents a rare space where a disabled individual may operate free from the immense amount of bias, misunderstanding, and outright hate that is pervasive throughout much of society. This autonomy represents not only freedom for social activities but also employment opportunities for a population that is routinely discriminated against.

There is a ton of work to do, and we do not have the luxury of defeatism. I’m actually optimistic about digital accessibility’s future. Things like Inclusive Design have shifted the conversation away from remediation into a more holistic, proactive approach to product design.

Accessibility, long viewed as an unglamorous topic, has started to appear as a mainstream, top-level theme in conference and workshop circuits, as well as popular industry blogs. Sophisticated automated accessibility checkers can help prevent you from shipping inaccessible code. Design systems are helping to normalize the practice at scale. And most importantly, accessibility practitioners are speaking openly about ableism.


While the average size of a website continues to rise, the fact remains that you can achieve an incredible amount of functionality with a small amount of code. That’s an important thing to keep in mind.

It has never been more affordable to use the web. In the United States, you can buy an internet-ready smartphone for ~$40. Emerging markets are adopting feature phones such as the JioPhone (~$15 USD) at an incredible rate. This means that access to the world’s information is available to more people—people who traditionally may have never been able to have such a privilege.

Think about it: owning a desktop computer represented having enough steady income to be able to support permanent housing, as well as consistent power and phone service. This created an implicit barrier to entry during the web’s infancy.

The weakening of this barrier opens up unimaginable amounts of opportunity, and is an excellent reminder that the web really is for everyone. With that in mind, it remains vital to keep our payload sizes down. What might be a reflexive CMD + R for you might be an entire week’s worth of data for someone else.


There are more browsers available than I have fingers and toes to count on. This is a good thing. Like any other category of software, each browser is an app that does the same general thing in the same general way, but with specific design decisions made to prioritize different needs and goals.

My favorite browser, Firefox, puts a lot of its attention towards maintaining the privacy and security of its users. Brave is similar in that regard. Both Edge and Safari are bundled with their respective operating systems, and have interfaces geared towards helping the widest range of users browse web content. Browsers like Opera and Vivaldi are geared towards tinkerers, people who like a highly customized browsing experience. Samsung Internet is an alternative browser for Android devices that can integrate with their proprietary hardware. KaiOS and UC browsers provide access to millions of feature phones, helping them to have smartphone-esque functionality. Chrome helps you receive more personalized ads efficiently debug JavaScript.

Browser engine diversity is important as well, although the ecosystem has been getting disturbingly small as of late. The healthy competition multiple engines generates translates directly to the experience becoming better for the most important people in the room: Those who rely on the web to live their everyday lives.

Speaking of people, let’s discuss the web’s quality of diversity and how it applies to them: Our industry, like many others, has historically been plagued by ills such as misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and classism. However, the fact remains that the ability to solve problems in the digital space represents a rare form of leverage that allows minoritized groups to have upward economic mobility.

If you can't be motivated by human decency, it’s no secret that more diverse teams perform better. We’ve made good strides in the past few years towards better representation, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.

Listen to, and signal boost the triumphs, frustrations, and fears of the underrepresented in our industry. Internalize their observations and challenge your preconceived notions and biases. Advocate for their right to be in this space. Educate yourself on our industry’s history. Support things like codes of conduct, which do the hard work of modeling and codifying expectations for behavior. All of this helps to push against a toxic status quo and makes the industry better for everyone.


The web is built by consensus, enabling a radical kind of functionality. This interoperability—the ability for different computer systems to be able to exchange information—is built from a set of standards we have all collectively agreed on.

Chances are good that a web document written two decades ago will still work with the latest version of any major browser. Any web document written by someone else—even someone on the opposite side of the globe—will also work. It will also continue to work on browsers and devices that have yet to be invented. I challenge you to name another file format that supports this level of functionality that has an equivalent lifespan.

This futureproofing by way of standardization also allows for a solid foundation of support for whatever comes next. Remember the principle of versatile: It is important to remember that these standards are also not prescriptive. We’re free to take these building blocks use arrange them in a near-infinite number of ways.


Furthermore, this consensus is transparent. While the process may seem slow sometimes, it is worth highlighting the fact that the process is highly transparent. Anyone who is invested may follow, and contribute to web standards, warts and all.

It’s this openness that helps to prevent things like hidden agendas, privatization, lock-in, and disproportionate influence from consolidating power. Open-source software and protocols and, most importantly, large-scale cooperation also sustain the web platform’s long-term growth and health. Think of web technologies that didn’t make it: Flash, Silverlight, ActiveX, etc. All closed, for-profit, brittle, and private.

It also helps to disincentive more abstract threats, things like adversarial interoperability and failure to disclose vulnerabilities. These kinds of hazards are a good thing to remember any time you find yourself frustrated with the platform.

Make no mistake: I feel a lot of what makes the web great is actively being dismantled, either inadvertently or deliberately. But as I mentioned earlier, cynicism is easy. My wish for next year? That all the qualities mentioned here are still present. My New Year’s resolution? To help ensure it.

The post What the Web Still Is appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query

Two years ago, I wrote about prefers-reduced-motion, a media query introduced into Safari 10.1 to help people with vestibular and seizure disorders use the web. The article provided some background about the media query, why it was needed, and how to work with it to avoid creating disability-triggering visual effects.

The article was informed by other people’s excellent work, namely Orde Saunders’ post about user queries, and Val Head’s article on web animation motion sensitivity.

We’re now four months into 2019, and it makes me happy to report that we have support for the feature in all major desktop browsers! Safari was first, with Firefox being a close second. Chrome was a little late to the party, but introduced it as of version 74.

This browser support data is from Caniuse, which has more detail. A number indicates that browser supports the feature at that version and up.



Mobile / Tablet

iOS SafariOpera MobileOpera MiniAndroidAndroid ChromeAndroid Firefox

While Microsoft Edge does not have support for prefers-reduced-motion, it will become Chrome under the hood soon. If there’s one good thing to come from this situation, it’s that Edge’s other excellent accessibility features will (hopefully) have a good chance of being back-ported into Chrome.


While I’m happy to see some websites and web apps using the media query, I find that it’s rare to encounter it outside of places maintained by people who are active in CSS and accessibility spaces. In a way, this makes sense. While prefers-reduced-motion is relatively new, CSS features and functionality as a whole are often overlooked and undervalued. Accessibility even more so.

It’s tough to blame someone for not using a feature they don’t know exists, especially if it’s relatively new, and especially in an industry as fast-paced as ours. The deck is also stacked in terms of what the industry prioritizes as marketable, and therefore what developers pay attention to. And yet, prefers-reduced-motion is a library-agnostic feature that ties into Operating System-level functionality. I’m pretty sure that means it’ll have some significant staying power in terms of reward for time spent for skill acquisition.

Speaking of rewards, I think it’s also worth pointing out the true value prefers-reduced-motion represents: Not attracting buzzword-hungry recruiters on LinkedIn, but improving the quality of life for the people who benefit from the effect it creates. Using this media query could spare someone from having to unnecessarily endure a tremendous amount of pain for simply having the curiosity to click on a link or scroll down a page.

The people affected

When it comes to disability, many people just assume “blind people.” The reality is that disabilities are a complicated and nuanced topic, one that is surprisingly pervasive, deeply personal, and full of unfortunate misconceptions. It's also highly variable. Different people are affected by different disability conditions in different ways — extending to a wide gamut of permanent, temporary, environmental, and situational concerns. Multiple, compounding conditions can (and do) affect individuals, and sometimes what helps one person might hinder another. It’s a difficult, but very vital thing to keep in mind.

If you have a vestibular disorder or have certain kinds of migraine or seizure triggers, navigating the web can be a lot like walking through a minefield — you’re perpetually one click away from activating an unannounced animation. And that’s just for casual browsing.

If you use the web for work, you might have no choice but to endure a web app that contains triggering animations multiple times a week, or even per day or hour. In addition to not having the autonomy to modify your work device, you may also not have the option to quickly and easily change jobs — a privilege easily forgotten when you’re a specialized knowledge worker.

It’s a fallacy to assume that a person is aware of their vestibular disorder, or what triggers it. In fact, sometimes the initial triggering experience exacerbates your sensitivity and makes other parts of a design difficult to use. Facundo Corradini shares his experience with this phenomenon in his article, “Accessibility for Vestibular Disorders: How My Temporary Disability Changed My Perspective.”

Not all assistive technology users are power users, so it’s another fallacy to assume that a person with a vestibular disorder is aware of, or has the access rights to enable a motion-reducing Operating System setting or install a browser extension.

Think of someone working in a large corporation who has to use a provisioned computer with locked-down capabilities. Or someone who isn’t fully aware of what of their tablet is capable of doing past browsing social media, watching video, and messaging their family and friends. Or a cheap and/or unorthodox device that will never support prefers-reduced-motion feature — some people purchase discontinued devices such as the Windows Phone specifically because their deprecation makes them affordable.

Do these people deserve to be hurt because of their circumstances? Of course not.

Considering what’s harmful

You can tie harm into value, the same way you can with delight. Animation intended to nudge a person towards a signup could also drive them away. This kind of exit metric is more difficult to quantify, but it definitely happens. Sometimes the harm is even intentional, and therefore an easier datapoint to capture — what you do with that information is a whole other issue.

If enough harm happens to enough people, it affects that certain something we know as branding. This effect doesn’t even need to be tied to a disability condition. Too much animation, applied to the wrong things in the wrong way will drive people away, even if they can’t precisely articulate why.

You also don’t know who might be on the receiving end, or what circumstances they’re experiencing the moment they load your website or web app. We can’t — and shouldn’t — know this kind of information, either. It could be a prospective customer, the employee at a venture capitalist firm tasked with evaluating your startup, or maybe even your new boss.

We also don’t need to qualify their relationship to us to determine if their situation is worth considering — isn’t it enough to just be proactively kind?

Animation is progressive enhancement

We also need to acknowledge that not every device that can access the web can also render animation, or render animation smoothly. When animation is used on a low-power or low quality device that “technically” supports it, the overall user experience suffers. Some people even deliberately seek this experience out as a feature.

Devices may also be set to specialized browsing modes to allow people to access your content in alternate ways. This concept is known as being robust, and is one of the four high-level principles that govern the guidelines outlining how to craft accessible experiences.

Animation might not always look the way you intend it in these modes. One example would be when the viewport is zoomed and the animation isn’t built using relative units. There’s a non-trivial chance important parts might be pushed out of the viewport, leaving the animation appearing as a random collection of flickering bits. Another example of a specialized browsing mode might be Reader Mode, where the animation may not appear at all.

Taking it to code

Considering all this, I’m wondering if there are opportunities to help web professionals become more aware of, and therefore more considerate of the downsides of poorly conceived and implemented animation.

Maybe we proactively incorporate a media query high up in the cascade to disable all animation for those who desire it, and for those who have devices that can’t support it. This can be accomplished by targeting anything where someone has expressed a desire for a low-to-no-animation experience, or any device that has a slow screen refresh rate.

The first part of the query, targeting low-to-no-animation, is done via prefers-reduced-motion. The second, targeting a screen with a low refresh rate, uses update. update is a new media feature that allows us to “query the ability of the output device to modify the appearance of content once it has been rendered.”

@media screen and
  (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), 
  (update: slow) {
  * {
    animation-duration: 0.001ms !important;
    transition-duration: 0.001ms !important;

This code forces all animation that utilizes a declaration of animation-duration or transition-duration to conclude at a rate that is imperceptible to the human eye. It will work when a person has requested a reduced motion experience, or the device has a screen with a slow refresh rate, say e-ink or a cheap smartphone.

Retaining the animation and transition duration also ensures that any functionality that is tied to CSS-based animation will activate successfully (unlike using a declaration of animation: none), while still preventing a disability condition trigger or creating rendering lag.

This declaration is authored with the intent of introducing some intentional friction into our reset styles. Granted, it’s not a perfect solution, but it does drive at a few things:

  1. Increasing the chances of developers becoming aware of the two media features, by way of making them present in the cascade of every inspected element.
  2. Providing a moment to consider why and how animation will be introduced into a website or web app, and what the experience should be like for those who can’t or don’t want to experience it.
  3. Encouraging developers who are less familiar with CSS to think of the cascade in terms of components and nudge them towards making more easily maintainable stylesheets.

Animation isn’t unnecessary

In addition to vestibular disorders and photosensitive conditions, there’s another important aspect of accessibility we must consider: cognitive disabilities.

Cognitive disabilities

As a concern, the category is wide and often difficult to quantify, but no less important than any other accessibility discipline. It is also far more prevalent. To expand on this some, the World Health Organization reports an estimated 300 million people worldwide are affected by depression, a temporary or permanent, environmental and/or biological condition that can significantly impair your ability to interact with your environment. This includes interfering with your ability to understand the world around you.

Animation can be a great tool to help combat some forms of cognitive disability by using it to break down complicated concepts, or communicate the relationship between seemingly disparate objects. Val Head’s article on A List Apart highlights some other very well-researched benefits, including helping to increase problem-solving ability, recall, and skill acquisition, as well as reducing cognitive load and your susceptibility to change blindness.

Reduce isn’t necessarily remove

We may not need to throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to using animation. Remember, it’s prefers-reduced-motion, not prefers-no-motion.

If we embrace the cascade, we can work with the animation reset code described earlier on a per-component basis. If the meaning of a component is diminished by removing its animation altogether, we could slow down and simplify the component’s animation to the point where the concept can be communicated without potentially being an accessibility trigger.

If you’re feeling clever, you might even be able to use CSS Custom Properties to help achieve this in an efficient way. If you’re feeling extra clever, you could also use these Custom Properties for a site-wide animation preferences widget.

In the following code sample, we’re defining default properties for our animation and transition durations, then modifying them based on the context they’re declared in:

/* Set default durations */
:root {
  --animation-duration: 250ms; 
  --transition-duration: 250ms; 

/* Contextually shorten duration length */
@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), (update: slow) {
  :root {
    --animation-duration: 0.001ms !important; 
    --transition-duration: 0.001ms !important;

@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), (update: slow) {
  /* Remove duration for all unknown animation when a user requests a reduced animation experience */
  * {
    animation-duration: var(--animation-duration);
    transition-duration: var(--animation-duration);

/* Update the duration when animation is critical to understanding and the device can support it */
@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), (update: fast) {
  .c-educational-concept {
    /* Set a new animation duration scoped to this component */
    --animation-duration: 6000ms !important; 
    animation-name: educational-concept;
    /* Use the scoped animation duration */
    animation-duration: var(--animation-duration); 

However, trying to test the effectiveness of this slowed-down animation puts us in a bit of a pickle: there’s no real magic number we can write a test against.

We need to have a wide representation of people who are susceptible to animation-based disability triggers to sign off on it being safe, which unfortunately involves subjecting them to something that may potentially not be. That’s a huge ask.

A better approach is to ask about what kinds of animation have been triggers for them in the past, then see if what they describe matches what we’ve made. This approach also puts the onus on yourself, and not the person with a disability, to do the work to provide accommodation.

If you’re having trouble finding people, ask your friends, family, and coworkers — I’m sure there’s more people out there than you think. And if you need a good starting point for creating safer animation, I once again urge you to read Val’s article on A List Apart.


There’s a lot to unpack here, and I’m not the most qualified person to talk about it. Here’s what my friend Shell Little, an Accessibility Specialist at Wells Fargo DS4B, has to say about it:

Web animation as it relates to Neurodivergence (ND) can be a fantastic tool to guide users to solidify meaning and push understanding. The big issue is the same animation that can assist one group of ND users can create a barrier for another. As mentioned by Eric, Neurodivergence is a massive group of people with a vast range of abilities and covers a wide variety of cognitive disabilities including but not limited to ADHD, autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, dyscalculia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dyspraxia, and Tourette syndrome.

When speaking about motion on the web it’s important we think specifically about attention-related disabilities, autism, and sensory processing disorders that are also closely linked to both. These groups of people, who coincidentally includes me, are especially sensitive to motion as it relates to understanding information and interacting with the web as a whole. Animations can easily overwhelm, distract, and frustrate users who are sensitive to motion and from personal experience, it can even do all three at once.

Because so many people are affected by motion and animation on the web the W3C’s WCAG have a criterion named Pause, Stop, Hide that is specifically written to guide content creators on how to best create accessible animations. My main issues with this guideline are, it only applies to animations that last longer than 5 seconds and motion that is deemed essential is exempt from the standard. That means a ton of animations that can create barriers such as distraction, dizziness, and even harm are out there in the wild.

It makes sense, as Eric mentioned, that we can’t get rid of all animation. Techniques such as spinners let users know the page is still working on the task it was given, and micro-interactions help show progression. But depending on someone’s brain, the things that are helpful at lunch can be a barrier later that night. Someone’s preferences and needs shift throughout their day, and that’s the beauty of prefers-reduced-motion. It has the potential to be what fills the gaps left by Pause, Stop, Hide and allow users to decide when they do or do not want to have motion. That right there is priceless to someone like me.

As someone with an attention-related disability, an interaction I have found to be exceedingly frustrating is autoplay. Many media sharing sites have auto-playing content such as videos, gifs, and ads but because they can be paused, they pass the WCAG standard. That doesn’t mean they aren’t a huge barrier for me as I can’t read any text around them when they are playing. This causes me to have to pause every single moving item I run into. This not only significantly slows me down, and eats away at my limited spoons, but it also derails my task flow and train of thought. Now, it is true some sites — such as Twitter and LinkedIn — have settings to turn autoplay off, but this isn’t true for all sites. This would be a perfect place for prefers-reduced-motion.

In a world where I would be able to determine when and if I want videos to start playing at me, I would be able to get more done with less cognitive strain. prefers-reduced-motion is freedom for me and the millions of people whose brains work like mine. In sum, the absolute best thing we can do for our users who are sensitive to motion is to put a system in place that empowers them to decide when and where animation should be displayed to them. Let the user decide because they will always know their access needs better than we do.

Thanks, Shell!

I don’t hate fun, I just don’t want to hurt people

On my own time, I’m fortunate enough to be able to enjoy animation. I appreciate the large amounts of time and attention involved with making something come alive on the screen, and I’ve definitely put my fair share of time ooh-ing and aah-ing over other people’s amazing work in CodePen. I’ve also watched enough DC Animated Universe to be able to instantly recognize Kevin Conroy’s voice — if you’re looking for even deeper nerd cred, Masaaki Yuasa is a seriously underrated animator.

However, I try to not overly rely on animation as a web professional. There’s a number of factors as to why:

  1. First is simply pushing on awareness of the concerns outlined earlier, as many are unaware they exist. Animation has such a crowd-pleasing gee-whiz factor to it that it’s often quickly accepted into a product without a second thought.
  2. Second is mitigating risk. Not adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) — including provisions for animation — means your inaccessible website or web app becomes a legal liability. There is now legal precedent for the websites and web apps of private companies being sued, so it’s a powerful metric to weigh your choices against.
  3. Third is user experience. With that gee-whiz factor, people tend to forget that being forced to repeatedly view that super-slick animation over and over again will eventually become a tedious chore. There’s a reason why we no longer make 90s-style loading screens (content warning: high-contrast strobing and flickering, Flash, mimes). If you need a more contemporary example, consider why Netflix lets us skip TV show intros.
  4. Fourth is understanding the lay of the land. While prefers-reduced-motion is getting more support, the majority of it is on desktop browsers, and not mobile. We’re not exactly a desktop-first world anymore, especially if you’re in an underserved community or emerging market. A mobile form factor also may exacerbate vestibular issues. Moving around while using your device means you may lose a fixed reference point, unlike sitting at a desk and staring at a monitor — this kind of trigger is similar to why some of us can get seasick.
  5. The fifth factor is a bit of a subset of the fourth. Animation eats device data and battery, and it’s important to remember that it’s the world wide web, not the wealthy Western web. The person using your service may not have consistent and reliable access to income or power, so you want to get to know your audience before spending their money for them.

The ask

Not everyone who could benefit from prefers-reduced-motion cares about accessibility-related content, so I’d love to see the media query start showing up in the code of more popular sites. The only real way to do this is to spread awareness. Not only of the media query, but more importantly, understanding the nuance involved with using animation responsibly.

CSS-Tricks is a popular website for the frontend industry, and I’m going to take advantage of that. If you feel comfortable sharing, what I would love is to describe what kinds of animation have been problematic for you, in either the comments or on Twitter.

The idea here is we can help build a reference of what kinds of things to be on the lookout for animation-wise. Hopefully, with time and a little luck, we can all help make the web better for everyone.

Thanks to Scott O’Hara, Zach Leatherman, Shell Little, and Geoff Graham for reviewing this article.

The post Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Reader Mode: The Button to Beat

As a young nerd, I loved to immerse myself in digital worlds, learning the ins and outs of the rules someone else had created for me (intentionally or not). But the older and crankier I get, the more I find myself losing patience when navigating these "delightful" experiences.

This fascination was great for my eventual career as a designer, but unfortunately, it was also like teaching someone kerning—once you learn how to quantify a bad user experience, you can’t go back.

These days, I’m an impatient grump who doesn't want to take work home. I just want to get in, get what I need, and get out. If there’s any delight I’m experiencing, it’s lost on me because I had such an effortless and annoyance-free time that it simply doesn’t stand out.

One of the features I find myself turning to over and over again is Safari’s Reader Mode. I read a lot of news, and with that comes a lot of bullshit. I now tap the cryptic little icon almost reflexively, confident that I’ll be transported to a land where I can focus on what matters most to me: content.

An iPhone screenshot highlighting the Reader Mode button located in the top-right corner of the screen.

Tapping this button transports me to a land free of newsletter signup modals, surveys, pop-ups, pop-unders, flashing ad banners, automatically-playing video, app install prompts, breaking news alerts, passive-aggressive interstitials, and faux notification permission banners. It slices through the undesirable and unnecessary with ease; the Alexander the Great to the Gordian Knot that is poor user interface design.

Firefox also offers this reading mode. So does Edge. I find myself using it more and more on my laptop with every passing day—especially for reading long-form articles, like this piece. I’d be very surprised to see Chrome institute one natively, as Google is ultimately in the advertising business.

I’m not going to talk about how to best craft your content for Reader Mode. Mandy Michael already covered this in her article, Building websites for Safari Reader Mode and other reading apps. She’s great, and it is a must-read piece.

Building with accessible HTML standards is not a dead-end skill. Far from it. If you spend the effort to craft your experiences with a mind to semantics from the start, your content will be able to adapt to specialized reading modes, as well as whatever the future holds with little to no additional effort. Today’s Reader Mode could be tomorrow’s smart bathroom mirror.

Spending the effort is an important point: Good design isn’t about forcing someone to walk a tightrope across your carefully manicured lawn. Nor is it a puzzle box casually tossed to the user, hoping they’ll unlock it to reveal a hidden treasure. Good design is about doing the hard work to accommodate the different ways people access a solution to an identified problem.

For reading articles, the core problem is turning my ignorance about an issue into understanding (the funding model for this is a whole other complicated concern). The more obstructions you throw in my way to achieve this goal, the more I am inclined to leave and get my understanding elsewhere—all I’ll remember is how poor a time I had while trying to access your content. What is the value of an ad impression if it ultimately leads to that user never returning?

But this isn’t a website about digital media strategy, nor is it one about user conversion. This is a website about CSS and front-end development. What we’re going to discuss is how to keep people like me from hitting that button by relying on this nifty programming language the W3C so wisely gave us. Because if you don’t, all that other stuff—your newsletter signup boxes, your comments, your related articles, your engagement—will be cut away.


What you want to do first is cast a wide net. The more people you can proactively accommodate from the outset, the more people you don’t unintentionally alienate. Our design choices should be invisible—we’re not trying to say, "this is for you." That should be self-evident. What we’re trying to avoid are scenarios where someone encounters something that communicates, "this is for someone else."

It’s not too difficult, provided you know what to look out for. Carie Fisher outlines the bulk of it in her brilliant post, Designing Accessible Content: Typography, Font Styling, and Structure.


A basic paragraph style is the wellspring from which all your other type decisions should flow. It’s probably the most common and frequently invoked content type a website has, so it’s important to treat it with the care and respect it deserves. The web is typography, after all.

Heydon Pickering wrote about styling paragraphs way back when in 2011 with his post, The Perfect Paragraph. And here’s the thing: eight years later, this is all still solid advice (sheesh, I’ve been doing this for awhile). When you make design decisions that work with the grain of the web platform, you gain the confidence that you’re creating resilient, robust, and accessible solutions that last.

The neat part about this is that it frees up time to do other things, say reading about gender bias and the undervaluing of HTML and CSS. If anything, do it for me. I am honestly not sure I can handle another case of 2,000 lines of JavaScript used to recreate position: absolute;.



Even though responsive design is nearly a decade old at this point(!), we still seem to ignore a lot of the wisdom Ethan Marcotte so nicely teaches us for free. He’s a smart guy, you should pay attention to what he has to say.

After a complete lack of breakpoints, perhaps the biggest offender I still come across with regards to responsive design is the assumption that a small viewport means teeny-tiny type. Typically, the opposite is true. Small devices are made to be worn or carried, meaning that we move them in physical space to get them into a comfortable reading position. This is the opposite of a larger, more stationary device, such as a monitor, where we move our body to accommodate it instead.

A comfortable reading position means not forcing someone to hold a phone two centimeters away from their face. Ergonomics aren’t likely to change, but devices will. Because of that, you should craft your breakpoint names to be abstract. I personally like names that keep usability in mind, so something along the lines of, "wrist, palm, lap, desk, wall." It helps keep the user’s circumstance top-of-mind, and moves you away from associating only certain kinds of content as being viable on certain kinds of devices.

These ergonomically-derived designs can be achieved with the help from people like Rachel Andrew, whose in-depth explorations of CSS grid help us understand the power behind a real CSS layout system. Sass experts like Miriam Suzanne then teach us how to use True to codify these layouts and reliably integrate them into our larger Sass systems.

You also want to avoid fallacious device sniffing approaches, or making gross assumptions about a user’s circumstances and capabilities. Just let me increase and decrease that type size. Reader Mode lets me, so I’m going to get there one way or another.


The other thing you need to think about is how that ideal paragraph design actually gets served to a device. A big part of that involves loading our fonts, and ensuring that the loading process prioritizes user experience.


Text downloads quickly; a lot faster than other exotic kinds of content. Browsers will render it gleefully, as it is historically the most important part of the payload. This means that the Reader Mode button is going to show up a lot faster than that distracting auto-playing video of talking heads so thoughtfully jammed into the bottom right-hand corner of my viewport.

And what if we’re on a slow, intermittent, and/or metered connection? Top-of-the-line MacBooks still have to use hotel wifi, just like everyone else.

You want to keep the page from jumping around when our paragraph font loads. This prevents the terrible experience of forcing me to scroll around to rediscover my place as things shift into place. It also helps prevent me from mis-clicking, taking me away from what I want to read because I had the audacity to interact with the page before the bitcoin miners are deployed (thankfully, good people like Laura Kalbag can help us with that one).

The temptation to hit that Reader Mode button is strong, because when I see the main text of the page show up, I know I can easily and reliably avoid all these potential issues.

Helen V. Holmes wrote Type is Your Right!, a beautiful article that effortlessly blends typographic history, capability, and performance. Notably, she discusses how to manage the Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT) and Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT) to best corral all the aforementioned issues. In response, Monica Dinculescu made Font style matcher, a fantastic tool that lets you bend, stretch, squish, squash, and torture type in ways that would make your stodgy typography professor faint, all in the service of preventing layout jank.


You can (and should) make all sorts of clever optimizations to ensure we’re delivering our images as efficiently as possible. But what happens while I’m waiting for those images to show up? What if they never do?

Since you’re a responsible, inclusive web professional, you’ve already made sure to include alternative text descriptions for our image content. Ire Aderinokun teaches us that you can take that one step further and style broken images. Now even the content that isn’t working as intended looks good. No brittle, overwrought JavaScript here—just good, old fashioned progressive enhancement.

The other type of image you want to consider are icons. There’s lots of reasons to not use icon fonts. Adding one more reason to toss on the pile: icon fonts may not hold up in Reader Mode, as they are constructed using text glyphs. When Reader Mode passes over a page, it may convert the glyph to use the font you specify. This could make for a disastrous experience, especially if the icon is used to communicate critical functionality (e.g. "Press the Home button (☒) to return to the main menu.").

To avoid this issue, Sara Soueidan teaches us how to convert those icon fonts to SVG . But you know what? She’s so much more than just a SVG expert. She’s an incredible UX developer, and you’d do well to read up on what she’s written. I, for one, have learned a ton.


To help make my reading experience as comfortable as possible, Reader Mode allows me to adjust things like the typeface, the text and background colors, the font size and line height, and the number of words per line. This is great. I’ll frequently toggle back and forth between light and dark backgrounds depending on the time of day.

I also wear glasses, and I know that the older I get, the worst my vision will be. Thanks to Jennifer Aldrich’s writing, I know that this is the norm. After all, we’re all just temporarily abled. I might also need something like Windows High Contrast Mode one day. Thanks to Amelia Bellamy-Royds, I now know how to make my content be the best it can be when viewed in that mode.

The web is flexible. Working on it means getting over your ego and learning to let go. That means accepting that the medium will never be pixel perfect. It means embracing technology like relative units, and more importantly, philosophies like Intrinsic Web Design. That’s brought to us by Jen Simmons, a tireless and passionate advocate for web standards.

I’d love to read your website. I’d love for your harmonious typography to quietly usher me into a flow state, making me forget I was even browsing your site at all.

The post Reader Mode: The Button to Beat appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

The Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing

The Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing

The Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing

Eric Bailey

Earlier this year, a man drove his car into a lake after following directions from a smartphone app that helps drivers navigate by issuing turn-by-turn directions. Unfortunately, the app’s programming did not include instructions to avoid roads that turn into boat launches.

From the perspective of the app, it did exactly what it was programmed to do, i.e. to find the most optimal route from point A to point B given the information made available to it. From the perspective of the man, it failed him by not taking the real world into account.

The same principle applies for accessibility testing.

Designing For Accessibility And Inclusion

The more inclusive you are to the needs of your users, the more accessible your design is. Let’s take a closer look at the different lenses of accessibility through which you can refine your designs. Read article →

Automated Accessibility Testing

I am going to assume that you’re reading this article because you’re interested in learning how to test your websites and web apps to ensure they’re accessible. If you want to learn more about why accessibility is necessary, the topic has been covered extensively elsewhere.

Automated accessibility testing is a process where you use a series of scripts to test for the presence, or lack of certain conditions in code. These conditions are dictated by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), a standard by the W3C that outlines how to make digital experiences accessible.

For example, an automated accessibility test might check to see if the tabindex attribute is present and if its value is greater than 0. The pseudocode would be something like:

A flowchart that asks if the tabindex value is present. If yes, it asks if the tabindex value is greater than 0. If it is greater than zero, it fails. If not, it passes. If no tabindex value is present, it also passes.

Failures can then be collected and used to generate reports that disclose the number, and severity of accessibility issues. Certain automated accessibility products can also integrate as a Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tool, presenting just-in-time warnings to developers when they attempt to add code to a central repository.

These automated programs are incredible resources. Modern websites and web apps are complicated things that involve hundreds of states, thousands of lines of code, and complicated multi-screen interactions. It’d be absurd to expect a human (or a team of humans) to mind all the code controlling every possible permutation of the site, to say nothing of things like regressions, software rot, and A/B tests.

Automation really shines here. It can repeatedly and tirelessly pour over these details with perfect memory, at a rate far faster than any human is capable of.


Automated accessibility tests aren’t a turnkey solution, nor are they a silver bullet. There are some limitations to keep in mind when using them.

Thinking To Think Of Things

One of both the best and worst aspects of the web is that there are many different ways to implement a solution to a problem. While this flexibility has kept the web robust and adaptable and ensured it outlived other competing technologies, it also means that you’ll sometimes see code that is, um, creatively implemented.

The test suite is only as good as what its author thought to check for. A naïve developer might only write tests for the happy path, where everyone writes semantic HTML, fault-tolerant JavaScript, and well-scoped CSS. However, this is the real world. We need to acknowledge that things like tight deadlines, unfamiliarity with the programming language, atypical user input, and sketchy 3rd party scripts exist.

For example, the automated accessibility testing site wisely includes a rule that checks to see if a form element has both a label element and an aria-label associated with it, and if the text strings for both declarations differ. If they do, it will flag it as an issue, as the visible label may be different than what someone would hear if they were navigating using a screen reader.

If you’re not using a testing service that includes this rule, it won’t be reported. The code will still “pass”, but it’s passing by omission, not because it’s actually accessible.


Some automated accessibility tests cannot parse the various states of interactive content. Critical parts of the user interface are effectively invisible to automation unless the test is run when the content is in an active, selected, or disabled state.

By interactive content, I mean things that the user has yet to take action on, or aren’t present when the page loads. Unopened modals, collapsed accordions, hidden tab content and carousel slides are all examples.

It takes sophisticated software to automatically test the various states of every component within a single screen, let alone across an entire web app or website. While it is possible to augment testing software with automated accessibility checks, it is very resource-intensive, usually requiring a dedicated team of engineers to set up and maintain.

“Valid” Markup

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) is a set of attributes that extend HTML to allow it to describe interaction in a way that can be better understood by assistive technologies. For example, the aria-expanded attribute can be toggled by JavaScript to programmatically communicate if a component is in an expanded (true) or collapsed (false) state. This is superior to toggling a CSS class like .is-expanded, where the update in state is only communicated visually.

Just having the presence of ARIA does not guarantee that it will automatically make something accessible. Unfortunately, and in spite of its first rule of use, ARIA is commonly misunderstood, and consequently abused. A lot of off-the-shelf code has this problem, perpetuating the issue.

For example, certain ARIA attributes and values can only be applied to certain elements. If incorrectly applied, assistive technology will ignore or misreport the declaration. Certain roles, known as Abstract Roles, only exist to set up the overall taxonomy and should never be placed in markup.

<button role="command">Save</button>

<!-- Never do this -->

To further complicate the issue, support for ARIA is varied across browsers. While an attribute may be used appropriately, the browser may not communicate the declared role, property, or state to assistive technology.

There is also the scenario where ARIA can be applied to an element and be valid from a technical standpoint, yet be unusable from an assistive technology perspective. For example:

<h1 aria-hidden=“true”>
  Tired of unevenly cooked asparagus? Try this tip from the world’s oldest cookbook.

This one Weird Trick.

The aria-hidden declaration will remove the presence of content from assistive technology, yet allow it to be still rendered visibly on the page. It’s a problematic pattern.

Headings — especially first-level headings — are vital in communicating the purpose of a page. If a person is using assistive technology to navigate, the aria-hidden declaration applied to the h1 element will make it difficult for them to quickly determine the page’s purpose. It will force them to navigate around the rest of the page to gain context, an annoying and labor-intensive process.

Some automated accessibility tests may scan the code and not report an error since the syntax itself is valid. The automation has no way of knowing the greater context of the declaration’s use.

This isn’t to say you should completely avoid using ARIA! When authored with care and deliberation, ARIA can fix the gaps in accessibility that sometimes plague complicated interactions; it provides some much-needed context to the people who rely on assistive technology.

Much-Needed Context

As the soggy car demonstrates, computers are awful at understanding the overall situation of the outside world. It’s up to us humans to be the ultimate arbiters in determining if what the computer spits out is useful or not.


Before we discuss how to provide appropriate context, there are a few common misunderstandings about accessibility work that need to be addressed:

First, not all screen reader users are blind. In addition to all the points Adrian Roselli outlines in his post, some food for thought: the use of voice assistants is on the rise. When’s the last time you spoke to Siri or Alexa?

Second, accessibility is more than just screen readers. The rules outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ensure that the largest number of people can read and operate technology, regardless of ability or circumstance.

For example, the rule that stipulates a website or web app needs to be able to work regardless of device orientation benefits everyone. Some people may need to mount their device in a fixed location in a specific orientation, such as in landscape mode on the arm of a wheelchair. Others might want to lie in bed and watch a movie, or better investigate a product photo (pinch and pull zooming will also be helpful to have here).

Third, disabilities can be conditional and can be brought about by your environment. It can be a short-term thing, like rain on your glasses, sleep deprivation, or an allergies-induced migraine. It can also be longer-term, such as a debilitating illness, broken limb, or a depressive episode. Multiple, compounding conditions can (and do) affect individuals.

That all being said, many accessibility fixes that help screen readers work properly also benefit other assistive technologies.

Get Your Feet Wet

Knowing where to begin can be overwhelming. Consider Michiel Bijl’s great advice:

“Before you release a website, tab through it. If you cannot see where you are on the page after each tab; you're not finished yet. #a11y

Tab through a few of the main user flows on your website or web app to determine if all interactive components’ focus states are visually apparent, and if they can be activated via keyboard input. If there’s something you can click or tap on that isn’t getting highlighted when receiving keyboard focus, take note of it. Also pay attention to the order interactive components are highlighted when focused — it should match the reading order of the site.

An obvious focus state and logical tab order go a great way to helping make your site accessible. These two features benefit a wide variety of assistive technology, including, but not limited to, screen readers.

If you need a baseline to compare your testing to, Dave Rupert has an excellent project called A11Y Nutrition Cards, which outlines expected behavior for common interactive components. In addition, Scott O’Hara maintains a project called a11y Styled Form Controls. This project provides examples of components such as switches, checkboxes, and radio buttons that have well-tested and documented support for assistive technology. A clever reader might use one of these resources to help them try out the other!

A screenshot of homepage for the a11y Styled Form Controls website placed over a screenshot of the Nutrition Cards for Accessible Components website.
(Large preview)

The Fourth Myth

With that out of the way, I’m going to share a fourth myth with you: not every assistive technology user is a power user. Like with any other piece of software, there’s a learning curve involved.

In her post about Aaptiv’s redesign, Lisa Zhu discovers that their initial accessibility fix wasn’t intuitive. While their first implementation was “technically” correct, it didn’t line up with how people who rely on VoiceOver actually use their devices. A second solution simplified the interaction to better align with their expectations.

Don’t assume that just because something hypothetically functions that it’s actually usable. Trust your gut: if it feels especially awkward, cumbersome, or tedious to operate for you, chances are it’ll be for others.

Dive Right In

While not every accessibility issue is a screen reader issue, you should still get in the habit of testing your site with one. Not an emulator, simulator, or some other proxy solution.

If you find yourself struggling to operate a complicated interactive component using basic screen reader commands, it’s probably a sign that the component needs to be simplified. Chances are that the simplification will help non-assistive technology users as well. Good design benefits everyone!

The same goes for navigation. If it’s difficult to move around the website or web app, it’s probably a sign that you need to update your heading structure and landmark roles. Both of these features are used by assistive technology to quickly and efficiently navigate.

Two code examples for a sidebar. One uses a div element, while the others uses an aside element. Both have the class of sidebar applied to them, with a subheading of Recent Posts.
Both of these are sidebars, but only one of them is semantically described as such. A computer doesn't know what a sidebar is, so it's up to you to tell it.

Another good thing to review is the text content used to describe your links. Hopping from link to link is another common assistive technology navigation technique; some screen readers can even generate a list of all link content on the page:

“Think before you link! Your "helpful" click here links look like this to a screen reader user. ALT = JAWS links list”
Tweet by Neil Milliken

Neil Milliken

When navigating using an ordered list devoid of the surrounding non-link content, avoiding ambiguous terms like “click here” or “more info” can go a long way to ensuring a person can understand the overall meaning of the page. As a bonus, it’ll help alleviate cognitive concerns for everyone, as you are more accurately explaining what a user should expect after activating a link.

How To Test

Each screen reader has a different approach to how it announces content. This is intentional. It’s a balancing act between the product’s features, the operating system it is installed on, the form factor it is available in, and the types of input it can receive.

The Browser Wars taught us the folly of developing for only one browser. Similarly, we should not cater to a single screen reader. It is important to note that many people rely exclusively on a specific screen reader and browser combination — by circumstance, preference, or necessity’making this all the more important. However, there is a caveat: each screen reader works better when used with a specific browser, typically the one that allows it access to the greatest amount of accessibility API information.

All of these screen readers can be used for free, provided you have the hardware. You can also virtualize that hardware, either for free or on the cheap.


Automated accessibility tests should be your first line of defense. They will help you catch a great deal of nitpicky, easily-preventable errors before they get committed. Repeated errors may also signal problems in template logic, where one upstream tweak can fix multiple pages. Identifying and resolving these issues allows you to spend your valuable manual testing time much more wisely.

It may also be helpful to log accessibility issues in a place where people can collaborate, such as Google Sheets. Quantifying the frequency and severity of errors can lead to good things like updated documentation, opportunities for lunch and learn education, and other healthy changes to organizational workflow.

Much like manual testing with a variety of screen readers, it is recommended that you use a combination of automated tools to prevent gaps.


The two most popular screen readers on Windows are JAWS and NVDA.


JAWS (Job Access With Speech) is the most popular and feature-rich screen reader on the market. It works best with Firefox and Chrome, with concessions for supporting Internet Explorer. Although it is pay software, it can be operated in full in demo mode for 40 minutes at a time (this should be more than sufficient to perform basic testing).


NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is free, although a donation is strongly encouraged. It is a feature-rich alternative to JAWS. It works best with Firefox.


Windows comes bundled with a built-in screen reader called Narrator. It works well with Edge, but has difficulty interfacing with other browsers.



VoiceOver is a powerful screen reader that comes bundled with macOS. Use it in conjunction with Safari, first making sure that full keyboard access is enabled.


VoiceOver is also included in iOS, and is the most popular mobile screen reader. Much like its desktop counterpart, it works best with Safari. An interesting note here is that according to the 2017 WebAIM screen reader survey, a not-insignificant amount of respondents augment their phone with external hardware keyboards.


Google recently folded TalkBack, their mobile screen reader, into a larger collection of accessibility services called the Android Accessibility Suite. It works best with Mobile Chrome. While many Android apps are notoriously inaccessible, it is still worth testing on this platform. Android’s growing presence in emerging markets, as well as increasing internet use amongst elderly and lower-income demographics, should give pause for consideration.

Popular screen readers
Screen Reader Platform Preferred Browser(s) Manual Launch Quit
JAWS Windows Chrome, Firefox JAWS 2018 Documentation Launch JAWS as you would any other Windows application Insert + F4
NVDA Windows Firefox NVDA 2018.2.1 User Guide Ctrl + Alt + N Insert + Q
Narrator Windows Edge Get started with Narrator Windows key + Control + Enter Windows key + Control + Enter
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Call The Professionals

If you do not require the use of assistive technology on a frequent basis then you do not fully understand how the people who do interact with the web.

Much like traditional user testing, being too close to the thing you created may cloud your judgment. Empathy exercises are a good way to become aware of the problem space, but you should not use yourself as a litmus test for whether the entire experience is truly accessible. You are not the expert.

If your product serves a huge population of users, if its core base of users trends towards having a higher probability of disability conditions (specialized product, elderly populations, foreign language speakers, etc.), and/or if it is required to be compliant by law, I would strongly encourage allocating a portion of your budget for testing by people with disabilities.

“At what point does your organisation stop supporting a browser in terms of % usage? 18% of the global pop. have an #Accessibility requirement, 2% people have a colour vision deficient. But you consider 2% IE usage support more important? Support everyone be inclusive.”

Mark Wilcock

This isn’t to say you should completely delegate the responsibility to these testers. Much as how automated accessibility testing can detect smaller issues to remove, a first round of basic manual testing helps professional testers focus their efforts on the complicated interactions you need an expert’s opinion on. In addition to optimizing the value of their time, it helps to get you more comfortable triaging. It is also a professional courtesy, plain and simple.

There are a few companies that perform manual testing by people with disabilities:

Designed Experiences

We also need to acknowledge the other large barrier to accessible sites that can’t be automated away: poor user experience.

User experience can make or break a product. Your code can compile perfectly, your time to first paint can be lightning quick, and your Webpack setup can be beyond reproach. All this is irrelevant if the end result is unusable. User experience encompasses all users, including those who navigate with the aid of assistive technology.

If a person cannot operate your website or web app, they’ll abandon it and not think twice. If they are forced to use your site to get a service unavailable by other means, there’s a growing precedent for taking legal action (and rightly so).

As a discipline, user experience can be roughly divided into two parts: how something looks and how it behaves They’re intrinsically interlinked concepts — work on either may affect both. While accessible design is a topic unto itself, there are some big-picture things we can keep in mind when approaching accessible user experiences from a testing perspective:

How It Looks

The WCAG does a great job covering a lot of the basics of good design. Color contrast, font size, user-facing state: a lot of these things can be targeted by automation. What you should pay attention to is all the atomic, difficult to quantify bits that compound to create your designs. Things like the words you choose, the fonts you use to display them, the spacing between things, affordances for interaction, the way you handle your breakpoints, etc.

“A good font should tell you:
the difference between m and rn
the difference between I and l
the difference between O and 0.”

mallory, alice & bob

It’s one of those “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” situations. Smart, accessible defaults can save countless time and money down the line. Lean and mean startups all the way up to multinational conglomerates value efficient use of resources, and this is one of those places where you can really capitalize on that. Put your basic design patterns — say collected in something like a mood board or living style guide — in front of people early and often to see if your designed intent is clear.

How It Behaves

An enticing color palette and collection of thoughtfully-curated stock photography only go so far. Eventually, you’re going to have to synthesize all your design decisions to create something that addresses a need.

Behavior can be as small as a microinteraction, or as large as finding a product and purchasing it. What’s important here is to make sure that all the barriers to a person trying to accomplish the task at hand are removed.

If you’re using personas, don’t create a separate persona for a user with a disability. Instead, blend accessibility considerations into your existing ones. As a persona is an abstracted representation of the types of users you want to cater to, you want to make sure the kinds of conditions they may be experiencing are included. Disability conditions aren’t limited to just physical impairments, either. Things like a metered data plan, non-native language, or anxiety are all worth integrating.

“When looking at your site's analytics, remember that if you don't see many users on lower end phones or from more remote areas, it's not because they aren't a target for your product or service. It is because your mobile experience sucks.
As a developer, it's your job to fix it.”

Estelle Weyl

User testing, ideally simulating conditions as close to what a person would be doing in the real world (including their individual device preferences and presence of assistive technology), is also key. Verifying that people are actually able to make the logical leaps necessary to operate your interface addresses a lot of cognitive concerns, a difficult-to-quantify yet vital thing to accommodate.

We Shape Our Tools, Our Tools Shape Us

Our tool use corresponds to the kind of work we do: Carpenters drive nails with hammers, chefs cook using skillets, surgeons cut with scalpels. It’s a self-reinforcing phenomenon, and it tends to lead to over-categorization.

Sometimes this over-categorization gets in the way of us remembering to consider the real world. A surgeon might have a carpentry hobby; a chef might be a retired veterinarian. It’s important to understand that accessibility is everyone’s responsibility, and there are many paths to making our websites and web apps the best they can be for everyone. To paraphrase Mikey Ilagan, accessibility is a holistic practice, essential to some but useful to all.

Used with discretion, ARIA is a very good tool to have at our disposal. We shouldn’t shy away from using it, provided we understand the how and why behind why they work.

The same goes for automated accessibility tests, as well as GPS apps. They’re great tools to have, just get to know the terrain a little bit first.


Automated Accessibility Tools

Professional Services


Quick Tests

Further Reading

Smashing Editorial (rb, ra, yk, il)