Best Runtime for AWS Lambda Functions

AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code without any infrastructure management and it natively supports Java, Go, NodeJS, .Net, Python, and Ruby runtimes. In this article, we will compare the performances of the same hello world Lambda functions written in Java, Go, NodeJS, .Net, and Python runtimes and I hope this article helps you to decide which runtime should we use in the scenarios we have.

Structure of the Template

We are using simple hello world functions to test invocation times of Lambdas’ by using the AWS SAM templates. When we compare them first we will use the latest versions of the runtimes the AWS SAM provided us. You can check the complete deployment package from this Github repository.

Monitoring CI/CD Workflows


CI/CD is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development.

It is the brief definition of CI/CD from the Red Hat community. So, CI/CD pipelines can be defined as the steps for developers to deliver a new software version or product. In the CI part, pipelines build code and run tests; in the CD part, pipelines deploy and deliver the new version.