Creating GitHub Actions for Vercel Deployment

Vercel allows you to host your project as fast as possible with little or no setup. When Vercel is used with GitHub for project deployment, things get more fascinating. When a new update is pushed to GitHub, this enables automated code deployment, streamlining your CI/CD workflow.

What Is Github Actions?

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD platform for automating your build, test, and deployment workflows. You can build and test every pull request in your repository using workflows, or you may deploy merged pull requests to the production repository.

Build a Real-Time Chat App With Nestjs and PostgreSQL

The code for this tutorial is available on my GitHub repository. Feel free to clone it as you follow the steps. Let's begin!

What Is NestJS?

NestJS is a Node.js framework for creating fast, testable, scalable, loosely coupled server-side applications that use TypeScript. It takes advantage of powerful HTTP server frameworks such as Express or Fastify. Nest adds a layer of abstraction to Node.js frameworks and exposes their APIs to developers. It supports database management systems like PostgreSQL and MySQL. NestJS also offers dependency injections Websockets and APIGetaways.

Building a REST API With Feathers.js and SQLite

Looking for a way to build a web application with features like authentication, database setup, and authorization without writing a ton of code and configurations? Ever wanted to create a production-ready app in a matter of days?

Believe it or not, it's possible! This tutorial will show you how to use Feathers.js to create a REST API in minutes. We'll learn about Feathers.js, implement an example API, and share some thoughts and considerations. Let's begin.

How to Build a NestJS MVC App With YugabyteDB

The article is the second in a series of posts investigating ways to build applications with NestJS. In Part 1, linked here, we built a two-factor authentication app with NestJS.

In this article, we'll learn more about the model view controller (MVC) architecture by building a NestJS MVC application with YugabyteDB. We will code an eBook store demo project. The code for this tutorial is available on my GitHub repository. Feel free to clone it as you follow the steps. Let's begin!