How to Accelerate Hyper-Automation With Industrial IoT

Many enterprises have already adopted business process automation (BPA) to improve efficiency and reduce human error. However, by and large, industrial automation is fragmented – it applies to specific business aspects but is not used across the entire organization yet. The key to expanding automation across the company is hyper-automation.

In 2020, Gartner named hyper-automation the # 1 technology trend of the year. So what is it, and how can large and small businesses benefit from it? This article will walk you through specific areas where industrial IoT integration can help accelerate your pace of hyper-automation.

The Ultimate Guide To Hiring A Custom Software Development Provider

When we need to repair shoes, we normally go to a professional shoemaker unless we’re shoemakers ourselves. Likewise, if we need custom-tailored software, we can take the long and the hard road of in-house development, or trust a professional software development provider to build a solution for our business-specific needs.

Although some companies choose to go the hard way, the benefits of outsourcing software project development to a specialist provider onshore (within own country) or offshore (overseas) are numerous:

How to Identify and Manage Risks at Software Project Planning Stage

Once upon a time, several blind sages groped an elephant in order to understand what it looks like. But everyone studied only the part of the animal that was closest to him. One said the elephant was like a snake, holding it by its trunk. Another held its leg and insisted that it looked like a tree. The third held a tail and said the elephant looked like liana. In the end, the wise men could not agree and understand how the elephant looks like.

An interesting fact is that each of them was right in his own way; each simply saw the situation only from his own side and refused to accept information from his peers. If they had put together their observations, then, most likely, they could compile complete information and see the whole picture.