How To Approach Amazon API Gateway as a Mule Developer (Part I)

Amazon API Gateway

Do you want to create your first API in Amazon API Gateway but don’t know where to start? Plus, you have experience defining API Specifications in RAML with Design Center, and you are wondering if that knowledge can be leveraged.

If you have defined API specifications in Anypoint Platform’s Design Center with RAML in the past, understanding and working with Amazon API Gateway can be an easy lift. While RAML is a modeling language and Amazon API Gateway is a service (and are, by definition, tools for different purposes), we can leverage your knowledge.

How to Leverage OAS and RAML in AWS API Gateway

Do you have an OpenAPI Specification and don't know if it can be imported into Amazon API Gateway to avoid defining each resource by hand through the console? This article shows you how to leverage an existing OAS specification in API Gateway.

If, on the other hand, you have a RAML specification, the article How to convert from RAML to OAS to use it in Amazon API Gateway offers a step-by-step guide to create your OpenAPI specification from an existing RAML.

How To Convert From RAML to OAS To Use It in Amazon API Gateway

Suppose you have an existing RAML specification to import into Amazon API Gateway for API definition. In that case, you won’t be able to use it as is since API Gateway does not support RAML specifications. This article will guide you step by step on creating a specification file with OpenAPI from scratch from an existing RAML specification. 

If you prefer not to manually convert your RAML specification into an Open API Specification (OAS). In that case, we have compiled a helpful list of tools to assist you in this conversion process. It's important to note that the complexity of your RAML may impact the accuracy of the translation performed by these tools. Therefore, it is crucial to review the resulting conversion for any inconsistencies and address them accordingly.