IPWHOIS: A Fast and Accurate IP Geolocation API

Are you interested in dramatically improving your users’ experience on your website with customized features based on their location? You can do this by incorporating a fast and accurate IP geolocation API into your site, using it to adapt your content in location-specific ways for every visitor. IPWHOIS is used by thousands of developers for just such a scenario, so we want to take a closer look at what all they have to offer and how it can help you in your projects.

IPWHOIS: A Fast and Accurate IP Geolocation API

IPWHOIS can be used to determine the correct language, time, currency, advertising targets, and more for each person that lands on a website. It can filter traffic, customize content, help autocomplete forms, and more based on your website needs.

IP data is updated in real time using a a self-learning neural network with a multi-channel integration structure including RIPE, APNIC, ARIN, AFRINIC, and others with an average server response time of 90 milliseconds in most locations around the world. IPWHOIS servers are distributed worldwide for speed, reliability, and security. All data sent to and processed by their servers (excluding the free rate) is secured via 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS).

Key Features

  • Helps in providing accurate geolocation data
  • City or country relevant data
  • Threat intelligence data
  • ISP access
  • Browsable company information
  • Time zones
  • International data like currencies

IPWHOIS: A Fast and Accurate IP Geolocation API


IPWHOIS pricing starts with a free plan that includes up to 10,000 requests per month for non-commercial use. This would be a good way to test the service before investing in a paid plan. All paid plans include SSL access, Geo DNS, Anycast-enabled servers, and technical support, with pricing based on the number of requests per month.

The cheapest (Pro) plan is $10.99 per month for 250,000 requests per month. Next tier is the Business plan at $29.99 per month for up to 2,000,000 monthly requests, followed by the Platinum plan at $79.99 per month for up to 10 million requests. You can select which option you think is best for your project and then upgrade or downgrade at any time based on your usage.

IPWHOIS example


Based on the overwhelmingly positive customer reviews, it is obvious that IPWHOIS is an outstanding service for utilizing location data to upgrade your visitors’ experience on your website or mobile app. By personalizing content based on the visitor’s location, you can improve behavioral factors by up to 70%. This is somewhat of a no-brainer – give IPWHOIS a try and see how it will improve your next project.

Web Design Trends for Business Websites in 2022

Are you looking toward updating or upgrading your business website in the new year? Then it’s a great idea to dig into the latest and upcoming trends in web design, not necessarily so you can simply follow the trends, but also so you can see what else is out there as well as draw inspiration and come up with the best decisions for your own business website. In this article, we’ve gathered some of the most relevant web design trends for business websites coming in 2022, along with some examples, including some from the premiere business website design service IONOS.

Vibrant Color Schemes

In the past, business websites tended to skew towards using muted blues and greens, but more recently the trend has been to utilize bright, vibrant colors from across the rainbow. Bright colors grab the visitors’ interest immediately upon arrival, and they can communicate the company culture and make it stand out. Creativity through color will give a business a leg up on the competition.

Web Design Trends for Business Websites in 2022

Web Design Trends for Business Websites in 2022

Large Typographic Hero Images

While not necessarily new in web design, corporate websites are new to this trend. Full screen hero images with large-scale typography is another way to grab the user’s attention and immediately give them an overview of the business with a catchy tag line, a call to action, or anything else needed to get them to investigate further.

Web Design Trends for Business Websites in 2022

Web Design Trends for Business Websites in 2022

Web Design Trends for Business Websites in 2022

Button Gradients

Adding gradients to buttons can increase conversions because they can potentially stand out more significantly than single-color buttons. Paired with a vibrant color scheme, as mentioned above, while utilizing colors that contrast with and stand out from the rest of the site’s colors, gradient buttons can draw the user’s eye to the CTA. Again, this trend is not necessarily new, but it is one that business websites are just recently beginning to adapt.

Button Gradients

Button Gradients

Oversized Fonts

Similar to large typography in a hero image, using oversized fonts for headings throughout the rest of the pages is a trend that can direct and guide the user’s attention while making it simpler to communicate the more important messages. In this age of attention deficits, where people tend to read less and skim more, oversized fonts can capture the user long enough for them to read what may otherwise be skipped past.

Oversized Fonts

Oversized Fonts

Oversized Fonts


Website accessibility for the disabled is all the rage these days, and corporate websites are no different. While any solid business website should already be making sure their website is accessible, those that aren’t will be moving in that direction in 2022. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were created to provide the standard for what is considered accessible and compliant. These guidelines can also inform larger design decisions as well.


Micro-interactions are things that happen when a user performs an action, like clicking a button. The button may animate when clicked, for instance. Think about what happens when you click to like a post on social media. The human tendency to expect feedback through a micro-interaction has been fueled by their constant use in mobile apps and now websites. Business websites can improve their user experience by employing micro-interactions that help the site visitor feel comfortable once they use them.

Sencha GRUI Delivers Rich and High Performance Grids For React Applications

Sencha GRUI is a perfect modern enterprise solution for React UI that comes with 100+ data grid features. With GRUI, Sencha has re-built the Ext JS grid from the ground up to use modern JavaScript, and a whole new architecture that will deliver all the same great features and even better performance in an easy to use React API.

Here is a quick overview of some of the features:

  • Ability to handle millions of records.
  • Large feature set (filtering, grouping, infinite scrolling, and more).
  • Full customization control.
  • Data Export capabilities (csv, tsv, html, pdf, xls).
  • Pre-tested across a wide range of platforms and browsers.
  • Easy UI component integration to the grid.

With incredibly fast data processing, massive amounts of data is never a problem. Utilizing client and server side buffered store, the Sencha Data Grid is able to load and manipulate large data sets within milliseconds!

Key Features

Virtual Columns

  • Virtual rendering of rows AND columns
  • Rendering of visible columns even when configuring an unlimited number of columns
  • Huge performance increase for large numbers of columns

Infinite Scrolling

  • Refreshes the viewed rows from the page cache as needed

Slider Paging Toolbar

  • The paging toolbar allows you to paginate forwards and backwards in the record sets with the slider buttons and input field

Column Drag and Drop

  • Reorder columns with the intuitive drag and drop interface

Column Editors

  • Each column can be edited, and you can create custom editors using React components

Sencha GRUI has robust documentation to help you get started quickly, and it is built with Sencha GRUI as an interactive demo so you can see how it works while you learn how to use it.


The pricing for Sencha GRUI is simple and transparent, on a per developer basis. $499 per developer gives you a perpetual license, unlimited end users and products, and a year of updates and technical support. There is also a Free plan that offers all of the same features and benefits, but it requires an attribution watermark. However, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial to see if Sencha GRUI will work for you and your projects, so that makes it very easy to get to know the product and determine the route you will take.


Mission critical apps rely on the performance of their data grid components. With custom layouts and simple integration with React, GRUI by Sencha renders unparalleled performance to enterprise applications. The extensive documentation should make this easy to get acquainted with and utilize in your projects, and the pricing – especially the free trial – makes it a no-brainer to give it a try. We recommend you give Sencha GRUI a run and let us know what you think!

countrylayer – The Must-Have API for Any Website

If you have ever worked on a project that deals with geographic information of any type – which, let’s face it, most websites and applications do these days – then you have likely had to come up with a solution for providing or accessing information about one if not more countries. Whether it’s population, location, currencies, languages, or any other information about a country you need, it can be challenging to find a way to dynamically bring those details into your project.

There are tools available to help you solve this problem, but all too often there are obstacles such as programming language, ease of use, complexity of integration, pricing, and other hurdles that you may encounter.

Until now.

countrylayer is a JSON API that is compatible with all programming languages, provides extensive and accurate data from almost 200 different countries, is simple and easy to integrate, and is affordable to use – starting at free!

In this article, we’re taking a look at what countrylayer has to offer and how you can start using it in your projects.

What Is countrylayer?

countrylayer is a service brought to you by apilayer that provides common information about countries via a REST API. With this API, users will be able to get detailed information about countries in the world. Because they can filter by name of a country, language, code, currency, the capital city, calling code, region, or regional bloc.

Using your project’s API key, you can access country data that is returned in a standard JSON format, which can then be easily parsed in any programming language.

Here is an example of an API response. Check out all of the information it provides:

        "name": "Germany",
        "topLevelDomain": [
        "alpha2Code": "DE",
        "alpha3Code": "DEU",
        "callingCodes": [
        "capital": "Berlin",
        "altSpellings": [
            "Federal Republic of Germany",
            "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"
        "region": "Europe",
        "subregion": "Western Europe",
        "population": 81770900,
        "latlng": [
         "demonym": "German",
         "area": 357114,
         "gini":  28.3,
         "timezones": [
        "borders": [
        "nativeName": "Deutschland",
        "numericCode": "276",
        "currencies": [
                "code": "EUR",
                "name": "Euro",
                "symbol": "€"
        "languages": [
                "iso639_1": "de",
                "iso639_2": "deu",
                "name": "German",
                "nativeName": "Deutsch"
        "translations": {
            "br": "Alemanha",
            "de": "Deutschland",
            "es": "Alemania",
            "fa": "آلمان",
            "fr": "Allemagne",
            "hr": "Njemačka",
            "it": "Germania",
            "ja": "ドイツ",
            "nl": "Duitsland",
            "pt": "Alemanha"
        "flag": "https://restcountries.eu/data/deu.svg",
        "regionalBlocs": [
                "acronym": "EU",
                "name": "European Union"
        "cioc": "GER"

Available API Endpoints

The countrylayer API comes with a number of endpoints, each providing different functionality. You can customize the request output data to get only the fields you need. This causes the request to execute faster, and reduces the response size.

  • Endpoint for all countries
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/all
        ? access_key = API_KEY
  • Endpoint for country search by name
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/name/{name}
        ? access_key = API_KEY & FullText=
  • Endpoint for country search by capital
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/capital/{capital}
        ? access_key = API_KEY
  • Endpoint for country search by language
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/language/{language}
        ? access_key = API_KEY
  • Endpoint for country search by currency
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/currency/{currency}
        ? access_key = API_KEY
  • Endpoint for country search by region
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/region/{region}
        ? access_key = API_KEY
  • Endpoint for country search by region block
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/regionalbloc/{regionalbloc}
        ? access_key = API_KEY
  • Endpoint for country search by calling code
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/callingcode/{callingcode}
        ? access_key = API_KEY
  • Endpoint for country search by alpha code
    GET https://api.countrylayer.com/v2/alpha/{code}
        ? access_key = API_KEY

As you can see, these endpoints can be very useful for you to be able to access and utilize the country information needed for your project in a variety of manners, and helps to streamline and speed up your requests for the fastest execution possible.

You can learn more about how to integrate the countrylayer API into your projects by reading their extensive (yet surprisingly succinct and simple) documentation.

How Much Does Using The countrylayer API Cost?

You can get started for free with 100 searches per month and a rate limit of 1 per second. From there, pricing goes up from $9.99 per month for up to 5,000 searches, all the way to $149.99 per month for 250,000 searches. Enterprise pricing is also available on request. It’s important to note that SSL encryption is only available with paid subscription plans.

How Will You Use The countrylayer API In Your Projects?

As you can see, countrylayer is a relatively simple yet robust solution that can be used in a multitude of ways in your current and future projects. It is easy to integrate, provides accurate and extensive data, and is very affordable. We encourage you to give it a try – especially since you can get started for free! When you do, be sure to let us know what you think by reaching out on any of our social channels.