Basic Google BigQuery Operations With a Salesforce Sync Demo in Mule 4

If we think about data storage, the first thing that comes to our mind is a regular database. This can be any of the most popular ones, like MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, Vertica, etc., but I noticed not too many have interacted with one of the services Google provides with the same purpose: Google BigQuery. Maybe it is because of the pricing, but in the end, many companies are moving to cloud services and this service seems to be a great fit for them.

In this post, I will demonstrate in a few steps how we can make a sync job that allows us to describe a Salesforce instance and use a few objects to create a full schema of those objects (tables) into a Google BigQuery dataset. Then with the schema created, we will be able to push some data into BigQuery from Salesforce and see it in our Google Cloud Console project.

Using Salesforce Search Instead of a Query Using Mule 4


One of the most used actions when we work with Salesforce integrations is the use of queries. It allows us to pull information from any table and even perform some subqueries and pull relationship data. But, there’s one action we as developers don’t use very often (and sometimes we don’t even know this operation is available to us). I'm talking about Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL).

What the Developer Documentation Says

This section has been taken from the Salesforce docs, here.

Mule 4 Continuous Integration Using Azure DevOps

Once we started developing applications in MuleSoft and storing our code in source control platforms like GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or Azure, just to mention the most common ones, we needed to look into automating the process to deploy our applications either to CloudHub or an on-premise server.

In this post, I will try to explain how a MuleSoft application can be automatically deployed into CloudHub or an on-premise server from Azure DevOps as our main CI platform and source control platform.

Anypoint Platform Chrome Extension

As developers, we always want to have information at hand whenever we need to access information.

One of the main reasons this Chrome extension was developed is that currently whenever we access Anypoint Platform, we need to navigate with many clicks in the portal to see information about the organization or about a specific application. For example, what alerts does this application have? Or, does this application have any schedulers?