Public Key and Private Key Pairs: Know the Technical Difference

In public key cryptography, the combination of private and public keys is considered the primary component. Both the keys come in pairs. So a public or private key will only function with the associated public or private key. It means that one private key can only have one public key and vice versa.

Before we get into the part where we explain how the combination works, let us first discuss each of the keys individually. So let’s get started with the private key first.

Understanding and Resolving a Common Error

If you have ever encountered the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error, you may have been puzzled by what it means and how to fix it. In this post, we will explain what causes this error and provide some tips on how to resolve it.


The ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error is a common error that occurs when there is an issue with the SSL/TLS configuration of a client connecting to a server. When a client attempts to connect to a server over HTTPS, the two parties negotiate an SSL/TLS protocol and cipher suite to use for the connection. If the client and server cannot agree on a common protocol and cipher suite, the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error may occur.

A Complete Guide on How to Convert InputStream to String In Java

Java provides a wide range of I/O classes to help developers work with different data sources and destinations. One of the most common use cases is converting an InputStream to a String. This is particularly useful when working with data streams from a network connection or reading from a file. This article will explore different ways to convert an InputStream to a String in Java.

Understanding InputStream

Before we dive into converting InputStream to a String, let's take a moment to understand what InputStream is. In Java, an InputStream is an abstract class representing a stream of bytes. It is a superclass of all classes representing an input stream of bytes. An InputStream can be used to read data from various sources, such as a file, a network connection, or a byte array.

HTTP 1 vs. HTTP 1.1 vs. HTTP 2: A Detailed Analysis

HTTP 1 vs. HTTP 1.1 vs. HTTP 2: Key Differences Between the Three HTTP Versions

Comparisons are common, and it is nothing different in the cybersecurity world. One such technology is hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). This is why there is a constant tug-of-war of HTTP 2 vs. HTTP 1. But even before HTTP 1.1 or HTTP 2 came into existence, there was HTTP. However, as the Internet evolved and became more complex, the need for development came with it.

What limited the existing HTTP is the lack of support for persistent connections, thus resulting in increased latency and decreased performance. Due to all these reasons, HTTP 1.1 came into development and became the standard for HTTP communication on the web.

Secure Shell Protocol: Everything You Need to Know

Secure shell is a common term often used when studying computer networks. In simple terms, SSH secure shell refers to a secured network protocol that helps access remote computers securely in a network. However, it is much more complicated than it sounds.

So in this blog, we will study all about secure shell protocol. Also, we will explore its working, its concepts, and the mechanisms it leverages for safe remote access. Let us start!