The SOC Technology Stack: XDR, SIEM, WAF, and More

Source: Pixabay

What is a Security Operations Center (SOC)?

A SOC is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and protecting information security in an organization. It is considered a hub of intelligence that gathers real-time information as it streams across the assets of the organization, including servers, networks, and endpoints, and uses it to identify security events and respond to them in an effective and timely manner.

Latest Cyber Security Trends: 2020 in Review

The past decade has seen many advances, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and many more. These technologies provide many advantages, but also with distinct disadvantages. Perhaps the most critical disadvantage is the increasing amount of cyber threats. This article provides a brief overview of critical cybersecurity threats to watch out for during 2020, alongside the cybersecurity trends rising to prominence.

Trending Cybersecurity Threats

As technologies change, cybercriminals continue to develop innovative methods to exploit vulnerabilities and bypass security protections. To keep your systems and data secure, you need first to understand what the most common threats are.

Upgrading Kubernetes Worker Nodes in GKE, AKS, and EKS

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that you can deploy on-premise or in the cloud. In this article, you will learn about Kubernetes upgrade options in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS).

What is a Kubernetes Cluster?

A cluster is a unit that includes several Kubernetes pods. A pod is a set of containers, with facilities to allow containers to communicate and share data between them. A cluster consists of the following components:

Avoiding Vulnerabilities in Software Development

With data breaches on the rise, creating and maintaining secure software is vital to every organization. Although not all attacks can be anticipated or prevented, many can be avoided by eliminating vulnerabilities in software. In this article, you’ll learn about some of the most common software vulnerabilities and how to avoid these issues. You’ll also learn some general best practices for ensuring that your software and data remain secure.

Addressing Common Software Vulnerabilities 

The vulnerabilities below are just a few of those identified in MITRE’s 2019 CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors list. Many of these issues continue to be included in software despite being widely known and used by attackers.

Developing Cloud-Native Apps in Azure: Tools and Tips

Use these tools and services for best-practice cloud-native Azure apps.

With more organizations moving to the cloud on a daily basis, the development of cloud-native applications is increasingly in huge demand. Cloud-native apps can provide benefits that traditional apps can’t, including automatic resource provisioning, auto-scaling, high availability. These applications can provide organizations and developers with a significant competitive edge.

Compressing Your Big Data: Tips and Tricks

The growth of big data has created a demand for ever-increasing processing power and efficient storage. DigitalGlobe’s databases, for example, expand by roughly 100TBs a day and cost an estimated $500K a month to store.

Compressing big data can help address these demands by reducing the amount of storage and bandwidth required for data sets. Compression can also remove irrelevant or redundant data, making analysis and processing easier and faster.

What You Should Know About the PCI Software Security Framework in 2019

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) recently announced the new PCI Software Security Framework. The new set of standards aims to improve the security resiliency of applications that accept payments and use payment data in their ecosystems. Learn everything you need to know about the PCI Software Security Framework in this article.

What Is the PCI Software Security Framework?

The framework is a new set of standards for securing payment data against data breaches and fraud. There are standards for the secure design, development, and maintenance of modern payment solutions. The standard applies to payment software that is sold, distributed, or licensed to third parties for the purposes of supporting or facilitating payment transactions.