GitHub Improves Vulnerability Reporting by Becoming a CVE Number Authority

GitHub has announced that it is now a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Numbering Authority. CVE Numbering Authorities are authorized to assign CVE IDs to vulnerabilities that affect products within their geographic area, within a specific scope, for inclusion in initial public announcements of new vulnerabilities. CVE IDs are used by researchers and IT vendors to better uncover, correct, and defend against vulnerabilities.

Google Ending Play Game Services API Support for Real-Time and Multiplayer Functionality

Google has announced upcoming changes to its Play Game Services API. The real-time and turn-based APIs that currently allow developers to add real-time functionality and multiplayer options within the Play Game Services API will be deprecated on March 31, 2020. Play Game Services is the Google API that enables developers to add features like achievements, leaderboards, events, quests, to web and mobile games.