Spotware Releases cTrader Open API v2.0

Spotware, trading platform provider, recently announced the release of its cTrader Open API v2.0. cTrader Open API is Spotware's open option for creating apps for traders and broker's. Unlike the private API, cTrader Open allows anyone to build applications and products that can help traders. The API previously included two segments (Accounts API and Trading API) which have been consolidated into a single technology in v2.0.

TrueLayer Expands Banking API to Germany

TrueLayer, banking API provider, has announced that it is expanding the geographic scope of its Data API to include Germany. Starting this month, January 2019, TrueLayer will add select partners to a private beta of the Germany Data API. This is TrueLayer's first major international expansion beyond the UK.

New Report Finds that Facebook SDK Automatically Pulls Data from Many Popular Android Apps

Facebook is on the wrong side of a privacy discussion, again. Privacy International recently published research indicating that almost half of Android apps have the ability to share data with Facebook, ranking Facebook second in third-party tracking on the Google Play store (Google being first). Accordingly, Privacy International chose 34 popular Android apps and analyzed their sharing with Facebook through the Facebook SDK.