JMeter Tutorials: Test Better, Build Better

Developers and testers love using JMeter for performance testing. In this post, we go over the best JMeter tutorials that DZone has to offer. We take a look at load testing with JMeter, how to use JMeter to test your APIs (REST or otherwise), and more advanced JMeter turorials.  

JMeter Tutorials for Beginners

JMeter Tutorials for Beginners
Being Your Journey With These JMeter Tutorials for Beginners
  1. JMeter Tutorial for Beginners by Sayantini Deb. Learn more about performance testing and why JMeter is the perfect load testing tool for measuring the performance of your apps.

Java String Tutorials: Become a Java Strings Virtuoso

Intro to Java Strings

Java String
Get Ready to Learn About Java Strings!
  1. String Memory Internals by Tomasz Murkiewicz. The main point to understand here is the distinction between String Java object and its contents - char[] under private value field. String is basically a wrapper around char[] array, encapsulating it and making it impossible to modify so the String can remain immutable. Also the String class remembers which parts of this array is actually used. This all means that you can have two different String objects (quite lightweight) pointing to the same char[].

  2. Top 10 Questions of Java Strings by Ryan Wang. A discussion of ten common questions Java developers face when working with Strings. Though this is a bit of an old post (published in 2013), we hope you'll still find some value in these lessons. 

Get Plenty of REST: REST API Tutorials

RESTful APIs are one of the most useful tools a developer an learn to use. Check out these tutorials that walk you through the entire process of using REST APIs. In this post, we'll cover what REST APIs are, how to build them, using REST APIs in your applicaitons, and testing and securing your REST APIs.

Now, let's get to those REST API tutorials!

IoT Projects for Hobbyists and Professionals

IoT Projects
Learn How to Get Started on Your Own IoT Projects Today!

Interested in getting started with your own IoT project at home? Or are you embarking on a new IoT project at work? Either way, we've got some great tutorials on getting started, opinions pieces that examine different platforms you can use, and the benefits IoT devices and tech can bring to your development projects. 

Ready to get started? Then get to reading! 

Visual Testing

In this Refcard, we cover everything you need to know about visual testing, from best practices and benefits to the tools and coding required to perform visual testing.


An expert developer walks us through using Quarkus, an open source Kubernetes-native Java stack, which allows us to make smaller, faster Java programs, and that integrates well with Eclipse MicroProfile.

Angular: Everything You Need to Know [Tutorials]

Since its initial release as AngularJS in October 2018, Google's Angular framework has become one of the most popular means for building front-end web applications. Now on Angular 8, this powerful framework allows developers to build browser-based applications and mobile apps using the TypeScript langauge.

With different applications and dev teams across the globe using different versions of Angular, we've compiled the best articles and tutorials on DZone about each version of this popular framework. So, no matter what version of Angular your team uses, you're sure to find something here to help you up your Angular game.

Drupal 8

In this Refcard, a Drupal expert demonstrates how developers new to the Drupal 8 platform can get started creating web pages, applications, and more using this open source CMS.

Devs and Data, Part 1: Big Data on the Rise

This article is part of the Key Research Findings from the new DZone Guide to Big Data: Volume, Variety, and Velocity. 


For this year’s big data survey, we received 459 responses with a 78% completion rating. Based on this response rate, we have calculated the margin of error for this survey to be 5%. Using the data from these responses, we've put together an article on how various sub-fields of big data are on the rise and how devs are becoming more data-driven. 

[DZone Research] The Architecture of a DevOps Team

This article is part of the Key Research Findings from the 2019 DZone Guide to DevOps: Implementing Cultural Change.


Despite the prominence of DevOps in the software industry, less than half of respondents (46%) told us that their organization has an officially designated DevOps team. This lack of an official DevOps team in many organizations manifests itself in the unequal distribution of code deployments. Whereas in DevOps, development and operations teams are meant to work cooperatively to create and release code, 57% of respondents reported that only development teams perform code deployments in their organization. 42% reported this as an operations function, and 32% told us that release engineers handle code deployments. Despite these trends, 54% reported management as a DevOps enabler.

Node.js Tutorial for Beginners (Part 4): Making an App Responsive With Bootstrap

Introduction and Project Refresh

Throughout this series, we've been building an application to keep track of the National Parks we've visited. In the last article, we looked at how to transfer data between two Express-based web pages using the body-parser middleware. In this post, we'll look at how to style our pages and make them responsive using the open source Bootstrap framework.

Quick PSA: If you're smart, you'll do what I didn't and wait to make any CSS tweaks until after Bootstrap has been properly integrated and all our elements are responsive.