Azure Spring Cloud: A Comprehensive Overview


In this article, you will learn about Azure Spring Cloud and its main features quickly and with ease, through a very down-to-earth approach.

What Made it Possible

Azure Spring Cloud is the natural consequence of Microsoft getting closer to the Java community over the last few years, on top of the fact that the Java ecosystem has been completely dominated by Spring for a long time now.

How to Create a Spring Cloud Stream Binder From Scratch

Learn how to develop a custom Spring Cloud Stream binder from scratch.

Spring Cloud Stream is a framework built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Integration that is designed to build event-driven microservices communicating via one or more shared messaging systems.

The core Spring Cloud Stream component is called Binder,” a crucial abstraction that’s already been implemented for the most common messaging systems (e.g. Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, Google PubSub, RabbitMQ, Azure EventHub, and Azure ServiceBus).