Application Cost Reduction With Arm Servers

This article covers a topic that may seem unusual, namely the Arm servers. For most developers, Arm is a dark horse in the world of server-class hardware dominated by Intel and AMD. But in truth, Arm servers have been around for a decade and are becoming increasingly popular thanks to their improved performance coupled with low maintenance costs. Let's look into their capabilities and see how your applications can benefit from migrating to this architecture.

This article follows my talk on JRush Episode 4, dedicated to modern Java development for banking and FinTech. 

Guide to Creating and Containerizing Native Images

Native Image technology is gaining traction among developers whose primary goal is to accelerate startup time of applications. In this article, we will learn how to turn Java applications into native images and then containerize them for further deployment in the cloud. We will use:

  • Spring Boot 3.0 with baked-in support for Native Image as the framework for our Java application;

How to Use Buildpacks to Build Java Containers

Do you still write lengthy Dockerfiles describing every step necessary to build a container image? Then, buildpacks come to your rescue! Developers simply feed them an application, buildpacks do their magic, and turn it into a fully functional container ready to be deployed on any cloud.

But how exactly does the magic happen? And what should you do if the resulting container performance doesn’t meet the business requirements? 

Master Spring Boot 3 With GraalVM Native Image

Spring Boot 3 is riding the wave in the Java world: a few months have passed since the release, and the community has already started migrating to the new version. The usage of parent pom 3.0.2 is approaching 500 on Maven Central!

An exciting new feature of Spring Boot is the baked-in support from GraalVM Native Image. We have been waiting for this moment for years. The time to migrate our projects to Native Image is now!

How To Use Linux Containers

Linux containers are a powerful solution for:

  • Software standardization
  • Acceleration of development and testing
  • Effective resource management throughout the whole lifecycle of an application

Here, we will provide a step-by-step guide to building Linux containers with applications intended for Cloud deployment. As an example, we will use BellSoft’s open-source Alpaquita Stream containers hosted on the Docker Hub Container Image Library.

Cloud-Native as a Platform

Gartner estimated that end-user spending on public cloud services would grow 20.4% in 2022 to a total of $494.7 billion. That is up from $410.9 billion in 2021. In 2023, end-user spending is expected to reach nearly $600 billion. 

Interestingly enough, cloud computing, one of the major buzzwords in the last decade, has not yet been established as a term in the Oxford dictionary. 

How Microcontainers Gain Against Large Containers

The best practices of modern development, especially when implementing a microservices architecture, involve the use of Docker, Kubernetes, and other container technologies. 

Containers are transforming how enterprises deploy and use applications. The main biggest draws of containers as such are increased efficiency and portability. Сontainers allow running software without worrying about operating systems or dependencies.  So, the container simplifies your software architecture, allowing you to skip building a production environment with the right settings and libraries, as the container already has that built-in. 

Why Do Microcontainers Matter in Your Enterprise?

The global enterprise software market demonstrated significant growth in recent years with its global revenue projected to reach a staggering US$243.30bln in 2022.

Today, regardless of its size or industry, each organization uses enterprise software in its day-to-day routine. Moreover, this software serves various goals. Software application components carry on the different functional areas of responsibility and should deliver smooth operation to complex systems.

How to Use Native Image Kit With the Quarkus Framework

BellSoft issued a new version of Liberica Native Image Kit (NIK),, so in this short article, I will provide a tutorial on how to use it with the Quarkus framework.

Liberica NIK is based on the open-source project GraalVM (Community Edition) and is compatible with many platforms, including lightweight musl-based Alpine Linux. Liberica NIK in essence is a utility that converts JVM-based applications into native executables (AOT compilation).

Understanding OpenJDK and Why You Should Use It

OpenJDK is the development kit for Java, the language with 26 years of history behind it. It is not a new language by any standards, especially in the industry where new solutions appear every few years and are usually better than their predecessors. And OpenJDK, the most popular instance of Java, is 14 years old already. By all means, OpenJDK should have been replaced many times already. And yet it is still one of the most popular development tools in the world! How could this happen?

In this article, we will try to answer this question, dive deep into the process of constant upgrading of OpenJDK, talk about the open-source approach to development, and describe all the things that make Java so unique.

How Dangerous Is Log4Shell and How it Affects the Java Industry?

In this short article, I would like to elaborate on the Log4Shell vulnerability and how it might affect the Java community. Log4Shell has been a hot topic in different media since its discovery. However, not all sources describe the problem correctly; some believe that it is a vulnerability reducing the whole Java world to a broken reed.

To clear away all misinterpretations, Log4Shell is not a Java vulnerability, but a Java library Apache Log4j 2 bug. This widely spread Java software is designed for logging error messages in applications.