Guide to E-Commerce Mobile App Development: Steps, Features, and Costs

A distinctive mobile app is crucial for success in today's competitive e-commerce environment. Emerging businesses need to gain an advantage in the online retail market, which is dominated by industry giants like Amazon and Alibaba. But how to create a feature-rich yet cost-effective e-commerce mobile app? 

In this post, you can follow the process of e-commerce mobile app development by the nopCommerce core team. Here, developers examine key features, technology stack, design, and architecture using their mobile app case study as an example.

How To Develop and Customize a Shopping Cart Based on ASP.NET

An essential component of the online store is the shopping cart. It might also be among the hardest components to create for an eCommerce website. Customers can choose things, evaluate their choices, edit them, add more items if necessary, and then buy the items using a shopping cart. During checkout, the program normally produces an order total that takes into account postage, packing, and handling fees, as well as taxes, if applicable.

In some website builders, a shopping cart, as well as a wishlist, can be built-in. If enabled in the admin area, each product can be put into the shopping cart or wishlist. Usually, a shopping cart and wishlist can be disabled, and the access control list page can be used to configure it.

The Architecture and MVC Pattern of an ASP.NET E-Commerce Platform

An open-source project based on .NET technologies with understandable architecture can help many developers to build e-commerce solutions for their customers or employer. It can be easily customizable and pluggable that enables the development and integration of any features, extensions, and themes. Every .NET developer may download the source code and start creating any e-commerce project. 

To help developers create high-performance and scalable e-commerce solutions, this article explains how to build an architecture and source code, as well as how to use an MVC pattern.

Top 4 ASP.NET and .NET Open-Source Projects

If you are a web developer, open-source projects can help not only expand your practical knowledge but build solutions and services for yourself and your clients. This software provides hands-on opportunities to implement existing approaches, patterns, and software engineering techniques that can be applied to projects further down the road.

Since it is vital to securely create solutions that may be easily scaled, we will consider projects that are built on ASP.NET technology. It is a framework for building innovative cloud-based web applications using .NET that can be used for development and deployment on various operating systems.

Migration From .NET5 to .NET 6: Performance Benchmarks

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This post continues the series of articles (Migration from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET Core 3.1 and How to Migrate a Project From ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core) on upgrading the nopCommerce project – a free .net eCommerce CMS with an open-source code for creating online stores. This article discusses why we continuously strive to upgrade our application’s platform. 

Here we tell you what we achieved with migration to .NET 6 in terms of performance and try to evaluate our results practically.

How to Migrate a Project From ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core

Join the rest of the flock, get going with ASP.NET Core

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a practical guide on migrating a project from ASP.NET MVC framework to ASP.NET Core. The step-by-step instructions written by the team working on the nopCommerce open-source project, and they can be easily applied to any ASP.NET MVC project.

We can say with confidence that we were the first large project to carry out such a migration. In this guide, we tried to put together the entire migration process in a structured form and describe various bottlenecks so that other developers could rely on this material and follow the roadmap when solving the same task.

DataTables Template That Simplifies the Work

This article is dedicated to how nopCommerce, the most popular e-commerce platform on .Net Core, has switched to using the DataTables library on jQuery. With the help of a wrapper template for DataTablese, we tried to simplify for ourselves and third-party developers such a painstaking and tedious task as declaring the tables used in a project.

Why We Decided to Move Away From Kendo UI to DataTables

In nopCommerce up to the last 4.20 version we used quite popular UI framework by Telerik - Kendo UI. This client framework, based on jQuery, allows users to render visual controls such as tables, input fields, drop-down lists, etc.