Rise of Super Apps – A Boon or Bane?

The iOS App store started with just 500 apps back in 2008 and today they have more than 1.85 million different apps for users to download and use. The android apps on the other hand have even more apps to download and use with over 2.56 million apps that are available through the Google Play Store. While there are tons of apps to choose from, not many make the cut to stay on the phone for several quality issues or bugs within the app. And of course, there is the issue of multiple apps for the same purpose. However, there is a new breed of apps that is making its way into the world of apps that fulfills many purposes using a single app — the Super Apps.

Today, we use multiple apps to perform various functions in our household. We use WhatsApp to send messages, we use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc for social media, we use different apps to order our groceries and also use various ride-sharing or cab-hailing apps to get from one place to another, and the list goes on. The point I’m making here is that we use a lot of apps on a daily basis to go through the day. But imagine if you could simply use a single app to meet all your needs, be it booking a cab, ordering groceries, paying your bills, etc. That is precisely what a Super App aims to do. Let us delve into Super Apps a bit more to understand how they work.

Understanding the Importance of Cross-Browser Testing


Too often, software developers neglect cross-browser compatibility testing. It happens because developers put in a lot of effort into building an application that seems perfect to them, but cross-browser testing is essential if they want it to look the same on different machines.

What Is Cross-Browser Testing?

It is nothing fancy. It's a way to know whether your users will experience your website the way you built it and intended it to be. Cross-browser compatibility testing involves testing the websites across different browsers, OS, devices, and so on. It is important to know that not all browsers behave the same. They render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript uniquely on each platform and browser version. It may sound simple to hear, but it is a daunting task for the developers to test the huge range of combinations. The best way to deal with it is to have your device lab or depend on a third-party cloud-based cross-browser compatibility testing tool, because affording in-house infrastructure is not feasible for every organization. Developers can choose from a variety of free cross-browser testing tools that provide access to thousands of devices. 

Role of Continuous Monitoring in DevOps Pipeline


Technology is constantly evolving, and to beat the competition, the teams must push the software updates to the production environment as quickly as possible. To get a faster response to such changing customer needs, organizations are switching to DevOps. It is critical to monitor each phase of the DevOps pipeline and to identify any compliance or security issues that might hinder the production of quality output. Continuous Monitoring in DevOps takes the responsibility of watching over all the stages in the pipeline and constantly monitoring any unforeseen threats.

What Is Continuous Monitoring in DevOps?

It is an automated process that helps DevOps teams in the early detection of compliance issues that occur at different stages of the DevOps process. As the number of applications deployed on the cloud grows, the IT security team must adopt various security software solutions to mitigate the security threats while maintaining privacy and security. Continuous Monitoring in DevOps is also called Continuous Control Monitoring (CCM). It is not restricted to just DevOps but also covers any area that requires attention. It provides necessary data sufficient to make decisions by enabling easy tracking and rapid error detection. It provides feedback on things going wrong, allowing teams to analyze and take timely actions to rectify problematic areas. It is easily achievable using good Continuous Monitoring tools that are flexible across different environments – whether on-premise, in the cloud, or across containerized ecosystems – to watch over every system all the time.

Top Automation Programming Languages of 2021


In today’s highly competitive world, software development and automation play a significant role in creating robust software applications for businesses. Additionally, emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain have given a competitive edge to enterprises. For gaining maximum benefits out of automation testing, testers require hands-on experience in a minimum of one automation programming language. There are numerous programming languages available today, with new ones continuously emerging. No matter which phase you are in, whether starting with automation testing or being an experienced tester planning to learn a new programming language, deciding which language to choose is very critical.

Which Automation Programming Language Is the Best for Testing?

The following list is prepared after considering metrics like recent trends, language popularity, career prospects, open-source projects, and more. As per TIOBE Index 2021 and IEEE Spectrum Magazine, Java, C, and Python are the top three automation programming languages on the list. Following are some of the most preferred languages on the whole entire list.

Using Jenkins as Your Go-to CI/CD Tool


Everyone loves Agile and the way it is replacing all the older methodologies and development models with a streamlined and sustainable system for faster delivery cycles. However, the ever-prevailing manual testing practice has always kept the QA teams from entirely adopting Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, making Agility unreachable. Fortunately, tools like Jenkins help reach the goals of the CI/CD pipeline, i.e., to maintain a continuous flow of software updates in production and shorter release cycles at reduced costs.

Jenkins and Its Relation to DevOps and CI/CD

We know that Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are integral parts of the DevOps process and are inevitable in the Agile approach. It has completely changed the way the development and QA team delivers software. Let us briefly review DevOps, CI/CD pipeline, and Jenkins before moving ahead.

Device Coverage Report 2021

There are nearly 6 million apps that are distributed across the globe through different app distribution markets. This number is climbing as many more apps are being developed daily. Gone are the days when we had apps only to play games on mobile devices. The new age of app development has revealed that we are closing in on having apps for every need. With the help of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality, we are able to achieve more than what we could ever imagine.

Importance of Omnichannel Communication and Devices

The App world is no more restricted to mobile devices and smartphones. With the rise of digitalization, Businesses and Enterprises are focussing on having an omnichannel presence to maximize the reach and make it easy for their consumers to use their services. Creating an omnichannel presence by using Multi-experience Development platforms has come to the forefront. Transitioning from Mobile and smartphones to Web Applications has taken a center stage off late. There are many other Testing Trends that are set to make an impact in 2021, ensuring that you are staying ahead in understanding these trends will also enable you to ease your testing efforts.