Spring Security With LDAP Authentication

In real-world applications on production systems; security is a top concern. This security concern is separated into two: Authentication and Authorization. Authentication mainly focuses on who can access to the application and authorization focuses on who can access which resources based on their authorities. 

In this article I will share my experience with Spring Security on a demo purpose application of which source code is available on Github. In this project, I used LDAP Authentication method for authentication. For the token generation mechanism, I used a private/public RSA key method. Private key is used for token generation and public key is used for token validation.  

Solid Design Principles Review

In this article series, we will examine SOLID Design Principles: what are they, and what are they meant to do?

First of all, we will look at the brief history behind the principles; later on, we will see why it is so important to use SOLID principles in our day-day designs, and then finally we will dive into the details of the principles.