CI/CD Metrics You Should Be Monitoring

The evolution of technology has correspondingly improved all its associated operations in its wake - and software development methodology is one of them. To keep pace with high-velocity deployments, organizations today turn to creating robust CI/CD pipelines that enable them to continuously integrate and test their source code.

It is a high-intensity operation that requires continuous monitoring and high visibility into every process involved. You need a set of key CI/CD metrics that sum up your entire pipeline in manageable numbers and give you a bird’s eye view of what’s going on in real time.

How AI Has Changed the Landscape of Education

Technology has revolutionized the education sector, especially in the current pandemic scenario, wherein remote communication and collaboration software emerged as the key enabler for learning. 

However, even before the coronavirus shifted the whole gamut of student-teacher interactions online, students were using artificial intelligence (AI) based tools like the Grammarly platform or the Hemingway Editor to improve their writing and eliminate plagiarized text. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Today, AI is finding its way into the core of the education system through apps and software aimed at personalized learning, impartial grading systems, and more.