7 JavaScript Best Practices to Improve Code Quality

If you write JavaScript today, it’s worth your time staying in the know of all the updates the language has seen in the past few years. Since 2015, with the release of ES6, a new version of the ECMAScript spec has been released each year. Each iteration adds new features, new syntax, and Quality of Life improvements to the language. JavaScript engines in most browsers and Node.js quickly catch up, and it’s only fair that your code should catch up as well. That’s because with each new iteration of JavaScript comes new idioms and new ways to express your code, and many a time, these changes may make the code more maintainable for you and your collaborators.

Here are some of the latest ECMAScript features, and by induction, JavaScript and Node.js that you can make use of to write cleaner, more concise, and more readable code.

Python Code Review Checklist

As developers, we are all too familiar with code reviews. Having another pair of eyes take a look at our code can be wonderful; it shows us so many aspects of our code we would not have noticed otherwise. A code review can be informative, and it can be educational. I can confidently attribute most of what I know about good programming practices to code reviews.

The amount of learning a reviewee takes away from a code review depends on how well the review is performed. It thus falls on the reviewer to make their review count by packing the most lessons into the review as possible.

Common Python Security Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them


Python is undoubtedly a popular language. It consistently ranks among the most popular and most loved languages year after year. That's not hard to explain, considering how fluent and expressive it is. Its pseudocode-like syntax makes it extremely easy for beginners to pick it up as their first language, while its vast library of packages (including the likes of giants like Django and TensorFlow) ensure that it scales up for any task required of it.

Being such a widely-used language makes Python a very attractive target for malicious hackers. Let's see a few simple ways to secure your Python apps and keep the black-hats at bay.

Best Ruby Practices Beginners Should Know

Python’s dominance is never really questioned when it comes to the best for programming novices because it checks almost every box that defines a simple language. It’s remarkably easy to pick up and can rise to any challenge. But what about Ruby?

Although it does not get enough credit for being one, Ruby is an awesome language for beginners. It provides powerful constructs (like blocks) and versatile concepts (like message passing à la Smalltalk) but retains Python’s fluid and elegant English-like syntax. In fact, in many cases, one might argue that the unique design choices that went into the Ruby syntax beat even Python in terms of readability and expressiveness. If you’re getting into programming, it’s very easy to recommend that you start with Ruby.

Beginner’s Guide to JavaScript Static Code Analysis

Do you suffer from poorly written code? Is your codebase riddled with inconsistencies? Do you experience anxiety every time your code is being reviewed? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, static code analysis could help.

Static code analysis is the process of analyzing code before it is executed. It provides numerous advantages to developers, and integrating static code analyzers can supercharge your developer workflow.