The Best Ways to Use Symmetrical Design in your Projects

Symmetrical Design is a form of artwork where the objects or elements are arranged identically on both sides of the axis. You will have perfect symmetry when the objects are mirrored and exactly the same. While perfect symmetry can be alluring, that is not the only acceptable form of symmetrical design. Why Symmetrical Design is […]

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7 Non-Design Skills You Need To Build Successful Career

Web designers and other professions in the field create designs for apps and websites that people use on a day-to-day basis. A web designer often interprets the ideas and imagination of the website creators or owners, producing visually how they perceive the owners want their site to look. Small sites usually involve the creation of […]

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How to Design a Mobile App for an m-Commerce Business

Not so long back, entrepreneurs doubted if they needed a mobile-responsive site. When desktop-based online stores were already performing quite well, wouldn’t spending on mobile optimization be a redundant investment? Gradually, stats coming from reported sources blew their minds, and consequently, their perceptions changed. Mobile-responsiveness became a necessity than a choice. In 2017, eCommerce stores […]

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Avoid These 4 Design Errors that Could Ruin Your Print Media Marketing Efforts

Print media is relevant as a marketing tool even in a world where social media is a big deal. There is nothing wrong if you consider the use of social media and other internet marketing techniques as long as you do not forget about the use of print media. Using print media for advertising is […]

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The Client Guide to Software Development Agencies – Overview of Product Design

In the world of software development, many great ideas have been crippled by bad design. While it can be tempting to think that a great idea will sell itself, actually getting people to buy into it can be a more difficult journey than expected. All the advertising and marketing in the world won’t help if […]

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Designing Better Mobile Experiences for All of Your Clients’ Websites

As a design agency professional, you must design your clients’ websites with a mobile-first approach in mind. Mobile-first user experiences make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for quickly and encourage them to take action. Doing so can help increase conversions and boost sales. With this in mind, in this article, we’ll […]

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Optimizing Your Conversions: 4 Essential Metrics Trackable with Google Analytics

If you’ve invested time and money into a great website and thorough marketing, why wouldn’t you measure the impact of that investment? Determining what works and what doesn’t is the only way to consistently meet greater and greater goals. That’s why we rely on Google Analytics to help us measure the performance of our efforts. […]

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Best Examples Of Editorial Designs To Inspire Your Creativity

You may have never realized it, but editorial designs combine the way information is presented in magazines, nooks, and newspapers in such a way to catch your eye.Designing these mediums has become increasingly difficult and challenging as we have moved towards a more digital age. With that in mind, editorial designs have been adapted to […]

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How to Choose the Best Photo Editor for Designing a Website

A lot of people understand photography as pointing and shooting objects on a camera. Obviously, that’s true, but it’s also only half the process. Photography, or rather professional photography, is a two-step process. In most cases, the second step is more important than the first, since it involves editing the captured images. The image editing […]

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Cool Textures: Top 15 Best Ideas To Inspire Your Next Project

When you’re thinking about textures, what is it that you’re looking for? Why do you want to add texture? People seek out textures to use on web design to create because it has the power to give a web site depth. There is an important distinction between texture and patterns, so we’re going to start...

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