HTTP vs Messaging for Microservices Communications

Microservices architecture has gained popularity recently as a technique for creating sophisticated and scalable software systems. Microservices are scalable, independently deployable services that talk to one another across a network.

Making it easier for these services to communicate with one another is one of the major problems with a microservices design. HTTP and messaging are two popular methods for microservices communication.

How to Format a Number as Currency in JavaScript

Every country has its currency and different patterns or ways of displaying monetary amounts. When we appropriately express a number, it is easier to read and comprehend for readers.

When you use data from an API or an external resource, it will be in some generic format. For instance, if you are creating a store, you may have data such as pricing.

PHP Implode and Explode Functions

Imploding and Exploding are two crucial PHP features that are available for use on strings or arrays. Implode() and explode() are two built-in PHP functions that can help us with these tasks.

When working with arrays and strings in PHP, the imploding and exploding functions are frequently utilized. Using a code sample as a guide, we will learn how to utilize implode in PHP. We will also look at an example of how to utilize explode in PHP.