Angular’s Evolution: Embracing Change in the Web Development Landscape

In the world of web development, frameworks come and go, but some - like Angular - make a lasting impact. This blog post delves into Angular's journey, exploring its rise, the challenges it has faced, and how it's adapting to stay relevant in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

The Rise and Challenge of Angular

Angular version 1.0, also known as AngularJS, was released by Google in the year 2010. During that period, AngularJS emerged as a frontrunner in the race for web development frameworks. In its early days, it was celebrated for its distinct features such as data binding, model view architecture, and testing capabilities. Those features, as well as its support for dependency injection, quickly made it a preferred choice for developers.

Build a To-Do Application With React and Firebase

To-do applications are one of the ways you can use to manage a set of tasks. As developers, learning how to build a to-do application will also help to understand certain concepts one of which includes an understanding of how to build an application with a database.

In this article, you will learn how to build a to-do web app by making use of React.js and Firebase Database.

A First Look at How To Set Up React 18 Alpha With Snowpack and Vercel

React 18 Alpha With Snowpack and Vercel

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation and Set up of React Using Snowpack
  3. Folder Structure
  4. Code Overview
  5. Running the Application
  6. Deployment Process Using Vercel
  7. Conclusion


Earlier this month the React Team released some updates concerning the release of React 18. These updates include the following:

The A-Z of Web Development

Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day.
Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime.
― Muhammad Waseem


As we all know, web development is a very vast and wide field. The career path in this field can come in a different way, shape or form.