What Is Retesting?

Retesting is a software testing technique that involves executing test cases again for a software application or system after defects have been fixed or changes have been made to ensure that the defects have been resolved and the changes made have not introduced new defects.  

The purpose of retesting is to verify that the previous defects have been fixed and that the application or system is working as expected. It is an important part of the software testing process as it helps to ensure that the application or system is functioning correctly and meets the specified requirements.  

What Is BDD? – A Complete Guide

Behavior Driven Development, or BDD for short, is a subset of the values outlined by Test Driven Development. We create the object correctly when using test-driven development. Contrarily, behaviour-driven development makes sure we create the right object. Essentially, TDD is extended by behaviour-driven development.

Using Cucumber and SpecFlow in a BDD testing framework enables non-technical product owners to specify application behaviour as human-readable text.

SDLC Vs STLC: What’s the Difference?

What Is STLC?

STLC stands for software testing life cycle, and it consists of several phases that must be completed in order to test software applications. STLC consists of several phases that are used to test software programs and guarantee that they meet user requirements.

STLC Phases Are as Below:

  1. Requirement Analysis
  2. Test Planning
  3. Test Case Development
  4. Test Case Execution
  5. Test Closure

1) Requirement Analysis: One of the most significant phases of the STLC is requirement analysis, in which the task owner will connect with multiple stakeholders (clients, business analysts, technical leads, and system architects, among others) to determine the requirements. The testing team analyses the requirements from a testing standpoint to find the testable requirements during the Requirement analysis phase.

What Is ERP Testing? – A Brief Guide

What Is ERP Testing?

"ERP testing" is a term used to describe verifying the functionality of your ERP software solution during implementation. ERP testing is a quality assurance (QA) process that verifies the ERP system is correctly implemented and functioning before it is fully launched.

ERP testing at different installation stages helps avoid unpleasant surprises such as the program crashing during go-live. It also minimizes the number of bugs identified after they have been implemented.