When ML Meets DevOps: How To Understand MLOps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have taken over the world in recent years, becoming crucial components of practically any industry, from retail and entertainment to healthcare and banking. These technologies have the power to radically transform enterprises by automating operations, reducing costs, and boosting decision-making by analyzing huge volumes of data. The number of AI and ML projects has risen dramatically recently, creating the difficulty of effective ML project management. That is how MLOps entered center stage in the tech industry.

What Is MLOps?

MLOps, or Machine Learning Operations, is a methodology for optimizing ML lifecycles in order to accelerate the creation of AI-powered applications. It follows DevOps-like techniques for rapid and dependable software development in the ML sector. MLOps, like DevOps, fosters collaborative thinking, enabling constant communication among data scientists, software engineers, and data experts. It covers all aspects of the ML process, from data collection and model creation to final deployment and constant project enhancement.