A Complete Guide For Your First TestNG Automation Script

The love of automation testers, TestNG, is a Java testing framework that can be used to drive a Selenium automation script. When it comes to automation, no one can compete with Selenium. If you are planning to dive into the field of automation testing, TestNG can be right for you.

For a beginner, it can be difficult to determine a good starting point, so in this blog, we have come up with a step-by-step method to assist you in getting started with your first automation test script.

Top 10 Books for Getting Started with Automation Testing

"There is no friend as loyal as a book." — Ernest Hemingway

Books have always been a friend to mankind for a long time. Digitalization has changed our way of reading, however, the pleasure and knowledge gained from hardcover books is incomparable. But when it comes to finding out the top books, it may require a lot of research. Everyone is very much inclined towards the digital world, always engrossed in computer screens doing their work, and when they get stuck they have to again withstand the screen to find out the solution.

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad parsing

JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a ubiquitous data format used by all sorts of mobile and web apps for asynchronous browser-server communication. JSON is an extremely popular data format, very easy to work with, compatible with every major programming language, and is supported by every major browser. However, just like any programming language, it throws a lot of errors when it decides that today is not going to be your day.

JSON.Parse Syntax Errors

In most web applications, nearly all data transferred from a web server is transmitted in a string format. To convert that string into JSON, we use the JSON.parse() function, and this is the main function that throws errors. Nearly all JSON.parse errors are a subset of the SyntaxError error type. The debugging console throws around 32 different error messages when you mess up your JSON data. And some of them are very tricky to debug; and yes I am talking about you unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data.

Automated Cross-Browser Testing

Testing a website in a single browser using automation script is a clean and simple way to accelerate your testing. With a single click, you can test your website for all possible errors without manually clicking and navigating to web pages. It's a modern marvel of software ingenuity that saves hours of manual time and accelerates productivity. However, for all this magic to happen, you would need to build your automation script first.

In a previous post, we focused on setting up a complete test suite environment for running selenium scripts. But that script had a major drawback. That setup was focused on testing on only a single browser. Cross-browser compatibility testing is a major pain point for all testers and it’s also a major test case for all functionality testing cycles.