How I Used Hotglue and Databox to Monitor All My KPIs in One Place

Being able to visualize your company's KPIs (key performance indicators) is one of the most essential components of understanding your business. But monitoring them across many different platforms can be an absolute hassle.

You have to check how many users are visiting your site via Google Analytics, how users are interacting with your site through Mixpanel, and how your recurring revenue is trending in Stripe. I hated having to deal with this for my business, so I decided to find a solution that would let me see all of this data in one place.

Data Integration and ETL for Dummies (Like Me)

In early 2020, I was introduced to the idea of data integration through a friend who was working in the industry. Yes, I know. Extremely late. All I knew about it was that I could have my data in one (virtual) place and then have it magically appear in another (virtual) place. I had no clue how it was done or how important it was to modern businesses.

To give you some background, my past work experience is not in any kind of technical space. It is in business development and marketing for non-technical products. I probably should have been more aware of the technical world around me, but for now, you must forgive me for my ignorance.