Managed MQTT Broker Comparison — Console/Dashboard Features

This is the second article in the "Managed MQTT Broker Comparison" series. Here is the link to the first article.  

Brokers I Choose to Compare

I choose the products from independent MQTT Broker vendors who focus on this area instead of other IoT fields. Compared to the comprehensive IoT platform like AWS IoT Core or Azure IoT Hub, the independent products are more flexible and avoid binding with particular cloud services. Managed MQTT Brokers are usually the cloud implement of self-hosted MQTT Broker.

Managed MQTT Broker Comparison — Product Packages and Pricing

What Is Managed MQTT Broker? What’s the Benefit? 

MQTT, “message queuing telemetry transport,” was created to solve problems of efficient use of the bandwidth of the low-speed data channel. Accordingly, server solutions (in particular messaging brokers) were needed to serve the operation of this protocol. 

Since cloud solutions are currently distributed in almost all areas of information technology, the corresponding cloud systems, or managed brokers, have appeared in the field of management and monitoring of the Internet of Things.