How to Use Sagas to Process Orders

Hi All! Today I would like to digress a bit about how it’s possible to use a Saga to orchestrate a very simple Order Processing workflow. We’re going to use OpenSleigh, of course, to do all the grunt work for us.

It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been dragged a bit, by life and my work on OpenSleigh. I have also been quite busy preparing for a bunch of talks I’m about to give in April.

ASP.NET Core Structured Logging — Introduction

Hi all! In this post, we'll see what's the difference between "standard" and "structured" logging and how the latter can help us tracing down issues in our systems.

But first, let's begin with a question. Ever had to go through countless log messages to find a single tiny entry?

How to Deploy Azure Function Apps With Powershell

Hi All! Today I want to show a quick’n’dirty way to easily deploy your projects to Azure using Powershell.

I’ve been working a lot recently with Azure Functions and Web Apps. And of course, each time I’m confident with my code, I want to see it deployed on the Cloud.

Event Sourcing on Azure

Hi All! With this post, we’ll start a new Series about Event Sourcing on Azure. We’re going to talk a bit about the pattern, general architecture, and the individual building blocks. Then in the next posts, we’ll dig more and see each one in detail.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you might know that I wrote already about Event Sourcing in the past. It’s a complex pattern, probably one of the most complex to get right. I enjoy the challenges it gives and how it causes a whole plethora of other patterns to be evaluated in conjunction (CQRS anyone?).