What Are Microservices Architecture and How Do They Work?

In the era of mobile computing, app developers should be able to deploy actions quickly and make changes without redeploying the entire app. As a result, it has led to a new way of building software called "microservices." Microservices are small, self-contained parts of an app that each do their job and talk to each other through APIs

Even though these microservices are different, they work together to complete the job. Microservices are becoming an essential part of modern app architecture, so let's talk about what microservices architecture is, how they work, and why they are helpful.

How Does Augmented Reality (AR) Differ From Virtual Reality (VR)?

In the current fast-paced environment, both AR and VR are becoming more and more useful. Both technologies have a lot in common with each other, but they are also very different. So, in this article, we'll explain the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality.

What Is AR vs. VR?

AR is a digitally enhanced version of reality in which users can communicate with graphical interfaces that look like a mobile phone or an app. Augmented reality is the technology that connects digital data like text, images, and 3D Models in a real-world atmosphere.

Python Web Frameworks: Everything You Need to Know

Python is one of the best frameworks available for web application development. Although other frameworks exist, Python is the most promising and offers various features required to develop ultra-modern web applications. 

If you are looking for a framework to launch a professional web-based application, then Python will be the right choice. This article is dedicated to the Python Web Framework, and here we have tried to cover all the related aspects.