Publish/Subscribe and Asynchronous API Integrations

Publish/Subscribe and Asynchronous API Integrations

This article introduces features built into Zato that let you take advantage of publish/subscribe topics and message queues in communication between Zato services, API clients, and backend systems.


Let's start by recalling the basic means through which services can invoke each other.

Broadcasting Messages to WebSocket API Clients

Invoking individual WebSocket connections has been supported since Zato 3.0, and Zato 3.1 adds new functionality on top of it — message broadcasting — which lets one notify all the clients connected to a particular channel. Here is how to use it.


Let's say that there is a WebSocket channel such as the one here:

Zato: A Successful Python 3 Migration Story

Now that Python 3 support is available as a preview for developers, this post summarizes the effort that went into making sure that Zato works smoothly using both Python 2.7 and 3.x.

In fact, the works required were remarkably straightforward and trouble-free, and the article discusses the thought process behind it, some of the techniques applied, and tools used.