The Impacts of Blockchain on the Software Development Industry

Blockchain is the most reliable technology in recent times that caters to our responsibility of complying with the IT compliance obligations. Blockchain technology not only secures the data and transactions but also simplifies the processes involved in developing software products. 

This possibility of any intricate system becoming a part of a larger, more trustworthy network of transactions makes it a promising technology for companies to adopt.

Checklist for Thinking About Cybersecurity in Connected Vehicles

A comprehensive approach to security is essential for the protection of connected vehicle systems. This article presents a set of security recommendations based on analyzing security risks for each step in developing and deploying AI and other connectivity systems in autonomous vehicles.

The recommendations are intended to be used as a roadmap by vehicle manufacturers, system integrators, suppliers, and other stakeholders to ensure that an end-to-end approach to security is applied throughout the lifecycle of AI components.

How to Manage Vulnerabilities on Your Home Network

Cables image.

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Many people erroneously assume that their home networks are too small to be targeted by cyberattackers and that cybersecurity is only meant for enterprises. Nothing could be more wrong. If the past few years have taught us anything about cybersecurity, it is that nothing is too small to be exploited, not even the smallest IoT device. Therefore, people need to be more serious about managing vulnerabilities on their home networks beyond the basic passwords. Now that many people are working from home, home security is more important than ever. 

Cyber Hackers Are Advancing! 8 Tips To Ensure Ultimate Security Online

With the vast amount of internet fraud, security breaches, and digital crime, the call to fortify your key business data has never been louder!

Well, the world wide web is not what it used to be. As businesses grow globally, and more business infrastructures are connected, cybercriminals have come to realize the importance of the data that organizations are protecting. Also, the recent surge in technological advancement has made everyone from solopreneurs to large scale firms more vulnerable to attacks now more than ever.

How to Effectively Harness the Power of AI in PCB Manufacturing

Printed Circuit Board. Source

The emergence of AI has also extended its application to the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturing industry with amazing subsets like machine learning and deep learning, whose characteristics can serve as a huge game-changer in designing PCBs.

Before we dive into how these technologies can positively impact the PCB industry, let's look at the power and benefits that AI possesses to bring to the table if applied in the PCB manufacturing process.

Are You Using a VPN or Malware Disguised as a VPN to Gain Access to Your Data?

Recent research has revealed that many VPNs currently installed on Android and iOS are infested with malware of all kinds. Including trojans, spyware, riskware, and adware programs, users face all kinds of risks. And this goes for both free and paid alternatives.

Additional to the inadequate security, some VPNs risk user privacy — the one job they should be doing — by asking all kinds of permissions. Careful analysis by security experts shows the sensitive information these services ask access to even when they only need basic data to safely connect the user to the Internet. Some go as far as demanding access to external storage and precise location.