Understanding Database Indexes

Although it can be challenging to choose which type to use, database indexes are necessary for enhancing query efficiency. We'll discuss the various database index types, their benefits and drawbacks, and when to utilize each one in this blog post. Read on to discover more about database indexing and how it might benefit your company.

What Is a Database Index?

A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table. Essentially, it is like an index in the back of a textbook that provides quick access to specific information, allowing for faster searches of data. It can be used to facilitate faster sorting and retrieval of records from a table by providing an alternative path to access the data. Indexes can significantly improve the performance of SELECT queries, but they also slow down INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations. Creating the right indexes in a database can optimize query performance, providing your system with a great advantage over other applications.

Multi-Cloud Database Deep Dive

Multi-cloud databases have gained popularity as a result of the constant growth in the amount of data that enterprises need to store and access. Businesses can combine the advantages of both public and private cloud alternatives with the help of these databases. However, how can you choose the multi-cloud database that is best for your company? We'll talk about the numerous solutions accessible and their benefits and drawbacks in this blog post.

1. What Are Multi-Cloud Databases?

Multi-cloud databases are databases that are distributed across multiple cloud providers for increased resiliency and redundancy. This ensures that the data is safe from a single point of failure and is not dependent on a single cloud provider. Through this approach, should there be an outage on one cloud provider, the user is able to maintain their database operations as the other cloud provider will be unaffected. Multi-cloud databases can mean that the user will have to manage multiple databases, however, this can be mitigated by selecting a database like CockroachDB, a Multi-active multi-cloud resilient database solution.

3 Ways to Install CockroachDB — Binary, Docker, or Kubernetes

Today I am going to show you how to get started with distributed SQL databases so you can start developing your application locally on your laptop.

Method 1 — Binary

Installing CockroachDB

  • Download the Binary and add it to your path
curl https://binaries.cockroachdb.com/cockroach-v20.2.8.darwin-10.9-amd64.tgz | tar -xJ