Frequency for Performing Database Integrity Checks in SQL Server

In this article, we will learn some recommendations for checking the database's integrity in an SQL Server. We will see how often we should perform an integrity check and how to automate this process.

What Is Database Integrity?

SQL Server can have problems with the tables, indexes, catalogs, etc. When we check integrity, we verify that there are no consistency errors in the database.

[Fixed] Database in Recovery Mode SQL Server 2014


This post discusses the instances that put a SQL Server 2014 database in recovery mode and what causes the database to get stuck in recovery. Also, it discusses the methods to restore the database. 

You may find a SQL Server 2014 database in recovery mode when you restart the SQL Server service or restore a database from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Also, a database goes into recovery mode if you restart a system abnormally. The database goes into recovery in such a scenario until all the active transactions are committed or rolled back. Let the recovery process complete, and the database comes back online.

How To Recover SQL Server FILESTREAM Enabled Database


Besides storing table-based data in SQL Server, you can also store Binary Large Object (BLOB) data as files using the SQL Server FILESTREAM feature. This feature allows the storing of the varbinary(max) objects onto the file system instead of placing them inside a database. However, you can create a database with a 'FILESTREAM' filegroup, allowing you to perform actions on the data stored in the file system using the database.

Sometimes, when saving files to a database using FILESTREAM in SQL Server, the files may turn corrupt. Also, modifying or deleting the files placed in the file system folder (as FILESTREAM data container) may result in consistency errors reported by DBCC CHECKDB. To fix the errors, you can try restoring the database to its original state. But if the backup is not available, repairing the FILESTREAM database using the DBCC CHECKDB command with the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option may help.

How to Perform Object Level Recovery in SQL Server

When a SQL Server database turns corrupt and cannot be repaired, you can restore it from a recent backup to recover objects and data. However, the problem arises when you need to perform object level recovery instead of performing a full database backup.

In other words, there may arise a need to restore a specific table or any other object from the database backup, rather than the complete database. But, there is no direct method to perform object level recovery.

How to Restore Database Backup With T-SQL

Let’s learn how to restore a SQL Server database backup for Microsoft SQL Server. Restoring is a method of copying data from a backup and applying logged transactions to the data. Restore is basically taking a database backup and turning it back into a database. There are different procedures of restoring a database backup which include using T-SQL code, SQL Server Management Studio, or third-party applications. This article will not dive into how backups are taken but you should at least be aware that backups are taken purposely to be restored when the database becomes corrupt or crashes, migrating the database, making a copy of the database, and other business requirements. In this crash course, we will be focusing mainly on how to restore using the T-SQL code.


There is the assumption that the backup for the database is readily available and the file location is known. We also have permission to access the file/directory as long as there are no corruption or disk issues with the backup file. Also, during the restore process of the database, you will need exclusive access to the database, which means no other user connections can connect to the database.

How to Resolve SQL Database Error 2537


A common error in SQL Server is the following:

Msg 2537, Level 16, State 0, Line 3 Table error: Object ID 18355554736, index ID 2, partition ID 78757594068474104, alloc unit ID 79037221108706816 (type In-row data), page (1:3269523), row 4. The record check (valid computed column) failed. The values are 7 and 1.